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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9069133 No.9069133 [Reply] [Original]

>So tonight come home from work.
>Girlfriend happy to see me.
>I bring cheap wine
>extra happy to see me
>”anon I need your help”
>always ‘appy to ‘elp m’lady
>she is a paralegal
>says her boss asks her to find out about bitcoin and how to track it.
>I say no. Knee jerk reaction to thinking of fellow biztard being sold out by me to greedy females.

She gets pissed off and starts acting all cold. I agree after some thought (considering she could pretty easily find out most of the info on her own,) and she refuses my help.

I’m fucking livid, like it was some sort of fucking female test. Bitch always times me out anytime I even broach the subject.

>> No.9069298

>she refuses my help.
Have you heard of malicious compliance?

Honey, I'm sorry. Let me help you.
>"Hmph. No."
Okay if you say so
*Sits down, cracks open a beer.*

>> No.9069413
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Exactly. I was like “fine I offered.”

Fuck that I’m not gonna be manipulated emotionally... The fact that she thinks that will work on me is somewhat insulting... we usually have a good relationship but this really burned my biscuits

>> No.9069456

maybe next time you should say 'let me think about it' instead of 'no'.

>> No.9069461

Imagine being this feeble and clueless with women

>> No.9069471

Why didnt you just help her retard?

>> No.9069475

She should respect your moral views. You need to make it known that it was a moral objection and not just laziness. It's your girlfriend, you have to be honest with them or what's the point.

>> No.9069494
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Yes thank you. As I said it was knee jerk, but also I badically felt like after thinking about it and agreeing I basically failed a Fucking “time test” like “too late”?

That’s fucking passive aggressive

>> No.9069499

nigs what's there to be pissed about
>saved your time
>you didn't want to do it
If you don't let it get to you, you basically win on 3 points.

>> No.9069506
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Imagine being a smoooooooth guy that knows it all!

School us ace! Show us your moves!!

>> No.9069511

take your normie unrelated bullshit to r9k. sage, hidden, reported

>> No.9069516

And then she's left bagholding a project and feels stupid because you don't care about her manipulation tactics. That's like 5 good points for you.

>> No.9069547
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I did. I explained it was moral and also just a gut reaction.

They get ONE fucking do over, she can accept or not. After that I’m checking out. She does fucking weird ADD behaviors anytime I even lightly broach any finance conversation, then pulls this shit.

>> No.9069568

Are any of you even capable of normal human interactions? Your girlfriend just wanted to engage you on a subject you know about. It was no big deal, and you spazzed out.

>> No.9069576
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Sounds like you’re the robot faggot.

Is it Opposite Day in Australia Paul?

>> No.9069601

You’re interpreting it that way, I don’t spaz about anything.

I just know I’m not the only one dealing with fucking passive aggressive bullshit from females related to this topic.

She sure didn’t mind enjoying some of my gains with me...

>> No.9069610

nobody here can profit from your dumb whore of a gf so we don't care what you do or say
just get the fuck off this board

>> No.9069615

Yeah man, fuck that. Good partners/mates understand and respect each others strong moral views. Hopefully it clicks for her if you like her that much.

>> No.9069648
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>he can’t profit from understanding female psyche.

When you get your first prostitute/gf I hope you look back, not in anger.

>> No.9069690
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Yeah I’m sure. We are 5 years in and normally it’s respectful and open, but divorce/female entitlement/finance + bad behavior really macerates my mulberries

>> No.9069857

>supposed to be be an emotional bulwark against her tempest

You did fail the test.

>> No.9069867

List source?

>> No.9069869

Paralegals are scum. They're like lawyers with fewer morals. It's the perfect field for jews, it also happens to be a field that is filled with women.

>> No.9069939

Business & Finance, sorry
TL;DR to be honest, this post only tangentially concerns /biz/, by virtue of references to bitcoin, and to the delightful word biztard, blablabla

>> No.9069959

dont worry anon this was probably the tipping point to where she's had enough of your autism and will be leaving you shortly

>> No.9069967

Whats up with reddcoin, i thought they never deliver on anything.

>> No.9069969
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It’s gotta be 95% female fo sho.

Fine with me. I feel completely content with the outcome.

The list is from a couple months ago. Secret telegram.

>Very good info sir. Only .1 ETH to join fine sir. Please sir no commitments! Moon missions garunteed!

>> No.9069994

>>always ‘appy to ‘elp m’lady
Anybody who says this shit, unironically or not, is worse than a beta fucking male. You're an omega male.

>> No.9070005
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Go watch CNBC you chode

>> No.9070019
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>> No.9070034
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>> No.9070211

>coping this hard

You know I'm right. Go pickup a book and improve yourself. Your girlfriend sounds like a cunt, and you let her act this way.

>> No.9070284

I find this post confusing