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9055361 No.9055361 [Reply] [Original]

not even at 1k EOY, at zero, or at 10k, or whatever the peak of chainLINK will be. literally never fucking selling. i wont even stake my link. ill take it to my grave. consider my 12k link out of the total supply, niggers

>> No.9055409

same here but w 15k

>> No.9055446

My 22k is in shitcoins at the moment but will also convert back and never sell when LINK starts gaining traction

>> No.9055460

t.170k link 21y old

>> No.9055462

>when LINK starts gaining traction
So never.

>> No.9055464

the state of linklets. I unironically believe this 100%.

>> No.9055473

I fucking bought 5k and then deleted my private key. That’s how strong my hands are.

>> No.9056513
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stinky kittys will be M I L L I O N A I R E S

>> No.9056897

What's the point? It's money you never plan to use, it might as well not exist

>> No.9056976

When MOON??
When LAMBO???

>> No.9057046

it's the fact that i own LINK.
fuck i wanna do this but i feel like i might regret it. should i?

>> No.9057070

holy shit are you me ?

not fkin sellin

>> No.9057101

I'll sell these bags if we ever hit 1.09 usd again, fuck my life

>> No.9057221

I find LINK to be really comfy to day trade with. It gets just enough volume on Binance where you can throw around a few thousand in a limit order and have it fill but not enough to the point where its susceptible to Bart patterns.

So yes, I do sell a lot.

>> No.9057235

It's over


>> No.9057324

Explain more.

>> No.9057368


>> No.9057371




>> No.9057537

weakest fud ever, literally "sergai bought 32 million big macs" was better fud

>> No.9057568
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Can i store my stinky linkis on my Ledger Nano S ?

>> No.9058118
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Trying to think how I can elaborate...

I simply day-trade with it on Binance as part of their LINK/BTC trading pair. I make roughly 2 sells and 2 buys a day with it and work off of the 15m chart mostly.

With smaller coins that get less volume it can be difficult to do this because if your stack gets into the tens of thousands of dollars you can literally stall the price as it takes a while for your entire limit order to fill. This doesn't seem to be an issue yet for me trading about 12k USD around of LINK at once.

That's about it. It's a comfy coin to do this with. If I try to do the same with LTC or ETH I've noticed Bart patterns will screw me over. Spikes and valleys with LINK seem to be more gradual and forgiving.

>> No.9058180

Meant to reply to you not myself

>> No.9058217


>> No.9058257
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>> No.9058271


>> No.9058309

Yes you can

>> No.9058343
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>tfw you are also 21yo but only can afford 25k Link

>> No.9058404

People here would sell their mothers for link to ever hit $10

>> No.9058546

I sell 5k link at 50 bucks. Hold 21k til shit gets stupid

>> No.9058574

I just bought 12k LINK to match your 12k LINK and do the EXACT SAME because I think that's fucking baller. Consider 24k LINK OUT of the supply, Nigeria.

>> No.9059031
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I'm 220k link @ 22 y/o. We gonna make it bro

>> No.9059623

what kind of 22yo has 100k$? fkin larper

>> No.9059633

even if ure the son of some richfag, he wouldnt give yu a dime, i know because my parents are rich, they pay for everything, but they'll never give me money

>> No.9059637

100k is nothing if he got into ether last year or btc a year before that.

>> No.9059649

if not a LARP, do you have it on private key?
we may unironically be rich list neighbors =^)

>> No.9059664

23k link here. I'm selling @$200 if it ever gets there, taking my pension and retiring.

>> No.9059671

Only 13k Linkies, living at home suffering working minimum wage until my linkies can move me out. Might move to SEA once I get 20-25k Links and just squat on them for a year or two living the good life.

>> No.9060097

I have 700.5 link. Am I going to make it? I will sell at 1k so I can pay off debt from my mom's cancer treatment. Use the rest of the money to leave my shithole country!

Not even kidding.

>> No.9060914

You'll make it for sure, don't worry
I hope other LINKies contribute to the cause

>> No.9061044
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How can you be this delusional?

>> No.9061137

People would sell their mothers for 100 Link if that happens, Vigo 404 fucker

>> No.9061179

Don't forget to destroy the private key.

