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9064896 No.9064896 [Reply] [Original]

There are rumours circulating that QASH will be added to Coinbase and it makes sense if you do a bit of investigating.
We all know that Coinbase announce support for ERC20 tokens, yet nothing has been added. Have you wondered what’s taking so long? Meanwhile the world book is coming and we can assume that GDAX will be on board, as there are 3 North American exchanges already signed up and Quoine/WB is pro regulation along with GDAX and Coinbase.
QASH will be a trading pair for every currency and there will be an incentive to trade using QASH, although it’s only a 5% discount it’s better than nothing.
I’m predicting QASH to be added for the above reasons, along with a comment on telegram by a Quoine team member saying “what we are about to announce will blow your minds”.
This is from a humble team that hasn’t started marketing or tried to create hype around their product.

I know I’m not alone with this theory, I know Anon’s will call me a deluded retard etc, but I’m bullish as fuck about this coin in the next few months.


>> No.9064987

Agreed on the CB rumor. I could see them partnering with Polo now that Circle owns it and Gemini/bittrex too. They’re the only exchange in Japan that fully meets regulation, and American exchanges are going to want that level of assuredness in doing big business. Not to mention the massive orders they’ll be able to take with WB.

>> No.9065030

Literally stfu

>> No.9065088

Quoine team member saying “what we are about to announce will blow your minds”

post source plz

>> No.9065165
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Some faggot has already called this screencap bs because he didn’t have a title beside his name. Also this was about 4 weeks ago so the group has grown since then.
I saw this comment and can confirm it’s legit for what it’s worth.
The mod was quick to defuse any questions and said that “pavel can get a bit carried away sometimes” and nothing more was said.

Just watch the AMAs and check the body language of the team members, listen to what they are saying and what they want to achieve.
I’m done accumulating, just trying to help some people out here.

>> No.9065192

He's talking about the worldbook

>> No.9065405

Mate, the World Book was in the white paper and we have known all about it since the beginning. It’s not a mind blowing announcement. Your comment is retarded, I need you to reflect on it before posting again.

>> No.9065429

Thanks based QASH bro
You’re not done accumulating I’m guessing?

>> No.9065502

Never enough accumulation so stfu

>> No.9065572

I’m getting hard

>> No.9065636
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spank me daddy

>> No.9065667

I don't see why you feel the need to shill this faggot let the gains speak for themselves and let me accumulate.

>> No.9065752
File: 291 KB, 1280x1024, 1_klMtz1sjO3-nZD9Omj58xA (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to photo shop the cash symbol with the wutang clan picture.


>> No.9065866

Wu tang knew

>> No.9065883

Wu tangs for the children

>> No.9065887

Executives of QASH have great credentials but a bit disappointed with their execution so far. Compare Qryptos with Binance. If they can’t handle scale (withdrawal requests are routinely delayed by 10-24 hours or more before appearing in etherscan) and UX for a crypto-only exchange, what hope investors may have for much-hyped WorldBook and cross-currency-conversion stuff which is way more complicated.

>> No.9065892

Well it appears I’m right, should probably delete this thread now so you faggots can finish accumulating..

>> No.9065911

Someone redpill me on this. Chart looks good to me?

>> No.9066011

I can’t fathom how people haven’t heard about this.. I had workmates talking about buying bitcoin in November, went home that night researched crypto and decided QASH was my moon mission. Been accumulating and day trading shitcoins to accumulate more ever since..

>> No.9066068


I've more than heard of it, I just always put it on the backburner.

>> No.9066089
File: 161 KB, 650x400, w-sob-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit have faith my 15k Qash will put me over 500k within 2 years at the least. It's also such a stable hold in general but most of all I can sleep at night knowing it's not some bull shit scam where I wake up on the morning down 90% on an exit scam.

Now delete this thread

>> No.9066132


QASH has been pretty stable, no need to worry about it. Comfy hold until moon.

>> No.9066192

I won’t let it go to archive how’s that?

>> No.9066217

Just jump in now and thank whatever god you pray to that people haven’t yet realised the imminent moon mission

>> No.9066334
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Please I can't cope with it being shilled before I hit 20k I'm buying equal parts crack and Qash I'm scared I'll miss the moon if I stop

>> No.9066374
File: 91 KB, 577x568, 1506761058004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy Qash?

