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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 960x565, Nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9059929 No.9059929 [Reply] [Original]

In my eyes nano is one of the top currencies atm. Instant transactions and 100% feeless, what else can you ask from a crypto made for payments?

>> No.9059938

Broken coin with core design flaw

>> No.9059941

Why does it always have wallet issues?

>> No.9060037

IOTA makes nano look like a joke desu. IOTA has Fujitsu running an Enterprise node. What does nano have? Some 14 year old twitch gamer?

>> No.9060043

nano is by far the best payment coin
the problem is that the idea of using crypto as a payment device is a meme

>> No.9060044

What flaw is that brainlet?

Because you're too fucking stupid to use it right.

>> No.9060080


>> No.9060092

>get hacked if you reuse the same wallet address
Why isn’t this faggy shitcoin dead yet?

>> No.9060161

It incomplete implementation byzantine fault tolerance because nano shit version of hashgraph
Not use 3f+1 nodes

>> No.9060213

I like it but it has constant drama and issues, can't act as a currency if you can't use it for a week...

>> No.9060232

Why are you seriously asking /biz/ for advice. You're an idiot for thinking you'd get any resemblance of intelligence for an answer, you're just going to get a bunch of salty people who bought the top
Really its only concerning competition
This is the peak of /biz/ right here, go somewhere else if you want people who know what they're talking about

>> No.9060298

Based degenerate namefag

>> No.9060339
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No one will prove me wrong all you can do is call me retard to defend your broken coin

It not even me dislike idea or tech behind NANO.
IT just shit is broken an sooner this broke coin dies the more legit crypto becomes

>> No.9060352

I used to be a big nano shill but I sold my stack after the bitgrail hack. It seems like the wallets are fundamentally broken. If exchanges can't keep their wallets working retailers sure as hell won't, and this coin is nothing without retailer adoption. Also some of the dev team members are incompetent. The one kike was telling people that bitgrail was safe for months.

Also eos is better in every way. Instant, feeless, can do way more things than just act as a currency, and backed by $5 billion worth of dev investment

>> No.9060361

Literally the only legit coin apart from BTC and ETH. Literally the only decentralized non-ERC token to come out since ETH. Literally the only thing apart from BTC and ETH in the top 100 that was made by a white software engineer and not chink businessmen or la creatura con artists.

>> No.9060373

Based degenerate tranny

>> No.9060416

The best coin on the market. Biz hates it. You know what that means. I hold a shit ton of this stuff.

>> No.9060438

i have a little but currency coins are probably a meme

theres not much difference between free and .00001 cent

aint much difference between 2 seconds and 5 seconds

surely someone will make a coin that does everything nano does and more

>> No.9060463

>It seems like the wallets are fundamentally broken.
Why didn't you bother to find out what the problem was? It wasn't being silenced. If you can't put 1 and 1 together, your prob.

>If exchanges can't keep their wallets working retailers sure as hell won't
What is new tech

>this coin is nothing without retailer adoption
It's already instant and feeless now.

>The one kike was telling people that bitgrail was safe for months
This is taken out of context. Based on what he knew they were safe. Though I agree, he shouldn't have said that (because it would later incriminate him) and he sure as hell won't do it again.

>> No.9060464

Biz loved it before it mooned you Nanocuck s o y hoy. It served its purpose and now we moved to better things.

>> No.9060469

Break it then. Do it. I'm waiting.
>hur node desynch
Growing pains are expected from a revolutionary technology, just like ethereum had

>> No.9060473

>surely someone will make a coin that does everything nano does and more
There's a currency contract built into eos that does everything nano does. In 6 weeks you'll be able to make your own nano clone on eos with a one line command.

>> No.9060482

No problem, move on all you want. I'll be waiting when you FOMO back in later. This coin cured me from gambling (aka swingtrading) and made me a hodler.

>> No.9060526
File: 12 KB, 461x467, 0211021ff14abdcb32f26f86a817adf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano has been getting dumped for over a month now, moon mission imminent?

>> No.9060549

>Biz loved it before it mooned you Nanocuck
No, they didn't. Biz has fud this coin since day one
Why would you lie on 4chan? I don't understand anon

>> No.9060614

>Why didn't you bother to find out what the problem was? It wasn't being silenced. If you can't put 1 and 1 together, your prob.

The problem is that its poorly built software thats broken on every exchange its been listed on. At first I was willing to go give them the benefit of the doubt, but then it just kept happening, and I found out that they've been promising fixes to the wallet sync issued since 2014.

>This is taken out of context. Based on what he knew they were safe. Though I agree, he shouldn't have said that (because it would later incriminate him) and he sure as hell won't do it again.
I bought my first stack on bitgrail and within two days I was telling people to stay away because it was run by an incompetent, unethical faggot. I was in discord telling all the people doing arbitrage that they were playing with fire and they were gonna lose all their money. So we're most other people. Everyone knew what was coming by January. So either that kike is unbelievably stupid and incompetent, or simply malicious. Take your pick.

>> No.9060678

Moon mission once their shit is fixed sure, who's gonna pump a broken coin though

>> No.9060687
File: 8 KB, 225x225, hmmm.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he buys a coin right after its hype-cycle's peak when it has several /biz/ threads per day either stating it's "oversold" or that "it's literally the best wow so amazing" (i.e. "i'm holding a bag sir pls buy children crying help..,")
>he doesn't even understand the technology yet he is making arguments about its fundamentals
>he never posts a chart because he either can't chart or he's unable to find indicators that'd confirm his bias
>he thinks he's finally found the "one true coin to rule them all" yet he fails to see how everyone before him thought so too about their bags
>he thinks _his bag_ is different

>> No.9060712

>The problem is that its poorly built software thats broken on every exchange its been listed on.
Literally hurr durr tier. Typical 4cancer post.

