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File: 132 KB, 500x400, Doctor-with-Tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9065655 No.9065655 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a doctor anon?

>never have to worry about "bear markets"

>amazing job security

>amazing pay

>> No.9065666

but I am

>> No.9065671

>dealing with niggers all day trying to scam the system

Yeah I'll pass

>> No.9065717


By the time you finished your medicine degree a young banker/trader is 3 years off retiring.

>> No.9065789

because im too dumb and unmotivated to achieve greatness

>> No.9065797

By the time you finished your medicine degree a young banker/trader who comes from the top of their ivy league graduating class is 3 years off retiring.


>> No.9065825

3rd year medical student pursuing opthalmology here.

>> No.9065850


>> No.9065878

>I audibly kek everytime I have to tell someone their terminally ill.

>> No.9065904

>study 10 years to be a whore of the pharmaceutical industry and make people sick for jewgolds
Wow what a great and fulfilling career choice

>> No.9065954


but in the end does it really matter? i dont see how but even if you are a slave for the "jewgolds" you still walk home a succesful and happy man

>> No.9065994

im not a psychopath so that would not make me happy and i dont consider being a whore for big pharma and making people ill as being successful

>> No.9066064

suit yourself anon, but here you are betting on virtual coins to profit you into success

>> No.9066093

yeah, it's a lot better but keep telling yourself otherwise, go hunt for that "prestige" while making people sick you fucking cuckold

>> No.9066103

On call 24/7
200k in student loans
Have to work until you're 65

> be bizman
> retire comfortably at 50
> residual income from business and real estate holdings
> long term crypto hodlings make you mega wealthy
> multi-generational wealth
> literally remembered as daddy warbucks.

>> No.9066150

>A decade or more of training
>Constant mandatory seminars to attend
>Life and death LITERALLY at your finger tips
>You do good you don't get thanked
>You do bad you get sued or worse thrown in jail.
>Long work hours
>Must have a high IQ or high determination to cram all the useless shit into your skull.

Yeah some jobs are meant for people that have the skills to do them not some random anons on the chans.

>> No.9066170

If you work in a specialty like anesthesiology you are never on call. Your knowledge of the field is very limited stop larping.

>> No.9066253


>> No.9066274

>retire comfortably at 50
with the option of pretty much living semi retired by your 30's

>> No.9066285

UK ICU doc here
Not a whore to finance or big pharma
Work hard, satisfying job
Still time to play the crypto waves
No need for rope if I get barted by the Bogs b/c still do cool shit few days a week & drink coffee with the other nurses and docs
And no NEET DVTs or pressure sores

>> No.9066288

Enjoy your bacon, beer and other "redpilled" foods anon.

>> No.9066293

Literally everything in this thread so far is true
How you take that is a good determinant of whether you should be a doctor

>> No.9066314

kek yeah you go eat onions, white bread, aspartame, corn syrup, and whatever else your very well educated MD tells you to eat

>> No.9066323

>working with sick scum
enjoy your aids and cancer

>> No.9066337

what specialty are you in? anesthesiology is actually one of the few legitimate ones

>> No.9066340

I'm not a doctor because you can't buy your 20's back you stupid faggot. Now go drink by yourself to try and forget that SHE is happily married with kids now. Fuck you.

>> No.9066342

>Why aren't you a doctor anon?

Robot are going to make Doctors unnecessary.

>> No.9066357

Greatest irony of being an MD:
All of this either breaks you or turns you into a monster

When you are returned to the wild and start competing with normal people again it's a slaughter

>> No.9066359

>he doesnt date girls a decade younger than him

>> No.9066372

because im too autistic to deal with patients everyday

>> No.9066379

I was an anaesthesia trainee for 7 yrs (UK) and I was ALWAYS fucking on call. but it is sort of fun running around at night doing shit

>> No.9066412

>Doesn't understand the meaning of my post because he still wasted his youth while simultaneously not doing shit with his life.

