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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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906797 No.906797 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /Biz/. I have recently become aware of a watch I want. Its cost is around 8k $.

What is the fastest way to make 8k USD, in a legal, practical manner. I have access to lawyers (family) and willing to spend max 1k USD to start it. I have no expenditures and a semi-decent amount of time. I am not willing to prostitute myself, either physically or as a wageslave.

Should I start a small buisness with a new idea on a market I'm familiar with (My current plan, I have some innovative marketing ideas regarding video games) or is there an easier way?

Thanks in advance.

>> No.906799

Do not spend 8k on a timepiece.

>> No.906800

become an online watch reviewer, create a blog that you have to review high end watches

then you can buy the watch, and have the government reimburse you it's cost (as a business expense, they mail a check to you after you file your 1099)

>> No.906802

I have recently become aware that you're an idiot

>> No.906808

I'm going to break your post down into its most basic elements for you.

-You want to make $8,000 to buy a watch.
-You have $1,000 to invest towards this goal/use towards the watch
-You have access to lawyers (Who presumably with for free in your mind)
-You will not work
-You may start a business
-Your only business idea is "innovative ways to market videogames"

We're left with a few logical outcomes as far as questions are concerned.

>How can I get an 800% return on an investment?
>How can I make a lawyer earn me $8,000?
>What business can I start with the goal of only making $8,000 and not working very hard?
>Can I convince a game studio to give me $8,000 to market a game for them instead of their in-house marketing team?

My advice? Take the $1,000, go to the casino, bet on black. Let it ride three times. You have a 12.5% chance of getting your watch. Only hitch in this plan is that you're undoubtedly under 21.

>> No.906810

>then you can buy the watch, and have the government reimburse you it's cost (as a business expense, they mail a check to you after you file your 1099)
It really wouldn't surprise me if this is how /biz/ thinks taxes work.

>> No.906812

i'm trying to help OP out, stop trying to keep all the tax secrets for the big folk

the rest of us have to eat too

OP just email the IRS and ask them for the 1099 refund form and mention your watch

>> No.906813

Wearing expensive watches when you're poor is tacky

>> No.906936

You're ambition is to shitty to event try anything to get this watch OP

>> No.907205
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nigger detected

>> No.907212
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Maybe they all went to uni already.

>> No.907214

it's 700% return in this case, 800% would turn a $1000 into $9000

>> No.907221


>700% return

Poor in math or is English your second language? You're neglecting that you've spent $1000.

I spent $1000 and got 700% in return
I spent $1000 and got $7000 in return

I need $8000 though, arithmetic not your strong suit?

>> No.907247
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just order the same model from alibaba for $10 and nobody is able to tell the difference. watches are hilariously stupid. buy a better apartment or something

>> No.907275


>> No.907290


Eight grand watches are for people who can afford to drop eight grand on something completely unnecessary like a watch i.e. not you, OP.

I'm embarrassed for you right now, at the thought of you wearing this thing and dropping into the conversation how much it cost. I hope you buy it and some dude smashes fuck out of you and mugs you for it when you're walking back to your crummy one-bedroom apartment becasue you couldn't afford a cab.

>> No.907293


9000 bucks

> buy an appartment..

>> No.907315
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Some watches are a really good store of value and actually get you a good net return when selling it in a few decades.

Only spend 8000 on a watch though when you can easily spare the money.

Pic related, my 9600 euro breitling transocean 1461 moonphase.

>> No.907321

Also enjoy my toxic spewing vw passat

>> No.907510

Yeah, maybe.

>> No.907513

>owning a watch more expensive than your car
How to spot a pleb

>> No.907562

Op here.

You guys are pretty fucking dumb for a business board.

I'm willing to work for the money. I have tested my market and both parts (Customers and customers' clients) seem to have interest in this.

My family is well off, so spending 8k £ on a timepiece is not a waste, seeing as I am lacking nothing. I just want it to be made by myself.

