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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9068819 No.9068819 [Reply] [Original]

Bedtime story. Now.

>> No.9068854
File: 492 KB, 460x3740, The Tale of Wagie Wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9069072
File: 1.78 MB, 2560x1600, illust_68215520_20180420_213031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day a cutie girl named Linkies want for make cutie stack of money !

So she ask around, and eventually froggie tell her that there lost of gold in cave over there!

So cutie girl get all dressed up for cave looking super cute, she happy that after find gold she no longer be poor and cry herself for sleep every night.

But when she go into cave it not like all what froggie said cave smelly, humid and warm. After some search she not find gold. So she make way out of cave!

But right before Ms. Cutie exit cave, the cave close on her!

She look down and floor wet and pink. She lean down and poke cave floor, to her surprise this startled the floor!

The floor fly up at her, it was wet!
All the sudden miss cutie found herself in ocean of muscle, her body whipped around like feathers in wind.

Cutie was terrified at this point, this not cave! She concluded.....

>> No.9069126

what is it about vore that you find attractive? The total defeat? Lost of control? also
>absolute state of /biz/

>> No.9069151
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>>9068819 tfw thats my post

>> No.9069191
File: 51 KB, 850x400, quote-it-s-no-measure-of-health-to-be-well-adjusted-to-a-profoundly-sick-society-jiddu-krishnamurti-105335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time there was a boy named Sergey... That boy grew up to become the man who would liberate NEETs from their dellusions. He did so by making them rich by EOY. The end

>> No.9069258

whoever keeps posting that stop
i know its the same person because the filename is always the same.

>> No.9069283
File: 3.91 MB, 5000x5000, illust_63657258_20180420_222109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me think it cute that if eaten whole you have spend rest of life in comically agonizing acid flesh bag. That plus humiliation of losing intimate struggle for life against predator make it pretty hot.

Also personally me am so worthless feeding higher order creature with body the most useful thing me can do XD

>> No.9069308

this was fucking amazing

>> No.9069360

Anon, I....
What's your disease?

>> No.9069435

>The year is 2030
>you head on over to the annual LINKmarine gala in NYC
>hand the keys to your Mclaren over to the valet (lambos are corecuck tier)
>Promise him a tip that could feed him and his family for a year if he treats your one of many cars right
>head in to gala
>it's full of well-dressed autism
>don't need to show any ID to get in, the staff are ordered months beforehand to memorize every single face that was invited
>waiters walking around with caviar, lobster, and big macs on trays
>Sergey is chatting up the girl with the big mac tray, before smacking her ass and ushering her along

Anon, you made it!

>A fellow /biz/raeli greets you
Nice to see you here again this year!
>you've made so many friends in this past 12 years. Cars and women were nice, but now you have people around you that you like and trust

And now, ladies and gentlemen, let us begin!

>double door open to reveal a ballroom with tables end to end with food, a lavious buffet
>There's a basketball court for those who want to get their game on
>There's orgy room is always stocked with beautiful women and men
>There's even a video game room if you're not really into parties
>There are individual bedrooms prepared for every patron, if they wish to sleep there


>The party winds down
>You decide it's finally time to fly back home
>hail the valet driver
>he brings you your Mclaren
>you tip him 0.0000001 LINK

>> No.9069677

>in a thread about linkie bedtime stories
>"don't post that linkie bedtime story"

>> No.9069730
File: 118 KB, 600x338, 9BC7F1E1-2F70-4D81-A016-B2500E3D31D1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once there was a blockchain named EOS.
And NEO, BTC, and BNB.
They were all linked together.

>> No.9069746

9/10 bedtime story

>> No.9069784

>There's even a video game room if you're not really into parties
You know your linkies.