>> No.9066426
File: 82 KB, 1920x1080, kali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in IT Security
>never have to worry about "bear markets" with insane shortage of skilled IT workers I can literally work anywhere in the world and command amazing salary

>amazing job security

>don't have to interact with people that much except to sit through a few weekly/monthly meetings

>when you're doing a good job nobody even knows you exist. no news is good news

>NO DEBT I don't even have a college degree, just bought books, studies, and got certifications

fucking doctor plebs.

>> No.9066435

What do they call the guy who graduates last in medical school?

A doctor.

>> No.9066445


Recommendations for books/certs/online study? Great field.

>> No.9066472

Net+, GSEC, CISSA in that order. If you can't land a solid job in a month with a CISSA you aren't applying.

>> No.9066528

Because I have bigger ambitions in life.

>> No.9066551


Thanks anon. God bless ya.

>> No.9066646

Fuck this. I'm a Plastic Surgeon Im on duty for an entire week In a row some months. Hours are crazy. Pay is good. Not worth it if you aren't a public servant by heart. That is of course if you care about the patients. If you only care about money from the start focus on making money, not healing people .

>> No.9066655

I plan on going in. I am going to take the pre-reqs after I graduate over ~1 year. Do med schools look down upon the course load of prereqs? I can't take more than three of them at once desu because my school requires chem I&II for orgo I etc.

>> No.9066668

Because I'm a lazy unmotivated fuck that can't stand studying for 8 years

>> No.9066748

NEET or failed business man detected

>> No.9066884

Graduating from med school in less than a month. Dont do it. Being a doctor is a meme now. The field isnt what it used to be, the pay isnt, the patients arent, insurance companies try to fuck you, everyone attempts to prey on your altruism to get you to work like a dog, and the debt load is astronomical. For example, my best friend in my class and I both have well over 300k in debt each. And that is normal. Dont fucking do it.

Oh, and if you want to get in, I hope you have brown skin because they fucking love that. Seriously. Google acceptance and MCAT rates by race. My brown classmates regularly failed school and board exams and still got good residencies. Its sickening

>> No.9066958


di you have any proof anon. also by brown you mean black

>> No.9067034

I understand the good days of being a physician are closing, but that is the case in every profession. I would still rather be a physician than be in some office job being one recession or Pajeet away from replacement. Do you know anything about the course load for prereqs? Is 12+ hours of hard science prereqs over a few semesters good enough for adcoms?
>I hope you are brown
My mom is a Cuban immigrant. I will be mentioning that, but I'm white af.

>> No.9067050

It is called affirmative action non-burger. By brown, he means black, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and maybe a few other Latin American countries.

>> No.9067064

I’m graduating in May also. Going into psych and later starting private practice. Low stress, $200k+ and I answer to nobody

>> No.9067079


Going to second this. I'm a PGY-3 resident in a non-surgical field. I have like 225k in debt?

I absolutely regret going into medicine. Do not let anyone convince you to go to medical school.

I have a friend who didn't match 2 years in a row and he killed himself. RIP.

>> No.9067097

>I have a friend who didn't match 2 years in a row and he killed himself. RIP.
Why didn't he join the military?

>> No.9067099

Nice projection. I work in management for a medium-sized public company. I'm doing just fine.

>> No.9067104
File: 337 KB, 1920x1040, comfy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a job? no thank you

>> No.9067109

i posted the clarification of black instead of brown for non-burgers as they would think that brown means pajeet.

>> No.9067129

Starting now is poor judgement. This will be an AI assisted technician job by the time you've paid off your loans and practice. You won't out earn a plumber.

If you specialize and do surgery you might make it but you'll kill your mind and body establishing yourself.

>> No.9067136


I don't think Uncle Sam forgives federal loans just for joining the military. Also can you really join in your mid to late 20s?

>> No.9067138

Lol didn't even see your other comment. You're literally projecting. I feel kinda bad for you now.

