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9074881 No.9074881 [Reply] [Original]

>My sides

>> No.9075041


>> No.9075389

Kinda a dick move, but corecucks asked for it.
If it was my website I would just call it BTC Core and BTC Cash.

>> No.9075442

Imagine being so butthurt that your shitcoin has 1% of the hashing power of the main network that you feel the need to live forever in it's shadow.

Bcash could have been amazing, and taken bitcoin's place. But they ruined it by naming it bitcoin cash. Just call it something cool like ethereum and it would've done fine.

>> No.9075460
File: 32 KB, 1203x155, satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that newfags?

>> No.9075488
File: 6 KB, 250x164, 1514545129782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a bunch of bloodsucking parasites faggots.

>> No.9075516

hehehe, corecucks arent gonna like this

>> No.9075548

>Amazon Cash is the real Amazon
Congrats on reminding consumers why trademark laws were invented. S M H

>> No.9075607
File: 69 KB, 1168x722, 1514229428388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9075632

Corelets must be really upset that a "fake" Bitcoin is actually better than the original plagued by S2X and lightning shit

>> No.9075685

Any consumer anywhere should be upset when a group deliberately misuses trademarks to mislead consumers. Many users have already lost funds because of Bcash's deliberately misleading naming conventions.

>> No.9075727

show where it's misleading

>> No.9075772

> decentralized cryptocurrencies
> bringing up trademarks
don't embarass yourself

>> No.9075893

Best example is cashies taking over /r/btc. Go ahead and defend that.

>> No.9075967

r/btc was never 'taken over' you mongoloid. It was there as an alternative to r/theymos otherwise referred to as r/bitcoin. Naturally Bitcoin Cash supporters have come into the sub but it was never a takeover. If anything, r/bitcoin is the one that's been taken over with its ridiculous censorship.

>> No.9076021

No, we're fine with you playing with your little research project.
We're not fine with you robbing newcomers out of their hard earned money by fraudulently advertising your experiment as the "the real Bitcoin", a provably false statement.

>> No.9076041

Every post is pro bcash anti bitcoin.
BTC is the bitcoin ticker.
The takeover of /r/btc by cashies is morally indefensible.
It would be like /r/USA being run by Chinese.

>> No.9076099

You snooze you lose newfags

>> No.9076125

Not really, sure it is pro BCH, but you can freely discuss BTC and even criticize BCH as long as you don't go full retard calling it BEEECASH!.

>> No.9076149
File: 127 KB, 441x444, 1523103532300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, we're not losing...

>> No.9076193

>sure it is pro BCH
How is it acceptable to you that /r/BTC is pro BCH?

>> No.9076262

You will be. Bch has the infrastructure, financial backing, and the tech to succeed. I mean, if Bitcoin.com and @bitcoin is telling you bch is bitcoin then...

>> No.9076313

Everytime there's good bitcoin news the corecucks always brigade this to the front page on reddit. Took about 50 posts before normies started to realize the corecucks are trying to do damage control and astroturf

>> No.9076344


>> No.9076396

How can I sue Bcash promoters for falsifying information that led me to buy Bcash? do we have a case?

>> No.9076461

>I thought I was buying Bitcoin supported by Blockstream and Samson Maw and FluffyPony and WhalePanda

>> No.9076486

What have "cypher punks" become?

>> No.9077149

>>9075442 try 20% and core difficulty adjustment on Thursday