Im not looking for fucking input on my business idea, I know its solid.

What I'm looking for was any interesting ideas (Besides the tax troll guy) regarding starting a business to earn a small amount of money (5-10k£).

Since you guys obviously can't help me there.

How do I know what value my product has with my consumer, aka - How do I price my product well? I am the only one offering this service I can find.

The service offers the company an insight into the parts of their focus group not currently buying their product - what is normally paid for this kind of feedback?

How can I contact medium to major firms more efficiently? Is it necessary to arrange meetings or can this be handled over E-mail?

P.S You cucks dont need to post your watches in this thread to impress each other.

>> No.907567

Bought the car for €43k 3 years ago. 170hp DSG automatic B7 highline with close to all options

The watch is €10k


Please at least check out the numbers before trying to be all cool.

>> No.907664

>My family is well off, so spending 8k £ on a timepiece is not a waste, seeing as I am lacking nothing.
What you are lacking is 8k. An eight thousand dollar watch is the sort of item that if you have to ask how much it costs you can't afford it.

Your business idea is poop. Video games are a terrible industry to be in all around and there is no money to be made there. You want the money for a ludicrously trivial item and if your parents were as well off as you claim they are you'd think they'd teach their kid some money sense.

This is why we laugh at you.

>> No.907673

>How can I contact medium to major firms more efficiently? Is it necessary to arrange meetings or can this be handled over E-mail?
You have a way to give companies better insight into market non-participants than their own focus groups. I'd say you can work this out. I mean, you have interest from them already, so you obviously are already in touch. I just don't understand the aversion to a face-to-face meeting.

Or you're lying and have done no such things, but that's impossible.

>> No.907684

What the fuck is a watch?

>> No.907722


I dont think you understand my friend. I want to own something I have acquired by my own hard work. If I wanted this watch for its own sake I would have begged my dad like a little spoiled bitch.

My idea has nothing to do with the direct making and selling of video games. There are plenty of money in my industry.

>Your business idea is poop.

Have I told you guys my business idea? How would you know mate?

>This is why we laugh at you.

Implying I care enough to do anything but reply out of indignation at your stupidity.

I have talked to people who were previously market leaders some time ago. Mentioned this idea (or what stage it was in at that point) when I was not planning on doing it. Asked for their input. So I have had a hard time contacting my ACTUAL customers now, which is a problem. I need their money afterall, and I know they wanna give it to me. I just need a couple of minutes to tell them why.

I know my customers customers are interested in responding and giving feedback to the company my way due to several interviews I have done with my customers focus groups.

>> No.908556

go to forex and buy/sell currencies - always win
or go to "robinhood" investment you can find it on biz catalog >>>/biz/catalog

>> No.908563

>decides on a whim he wants to buy something worth 8k
>it's not even something that is likely to hold value, and it's something he'll obviously want to wear so will be mugged for it
>he thinks his "innovative" ideas are actually innovative in a volatile market full of people who also have "innovative" ideas.

buy a cheap chinese copy, you won't meet anyone who will judge you for doing so. you will meet many people who will judge you negatively for buying the real thing when it cost you more than a percent of your income, though.
whatever about the business idea, maybe you do have a good idea, but it's unlikely. every chump who goes into the gaming market thinks their idea is better than everyone else's and they're usually wrong.

>> No.909210

Bro I asked my parents for that watch for HS graduation, I got it and now I never wear it. The point is, don't waste your money, I would much rather have that money for fucking around in stockmarket.

>> No.909294

>Hey guys, I want to turn 1k into 8k while not working yet somehow expect a practical way to do so! My only idea is some shit ass marketing idea that I say is so good that I easily have people interested, yet I somehow need to post on a Malaysian Crocheting Image Board for ideas! You fucks sure are stupid for thinking I'm not a dipshit!

>> No.909484

Open a Bovada account with 1K. Bet on sporting event, win. Repeat 3x. Buy watch.