Like, right now?

>> No.9066403

Gate io would be the quickest way.
Low volume tho just depends on how much you need lad.

>> No.9066423
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Thanks, buddy.

>> No.9066453

Do Huobi. If you're American, pretend to be Canadian. They don't care or check. You can literally ID verify with a US ID.

>> No.9066455

And thank you for the degenerate Chinese brapper

>> No.9066502

So fucking dumb.
In your lifetime will you ever witness
MCDonalds sell whoppers. No. Never.
Would Burger King ever sell Big Macs?
No. Never.
Why the fuck would CB add QASH?
U deserve to lose all ur crypto thinking like a mush.

>> No.9066518

BAT will get added to coinbase

>> No.9066530

>There are rumours circulating
It's not rumours dumbasss, it's fucking QASH holders having fantasies and sharing them on this anime board with each other. There's not one shred of evidence that it'll be added.

>> No.9066538
File: 11 KB, 384x384, C441DF5B-9381-4A86-9FA1-78059A068E4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gate.io doesn’t need verification to withdraw.
Huobi does and until you do, you can only withdraw like 200 QASH at a time and pay a transaction fee each time

>> No.9066543

Lucky for me that while QASH is my biggest holding, BAT is my second biggest.

>> No.9066552

We will see. You fags will fomo in at 5$

>> No.9066609

Shill me another coin Anon. What do you think Coinbase will list?

>> No.9066645

You do realise QASH will provide the liquidity the market has been missing right? It is regulated (a pre requisite for Coinbase erc20 listings) there’s an immediate use case..

>> No.9066673

Exactly. So verify. Not like a Chinese exchange is going to give your info to the US govt. Especially not now.

>> No.9066708

I already hold QASH. But it's just not going to happen. I fucking hate this new wave of QASH shillers that have been here for the past few weeks. QASH threads used to be good quality + few and far between. Now we get daily QASH $50 EOY sir! QASH being added to Coinbase sir! QASH is guaranteed top 10 coin sir! It's really fucking disheartening to see a favourite coin of mine become an actual Pajeet coin.
This message was posted months ago and has since been deleted off of the telegram.
If we're just speculating on erc20 tokens than BAT is the safest bet as I'm sure you've already seen people say.

>> No.9066719

Why would coin base list a fucking web browser ?????????? BAT soi bois are retarded

>> No.9066723

Exactly, fucking anons are retarded. If other Alts moon and Qash doesn't you can dump alt profits into qash.

If anons keep shilling here then you miss out on a few 100 qash extra which will be thousands later on.

>> No.9066736

>there’s an immediate use case

>> No.9066790
File: 7 KB, 366x402, 1A3B1698-11CA-4E3D-8E07-69880F61ABE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know how the world book works you fucking mong? It links 17 exchanges TOGETHER WITH QASH BEING USED AS A TRADING PAIR IN ALL 17 EXCHANGES. Do yourself a favour and look up ‘liquidity’ on Wikipedia

>> No.9066814
File: 89 KB, 600x393, A2F7ABEB-24B0-4C05-855E-F5B7BFDC468D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for telling me where my own screencap came from bro..

>> No.9066831

so by that logic having an immediate use case isnt enough, it has to be beneficial to CB as an exchange as well

seriously how fucking onions are you

>> No.9066848


>> No.9066882

>It links 17 exchanges
Yes, because coinbase wants you to buy QASH and then send it to the liquid platform rather than using GDAX. Obviously.

>> No.9066885

>BUY MY BAGS the thread
This thread is clearly 2 people samefagging.

>> No.9067027

You guys don’t understand that the world book will be beneficial to the partnered exchanges. Their volume will see a massive increase. There’s no downside to being part of the biggest liquidity pool in crypto. And unless you want alt prices to be governed by BTC whales for ever, QASH and the wb is exactly what we need.

>> No.9067069

GDAX will be part of the world book tho?

>> No.9067112

there's no source for this. It was just made up to go along with the fantasy that QASH will be added to coinbase.

>> No.9067158

If you read my original post, it’s a theory. Speculation. Like everything else in Crypto. No need to get buthurt, just wanted to put it out there and have a discussion about the possibility.

>> No.9067196

The whole point is that in this scenario, GDAX is part of the world book..