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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9057660 No.9057660 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing happens. They don't tell you that you didn't file them. I thought they had been filed but I guess they didn't go through or something. Never got a single letter or notice from feds or state. So no more filing taxes for me. Fuck the government!

>> No.9057804

>thinking there is some IRS agent in the wings paying attention to you personally on April 17

It won’t be today. It won’t be tomorrow. The IRS being in the state it is, it may never happen. But it can, and it can get ugly if it does. That’s the risk you took buddy.

>> No.9057815

As long as you make under 10 Million as a private person the chances are higher you win in the lottery than getting the IRS on your ass, especially if you never cashed out in dollar into your bank account

>> No.9057836

Nice, now you need to refer to them as the (((gubbmint))) congrats.

>> No.9057858


> Risking going to jail instead of reporting the measly minimum wage income you earned last year

You’re fucking dumb dude.

>> No.9057924

Reporting crypto on your taxes is a meme. Only the weak faggots do that and are trying to brainwash you to do the same. Stop falling for that shit

>> No.9057970

The IRS isn't coming for your $500 worth of shitcoins retards

>> No.9058101

it seems to take several years for them to go after you. There's a retarded woman (ironically a tax preparer) that did this and she got caught 5 years after the fact.

>> No.9058370
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>tfw no assets, no money in bank to steal, cash job so they cant garnish my wages

>> No.9058610

>last irs involvement was a phone call twelve years ago
>irs guy is afraid all of the itemized deductions i took while subcontracting as an electrician may be fishy enough to warrant an audit
me: "Uh, I'm in the *Army*(?)..."
irs: "A'i'ght, playa, hol' up..."
>puts me on hold while i continue standing around in uniform on base during whatever ftx we were prepping for
irs: "It's cool, don't worry about anything, have a nice day and thanks for your service!"
>haven't even bothered to pay taxes since
>don't file taxes for over a decade
>get robo-called
>serious pre-recorded voice starts going into this thing about the "irs"
>hang up like every other robocall
>google about this one
>yep: it's just a scam
IRS only cares if you (a) make Wesley Snipes level money while (b) flaunting your tax evasion in the hopes of (c) convincing everyone else to stop paying taxes while somehow also failing to (d) have a decent team of attorneys & accountants protecting you.
>their mindset is that of the simple racketteer: shake down those who have money worth shaking down