>> No.9061251

as i said >>9057046, contemplating it but leaning on scared of doing it. might do it if there are other anons willing to do so with me

>> No.9061307

tell me again that we're going to be rich bros ;_;

linklet here only 3500 i feel like ill just barely be able to make it into the country club. ill be shining the shoes of people with over 10k link

>> No.9061308
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>> No.9061320

its perfectly fine to delete your private key, you can still get your crypto back with the seed

>> No.9061357
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take it to the bottom with yourself

>> No.9061363

Nah don't actually do it. It's just stupid. It could be millions of dollars one day.

>> No.9061371

Relax man that's like saying you only have 3500 btc or eth. All you have to do is hold. Most people will sell way too early anyway, so 3500 will be a lot down the road. Get into staking or Linkpool as soon as it's available, and just let it build up and hold. You'll make it too.

>> No.9061441

You will not actually own any LINK anymore if you delete your private key.

>> No.9061525
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if he still has the wallet (which he will) then actually he does own it

>> No.9061546

yeah i was planning on staking as soon as i could, figured that if i could start staking from the early days it'd only benefit me long term. would love to make passive link like that

also been learning a bit about programming and coding and starting to get interested in that just in case running a node takes some technical skills, prepping for the future. m-maybe one day i'll get a job writing smart contracts for some jews haha.

>> No.9061691

if link hits 1k im obviously going to sell you fuckwit

>> No.9062377

I will sell at 300

>> No.9062381

25 yo can only afford 40k link. Fuck.

>> No.9062438

Hasn't LINK been made redundant by VeChain? Why would anyone invest in LINK now?

>> No.9062503

This isn't providing an oracle platform like ChainLink, more just allowing an IoT to write to the VeChain for free because their transaction is sponsored by a company/entity who is running the contract that device is writing to.

By allowing this, you can provide Oracle functionality as any internet device could write to a contract and provide external data without holding any tokens, as long as it's sponsored.

Ultimately, you can't customise the data you want as a consumer. You'd only be able to use what is provided to you, rather in ChainLink where you can specify any URL/adaptor and the node will fetch the information as you require.

It's also not as trustless as ChainLink. For example, any device which is reporting to VeChain could malfunction/be manipulated into writing that wrong data as you'd only be requesting information from the one device/source. Whereas ChainLink supports requesting data on-demand and from multiple/any data sources which can have ranges set by the contract creator.

Like people have said, this is limited to the VeChain Blockchain. It's also worth noting that ChainLink can replicate the same functionality, but only currently on ETH. Great feature by the VeChain team though, it's something I'd like to see on ETH.

>> No.9062540

Why are you trying to scam people out of their private keys you goddamn faggot pajeet, literally kill yourself.

>> No.9062546


Lol gotta day good luck to all you linklets who think this is ever happening. You are going to get dumped on looooong before this ever even approaches $10, more likely $5. Do you really think anons with 200k+ are gonna risk their chance at the good life holding bags? Do you really think they care about you? If you have a brain you will sell at $2 and buy some shit that can dig you out of wage slavery, otherwise you ARE deluded and WILL be holding the bags of smart anons who have been accumulating for almost a year

>> No.9062713

Nice pasta faggot

>> No.9063071

most of us will be holding for 2 to 3 years, at which ;point we'll see $500+ per link. sell at whatever price you want, means to me. i'm a neversell.

>> No.9063110
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you really have no clue do you

>> No.9063133
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Since it is worthless I can say

>> No.9063152


>> No.9063436

that's cool, i guess it would be a sect of the LINK cult. the neversell, part of the /neverselling/

>> No.9063539

it's not that, it's beause we recognize how easy it is too lose all your money and/or your stack by trying to daytrade it. if the market is inflationary - which it is - it's just a matter of buying and holding until you reach your desired price. and it's actually easier to do this with a small-to-medium sized stack than it is if you have 50,000+ LINK. i know LINK will mke me a millionaire, it;s just a matter of how long i have to wait. and i dont mind waiting...

>> No.9063944

>$500+ per link
lmao delusional or pajeeting

>> No.9063960
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>> No.9063971

>It's also not as trustless as ChainLink.

Link literally uses trusted computing(sgx) by Intel. it is as trusted as possible