>> No.9067151

I meant join the military for his residency

>> No.9067157

I dropped out of Medical School. The effort isn't worth it IMO.

>> No.9067195


I'm pretty sure you have to be in the military already before medical school to get a secured spot for their residency programs. And I think you can list places like that on your ranklist through NRMP anyway without being in the military. I don't know a lot about military match stuff.

>> No.9067214
File: 195 KB, 1286x384, MedAcceptance1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claims of what? I will not give out self-identifying info online. If you mean claims of who they accept or the current state, you can google all of what I said. Pic related has been on the internet forever. By brown I mean anyone not white. Acceptance committees and administration have big hard-ons for diversity so anyone not a straight white male automatically gets a boost. Not only in acceptance but scholarships, auditions, residency placements, etc.

Probably doesnt matter HOW hard you load the semesters so long as you do well in all of the required classes and check off the rest of the boxes - crush the mcat, good letters of rec, research experience, meaningful volunteer experience, and are not a straight white male. Mention the fuck out of your heritage with no shame. They will lap it up.

>> No.9067221

Which certifications do you recommend?

>> No.9067225

To all the medical students/doctors in this thread:

If you could re-do it and go for NP/PA instead, would you?

>> No.9067230

>20 hour shifts
>saving minorities
No thanks.

>> No.9067236


>> No.9067237

Even better: my dad is a doctor. Get that $$$ in the end

>> No.9067280
File: 184 KB, 400x400, thinking10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like id have to work if i were a doctor

>> No.9067285

I'm completely illiterate when it comes to IT or anything tech related, what do you think of getting the comptia trifecta (A+, Net+, Sec+), then GSEC, then CISSA? Oh and CISSA was not a typo right? I keep getting infor about the CISA on google...

>> No.9067286

Go into the healthcare field now? Fuck no. Especially since I refuse to be a PA or NP and answer to someone else. Which leaves only being a doctor and like fuck that is worth it now.
But, if you HAD to go into healthcare to be a provider, yes PA is the way to go. Way less school and therefore debt, and good pay with less ridiculous workloads.

I used to be a college instructor. Would have just finished off grad school with a PhD and taught. Was a damn fun and easy job that I was great at. Hindsight is 20/20.

>> No.9067316

Also what path did you take in terms of positions? Did you start as IT helpdesk?

>> No.9067319

I have too much of a complex to be subservient to an autistic doctor my entire career. Don't CRNAs make close to 200k?

>> No.9067320

>If you could re-do it and go for NP/PA instead, would you?

The real issue I have with medicine is that most patients treat me like shit. I would feel more useful to society if I was a cashier or something. Residency is the ultimate wage cuckery, I make only 22% more per hour than minimum wage and I have work hour limits that are 240% higher than an airline pilot.

My goal is to pay off my loans and move to a nice rural area or another country and stop practicing medicine.

>> No.9067358

You could do A+ Net+ Sec+ CISSA.

CISSA is the associate certification for CISSP. You can't qualify for professional until you have 4 years of experience in the field. CISSA demonstrates core knowledge. Its the same exam as the CISSP.


>> No.9067433

50% AA acceptances are reserved for women to, don't forget.

Becoming a doctor was my dream but couldn't hack it being in Ontario (literally worst place for prospective medical student).

I realised decades later that debt level is high and the pay sucks for at least 3-4 years out of medical school. It's not perfect. The job security is amazing but there's an opportunity cost of time spent.

None of the doctors I know are rich. They devote all their time to work and earn low six figs. Specialist make 3-400k but half is taken away in tax, and you can't find the time to spend the rest, just working all the time as you age.

>> No.9067441

The thing is you said brown instead of black. Brown generally refers to pajeets whereas blacks refers to african-american. African-americans receive a leg up in terms of affirmative action (black) while pajeets (brown) do not.

