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9053789 No.9053789 [Reply] [Original]

The future of Core shills, once their shill fund gets cancelled.

>> No.9053796
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>> No.9053816
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Sort of true, except the guy in the picture is white, and pajeet corekeks are not.

>> No.9053853

Now being serious here, it would be damn interesting to hear how paid shilling actually works. Does the Core give out some guidlines? How were the shills first found and employed? Are they really Indians or just poor people around the world?
Hopefully all this info comes out, once their project ends and there is no hope of shilling BTC anymore.

>> No.9053936

Jokes aside, my bet is on highly educated people, who were also close to Blockstream (and even employed by the company). I also think that there's very few among them, who were trolling full time, most did it to complement their programming/marketing full time jobs. Look at the Dragon's Den screenshot, Bram Cohen might be a sperg, but he's not a pajeet for sure.
All they needed to do is create a wave of dumb pajeets who'd just repeat everything without an ounce of critical thinking. And they succeeded, but by the looks of it, their success might have been temporary, because with enough persistence by Roger & co. the truth was seen by the masses. Even Tone Vays created a BCH-friendly podcast a few days ago, just as the price was about to explode.

>> No.9053952

>Even Tone Vays created a BCH-friendly podcast a few days ago, just as the price was about to explode.


>> No.9053989

Also let's not forget that the reason why BCH is so popular on this board is that there were always 5 FUD threads on the main page, with retarded statements, that >100IQ cashies were able to refute inside the actual thread. Pajeets thought they were trolling us when we responded to them, while we were responding not because we caught the bait, but because we knew that neutral readers are gaining impressions. And what they saw was retarded pajeets on the BTC side, and rational people on the BCH side.
So that mass FUD plan surely backfired.

>> No.9054000


>> No.9054011
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>> No.9054012

>tone vays

Rats leave a sinking ship

>> No.9054021
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>not getting the 4D chess plays by the banks
>Finance blockstream with pocket money, use Roger as the gullible fool and then fully support bcash by posting non-stop propaganda.

>> No.9054057

>core shills relentlessly FUD other coins
>even great projects like ETH
>core bagholders now in a minority
>have no support in the crypto community due to their fud against other coins

>Why are these paid shills FUDIng our corebags guiz!?!?

Lmao get bent

>> No.9054079

>Hal Finney talking about bitcoin banks before the absurdly low 1MB limit was a thing
He's right though. 90% of the population can't remember their passwords online, do you seriously expect them to take care of their money? They'll lose it and they'll complain to government.
Also imagine if a normie gets scammed and they don't have a chargeback option. They'll go mental, kek.

What Hal never advocated for is a block limit so low that it can't fit a portion of all people, who actually wanted to be custodians of their own money. He expected banks to be the main users of the blockchain layer because normans wouldn't risk losing their money. He didn't advocate for a corporate-owned unusable second layer, a massive restriction on the first one, etc... And if he knew that some retards would actually limit the block size to 1mb he would bitch slap them.

>> No.9054264

>Not seeing behind the obvious Normies shilling
>Thinking banks are that stupid.
think outside of the box