>I was in discord telling all the people doing arbitrage that they were playing with fire and they were gonna lose all their money. So we're most other people. Everyone knew what was coming by January.
No need to tell me a fairytale, I was in Nano by that time. Nobody knew it immediately.

>> No.9060721

>that volume
>moon mission

>> No.9060739

Most disappointing coin ever. This coin is piece of shit. Over all the coins, i have lost most from this coin during the crash. Total piece of shit. Full of issues and drama. This coin is done.

>> No.9060809

Are you fucking for real? They closed withdrawals for weeks without a good explanation. Then they opened withdrawals, and promptly closed them again. Then they required I'd verification for all withdrawals. The bomber started physically threatening people on Reddit and the bitgrail subreddit was a wall of warnings. This happened over the span of a month and a half. Literally everyone knew somethonf fishy was going on. I have posts on Reddit from December telling people to stay away from shitgrail. The kike nano dev is an incompetent piece of shit who ignored the 800 red flags and gave people a false sense of security because he didn't want to hurt the value of his investment.

>> No.9060863

>the more often I write kike the more serious my argument becomes
Sorry but you're a dumbass. I really think you believe in what you wrote but it's mainly due to your inability to grasp the concept of facts or arranging them in a chronologically correct order.

>> No.9060865

Straight fucking garbage.

>> No.9060904

had my entire life savings on both bitgrail and mercatox during the absolute peak fud moments on both. luckily i was one of the few verified on BG and able to withdraw

what a stressful time that was but doing insane arb like that kept me above my initial even though i held throughout the entire btc crash

>> No.9060925

Wow, you're an absolute full idiot. But at least it worked out for you.

>> No.9060929

Stay in denial you dumb fuck.

>> No.9060957

Stay poor, "I leave all my money on an exchange" spaz.

>> No.9060986
File: 327 KB, 1584x1800, 60cb4d6fcdbdea3ace6b4162ce6d4a20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me will
But me will steal from upcoming NANO hard rescues fork >:D (which you probably not even know about)

>> No.9060992

Uhh what? I got out of bitgrail right after I bought and never looked back. I flipped my nano for eos in February. How fucking low is your iq, christ

>> No.9061007

>How fucking low is your iq, christ
137, yours?

>> No.9061031
File: 299 KB, 680x598, 1476497845249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9061052

You seem a little bit on the retarded side m8.

>> No.9061096

>still holding nano
>calling other people retarded
How's it feel to be holding the worst performing top 100 coin for 2018?

>> No.9061123
File: 8 KB, 262x263, 1516743117802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks EOS will deliver on their promises

That shit will dump so hard when the mainnet is released

>> No.9061142

Feels excellent because I know the value and you only know the price.
You're not a software dev so you're basically shooting blindly here.

>> No.9061163

> the "real" value is something different than its market price and I'm just smarter than everyone else
Oh look he's economically illiterate too, what a surprise.

And I actually am a software dev. I work on distributed systems for a living and I even did my own audit of the raiblocks code base before I initially invested in it.

>> No.9061172

The sad thing is that there are lurkers eating this shit up right now lmao

>> No.9061184


>what else can you ask from a crypto made for payments?

for it to be functional

>> No.9061211

you can also spend it twice, great thing to look for when searching for a blockchain solution, was literally never done before

>> No.9061242

>And I actually am a software dev. I work on distributed systems for a living and I even did my own audit of the raiblocks code base before I initially invested in it.
............yea .... okay. [Just don't look... pretend you don't see him..]

>> No.9061270

Should have know I was arguing with a plebbit. Your failing portfolio speaks for itself.

>> No.9061317

Good lurkers need to know

>> No.9061352

What can I say dude? I know you're a dumbass and certainly anything but not a software dev. But I also know you will never admit it because you're the kind of coward who can't even admit a flaw on the internet. A really small man. So whatever. Go hold your other coins I don't care.

>> No.9061393

>comparing block lettuce doesn't work to one that does
>not working one is superior
way to go faggot. Partnerships doesn't fix broken things. After global blocks, there's literally no reason for any industy 4.0 application to use nano instead of iota.not requiring a specific asic chip is a big plus.

>> No.9061775

a better nano

>> No.9061938
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Nano is basically just an encrypted SMS message.

>> No.9061995

Agreed iota is fucking broken as nano

>> No.9062004
File: 153 KB, 680x753, 1520850525553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamden is free and isn't full of shitty broken code

>> No.9062049

Haha, tell me my future to gypsy!

>> No.9062179

shilling NANO for being fast is like shilling Coors Light for being cold and refreshing.

>> No.9062369

Just because money is flowing into it doesn't mean they will deliver, hence what happened to XBY

>> No.9062405

I have decided to take money out of this coin and invest into other sureshot moonshot. Will get back to it when it shows some sign of recovery. I am ok if it shoots up 50% overnight. For the time being this coin is derailed with the bugs and the exchanges issues.

>> No.9062408

As far as the actual software goes the public test net is feature complete and I've tried it myself. The underlying blockchain technology is battle tested via steem and bitshares. I don't see any reason to believe they won't deliver.

>> No.9062999

Let’s hear your sob story faggot

>> No.9063013

Iota isn’t a real project it’s a fugazi

>> No.9063086

>erc20 token

My imaginary coin will pay you for spending, it's only an erc20 token right now tho.

>> No.9063453

EOS or Nanopenis cuck.

>> No.9063528
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1488934563363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.9064010