>> No.9067463

Many people here are advocating not to become a doctor, however besides a doctor what other valuable professions are left? Computer Science I feel is bound to be overstaturated soon and in that kind of field if you are not keeping up with the latest technology you are bound to be thrown and replaced with someone else who just graduated and is a fresh recruit.

>> No.9067482

Sounds like radiology. Work on a computer; limited patient interaction; mostly talk to other doctors; occasional quick procedures

>> No.9067483

I make more than the average doctor at the age of 22 as a programmer. I also don't have any college debt, go to work at 9 and come home at 5.

>> No.9067491

I started out customer service doing subscription cancellations and refunds for an antivirus company. Eventually became the lead technical support for north america. I got my CISSA and then left to do operations security. IT HelpDesk is also decent for the resume, but doing something in a domain of IT Security is preferable.

>> No.9067497

Well I wanted to say shitskin but figured I would be polite and use the catch-all term of brown since not everyone here is /pol/ tier.

>> No.9067518

Are you afraid of outsourcing and oversatturation in your field? I am open to people saying that CS will be a field in demand as the world becomes more technologically based but the rise of the amount of CS graduates per year is alarming. Every year of unemployment as a CS major means tens of thousands of fresh college graduates that have just been added into the competition pool.

>> No.9067556

Why even go to college for CS and programming?

Companies hire based on skill and experience. Going to college is just a time and money opportunity cost.

Also it's worthless to learn basic programming. You have to go the in-demand languages like Solidity.

>> No.9067558

>Plastic Surgeon
>healing people

>> No.9067572


What specialties are you guys? Currently an MA at a GI lab, patients are either really chill or complete fucking assholes. Going for PA, hopefully ER and then switching to hem/onco.

>> No.9067628

Not all of them are doing boobjobs. For example, facial reconstructive surgery, facial skin lesion removal, etc...

>> No.9067629

It depends where you are. Most big companies require a degree in anything. Only startups are self-taught/hacker friendly.

>> No.9067649
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>Working 60+ hours a week at a 40 hour a week salary cap in a highly stressful job

>> No.9067654



>> No.9067658
File: 61 KB, 1200x800, blevins.0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I can make more money sitting at home playing video games.

>> No.9067666

Everything you said is wrong lol.

>> No.9067667

Senpai med -> Sports med

>> No.9067742
File: 21 KB, 476x241, d73vk93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decently high salary
>lower amount of school
>much tinier chance of being sued for malpractice
>never on call
>less workload
I'm quite comfy as a pharmacist. Paid off my loans in 24 months with crypto gains.

>> No.9067772

Where do you work? Lot of Pharmacist jobs I've seen are wagecuck tier but with high pay

>> No.9067778

I feel as if its significantly more efficient to learn from uni.

>> No.9067789
File: 166 KB, 800x800, 1007966_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I almost became a doctor. Dodged that bullet. 36 hour residence shifts, no thanks. Give up ten years of your life to be brainwashed by big pharma.

>> No.9067792

You are very lucky to hold a well-paying pharmacist job in the current market

>> No.9067814

No companies hire based on nepotism, if you aint in the club you aint gettin hired.

>> No.9067872

I'd rather not say which specifically. It's retail but not CVS or Walgreens.
Most everybody gets paid decently well if you look at the hourly rate. New grads are getting fucked with only 28-32 hours being guaranteed though.

>> No.9067883

>Go through hellish medical school
>Have to interact with the worst parts of the public
>Exposed to dangerous diseases regularly
>All your coworkers are pajeets
>Being on call at insane hours
Doctor seems like a shit job unless you have some comfy specialty desu.

>> No.9067916
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When I make it, I will invent time travel and become Doctor Who. Timelord bitches.

>> No.9068252

Hmm...why skip GSEC in this example? Because I already took the Sec+?

>> No.9068761


You need to leave

>> No.9068793


Anon, the answer to your question is very simple. If you're going into medicine for the money or the prestige, look elsewhere. Medicine is for those who want to help people.

