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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9070628 No.9070628 [Reply] [Original]

The days of Bitcoin are numbered. Once Proof of Stake comes, Ethereum will be a better store of value than Bitcoin.
Have fun with your LN, when Ethereum has Raiden network, which is more secure and doesn't even need Segwit.

>> No.9070648


you moron, staking is a meme, all staking coins ultimately get justed.

Literally all mining coins ultimately appreciate.

>> No.9070676
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>all staking coins ultimately get justed.
convincing argumentation, stay salty

>> No.9070759

>hold coins in a wallet
>get richer for doing nothing

PoS is a bad thing.

>> No.9070794

maintaining consensus by endorsing blocks by putting your capital on the line isn’t ‘doing nothing’.

p.s. Tezos will be launching with 100% god-tier proof of stake out of the gate, no awkward hard forks and mixed mining rewards to navigate.

>> No.9070796




>> No.9070801


Tezos looks to be the first real PoS coin. How much longer until ETH goes PoS?

>> No.9070905

>Tezos looks to be the first real PoS coin
There are some PoS coins out there already, also many semi-PoS ones and more are coming. NEO, EOS, Steem, Stratis, PIVX,...
I am interested in Tezos as well. They have been very quiet recently, which is often a good sign in the crypto world. A team that is actually working and not just marketing.

>How much longer until ETH goes PoS?
The Ethereum devs have said that they don't really like to announce deadlines or such. PoS was released on a testnet in December and some adjustments are still in the works. Most believe it will come this summer. So... I am believing it will come early autumn. Just to not get my hopes up too soon.

>> No.9070947
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Bow to the future king, peasants

>> No.9070955

>PoS is a bad thing.
Is this true?
>be rich, buy miners, get free coins (PoW)
>be rich, buy coins, get free coins (PoS)

>> No.9070981


Mine coins, now you have to sell them.

Stake coins, now you hodl them even more.

For something to be a currency, it has to circulate.

Stakers, are very susceptible to panic dumps too.

>> No.9071009

Thanks anon, i'll check that link out. PoS certainly looks to be the future imo

>> No.9071024

You're doing it wrong OP.
Raiden, Lightning who gives a shit? Plasma is going to fuck like a stallion. Even bitcoin will have to use it. Your debit card will use it. Your Ralph's Rewards card will use it. Anybody that doesn't use it will lose money. And nobody will even notice it.
Do your research. The reason ETH is taking so long for Casper+Sharding, is they've learned from all of the previous exploits and corruption.

And you better believe BTC will have to go POS in order to prevent the lightning network from turning into a fractional reserve. Even then, staking your own currency is still a conflict of interest.

>> No.9071028


My beJusus WTF :D :D :D

Just after the POS phase you gonna be piiiiink.

>> No.9071032

One has incentive to compete, the other has incentive not to sell. Guess which one attracts more hashrate?

>> No.9071073

> tezos will be launching
Of course it will anon, of course it will.