It will be a long, hard, stressful road, but there is nothing else like it. The NEETs here talking about how much more work it is relative to other jobs, it doesn't pay as well as it should, blah blah, don't get it. Most of the people I work with would kill themselves if they had to work a meaningless fucking desk job doing nothing but making money for someone else all day. Medicine offers you the chance to make a direct impact on someone else's life multiple times a day, that you get to witness and enjoy first-hand. There are very VERY few other jobs that give you that.

Don't get an MD if you just want to make money. You'll be miserable, your family will be miserable, and your patients will hate you.

>> No.9068820

Yeah you just have worry about if patients live or die
Not stress at all
Nothing like worry about tempo down or up

>> No.9068911

I never said I was going in it for the prestige. I said I wanted to go in because I think I would not hate it and it provides job security business and STEM does not

>> No.9068964


Wasn't trying to criticize you, just trying to give you an answer to your question. Only you know your motivations.

You need to love the idea of medicine nowadays. It should be largely an emotional decision. You will never be poor, and eventually you will be quite well-off, but everyone I know who treated going to medical school like a business decision wishes they had done something else.

If you think that STEM fields can't provide you job security...

>> No.9069063

I understand that. Tbh the main reason for me deciding to begin going down the path is for my career to be meaningful in something I enjoy (psychiatry or FP). My only concern is that I am receiving a non-science degree and have to start the prereqs. The pre-med advisors at my school don't seem very knowledgable and I wanted to know what path to do down.
>If you think that STEM fields can't provide you job security...
Constant looming threat of H1Bs for compsci and I would hate being an engineer

>> No.9069125

Because I instead decided to do a 1 month teaching certification for very low cost after my 3 year degree.
I was able to immediately start working in a country with extremely low living costs and have housing paid.
I work minimal hours now and can work anywhere in the world I want whilst pursuing crypto or other online money schemes. My living conditions are so good I felt like I'm on a none stop vacation, I mean I have fucking jacuzzi.

I'm 23.

>> No.9069311

Just get bio as a minor and complete the needed organic chem classes. friend of mine got a business degree but a bio minor. he had the express intention of going to med school but got his degree as a backup as well as education on running his own practice if he ever wanted to.

>> No.9069323

which country are you currently at? did you take one of those english teaching jobs

>> No.9069427

Currently Vietnam.
Originally I was only teaching English at a language center, however those jobs have long hours and are very monotonous.
I moved on to a private school now where I teach English, social studies, and math to mostly expat kids.
The pay is better and I literally work 20 hour weeks at worst, 16 teaching hours.
From here, in a year or two I will hopefully move on to an international school, but I will need to do an online master's and/or ipgce to maximize my earnings.

People need to consider more than just raw earnings, but also saving capacity, job satisfaction, and general living standards.
>Be a doctor
Is a pajeet meme

>> No.9069457

I have a friend who's a doctor. Among other interesting things in his daily work, he has had the opportunity to have a look at an 80 year old guy's eczema covered balls.
I'm glad I am not a doctor.

>> No.9069459

Quality of life is definitely a big factor for me. Making 200k a year but absolutely dreading and hating every part of life except the time when you're off is no way to live. Making a decent amount of money while also being comfy +90% of the time is ideal.

>> No.9069469

>500k in debt 12 years of school later

>> No.9069525

Tbh even if I could maybe probably study to be one, I couldnt do the job, 95% of operations are just disgusting and not like some greys anatomy cooltierromance operations lol

>> No.9069556

Specialist MD here, baller field. It’s rewarding but it loses some of the excitement as time goes on and it’s not scalable at all. Trying to find other paths to more $$ and it’s not easy

>> No.9069626

Anesthesiology might not be that great to get into soon. From what I read it’s one of the specialties that jew hospital admins are trying to replace with mid-level providers.

>> No.9069653

Same image used for the "why aren't you a male nurse thread". Fuck off with your
Shit larps