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File: 120 KB, 1600x1271, BCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9052964 No.9052964 [Reply] [Original]

/ourguy/ posted a new video.

>> No.9052968


>> No.9052969
File: 206 KB, 630x840, CB3D16E5-6D9D-4694-9506-98F3B8010D64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9053012


Roger Ver:
Doug didn't even know who Gavin Andresen is or how lighting network works. That shows how little he knows about the history and current state of Bitcoin.

>> No.9053030 [DELETED] 

He plays poker... what do you expect? He's really good at statistics but nothing more. He doesn't know how this game ends...

>> No.9053045

>Implying that Ver is a Chad like Ben Garrison

>> No.9053102
File: 178 KB, 640x966, IMG_8546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept Roger as your lord and saviour

>> No.9053107
File: 778 KB, 2544x1422, bigver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a big guy

>> No.9053122

>it's a subhuman
not even surprised

>> No.9053133

bitmain doing a majority of your mining a good idea? top kek my friend

>> No.9053509

Good video. Watched the whole thing and then I watched that noob Doug poulk interview the OG guy

Brb selling all my corecuckurrency for real bitcoin

>> No.9053807
File: 165 KB, 1600x1068, 741A55FC-40CE-434D-A8E6-2E58455D297E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when 1 chinaman controls a crypto
this is what bcash shills call 'decentralized'

>> No.9053851

i honestly believe this to be the original bitcoin, so called bitcoin core is the fork. i used to laugh at that too before actually looking into it instead of going along with mainstream assumptions

>> No.9053996

segwit is more inclusive of all miners though. since it still allows for people who want small blocksizes to confirm transactions. bch is exclusive of miners since it only allows people who accept big blocks to mine which is against satoshi's vision. satoshi also didn't want specialized hardware (asics) to become a thing since its exclusive of people with couple of GPUs who want to mine.

>> No.9054003

that social experiment at the end would have went differently had they not chosen as their test subject an asian woman and the most beta of males ive ever seen.

>> No.9054023

good points. if the individual at home cant mine it, how decentralized can it truly be. a valid concern.

>> No.9054025
File: 152 KB, 512x512, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actual photo of you

>> No.9054049

never mind, im watching more of the video. and now theres a whole room full of people doing it.

the fuck is wrong with people. fucking normies i swear. i dont think a the average biztard would be this unthinking. i hope this whole thing was staged i really do, fuck thats sad.

>> No.9054061

this is the best argument i've seen for BCH so far (an ad-hominem attack)

>> No.9054088
File: 185 KB, 1200x1000, 02E02EFC-1BB0-444A-8F27-8577BE125F11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know anyone mining btc on their home PC? Me neither.

>> No.9054100

i mine btc on my raspberry pi node!!!

>> No.9054154

Core cucks in the anger stage.

>> No.9054353

LINK is simply taking a breather, my fellow marine.

LINK is never over.

>> No.9054543
File: 104 KB, 733x464, 1524061954244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can't download 32mb in 10 minutes you should kill yourself

Also, kill yourself you fucking pajeeting non-argument fudsters

>> No.9055005

fair point
i do actually, but he pays more in electricity then he gets from the coins. he explains this away by informing me that the coins will go up in value. when i inform him that he could get more coins for the money just buying them directly his eyes glaze over and he starts repeating himself that i dont get it because the coins go up in value.

>> No.9055624

>implying that ant pool is somehow different than slush pool

>angry cause he doesn't have any miners

>blames chinaman for his financial loses

>> No.9055954
File: 34 KB, 467x443, E85CB20B-BC27-4ACF-9555-84B000AC1F18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting bcash is centralized
>bringing bitcoin into the conversation for no reason
>two shitcoins with no future

>> No.9056507

He also could mine something actually profitable and, while I lack any small brain wojack pictures, just imagine I posted one and said that he probably looks like that.

>> No.9056555

>still allows for people who want small blocksizes to confirm transactions
yeah bro, r/bitcoin helped me set up my own raspberry pi node to inflate the network numbers too

>> No.9056603

is that Roger "leave core fags with worthless bags" Ver?
Roger "impale the kikes with BCH spikes" Ver?
Rover "flog the zog" Ver?
Roger "literally gas every jew" Ver?

>> No.9056732


roger should be assasinated.

>> No.9057052
File: 96 KB, 729x571, 1524082408330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC.com and antpool are from bitmain. Bitmain invested in viabtc. They have over 50% hashrate.

>when one chinaman controls crypto
Do you buy before the pump, the middle of the pump, when 1 BCH=10 BTC, or spam bcash all day?

>> No.9057105

that topic made me puke

>> No.9057152


>> No.9057487

China coin very good sir, pls buy more sir

>> No.9057564

Roger said he doesn't own the bitcoin twitter account but knows who does and they have had it since 2009 and were a very early bitcoin investor but like most are now supporting Bcash

>> No.9057586

are you stupid or gullible? probably both

>> No.9057789

Roger, Craig, and the entire BCH community need to get redpilled on Shills asap. They keep acting surprised that they are being attacked.
I've got loads of infographs about shill strategies and tactics that they should read and learn from. They sound childish.
BCH Is the better coin but their leadership is weak in critical areas. I'd step up and do it myself but I can't.

>> No.9057833

>talks about worldwide adoption
>talks about "outsiders" who come it and "disrupt" things

newsflash shit-for-brains, those "adopters" are "outsiders" too.

>> No.9058095

If Roger was more confident in the right ways BCH could be prosperous. His personality has been my main issue but I've been a BCH fan and try to be objective.

BCH is a de facto fork of BTC. He needs to accept that instead of going to events screaming how BCH is Bitcoin.

That doesn't mean they are not on the right road path.

People needs to simply understand that BCH decided they wanted to stay aligned with the original white paper, and that they will increase blocksize until a permanent solution has been found for scalability.

I have zero confidence in the Lightning Network because it's too demanded for the enduser. Imagine trying to explain the Lightning Network to your grandmother/mom and showing them how to setup a node etc.

It's just too technical, unless an easy app-based solution can be implemented that runs seamlessly, but we will see development for that sooner or later.

>> No.9058265

loser, i'm using only my phone make profit

>> No.9058455

He needs to rethink his strategy.

>> No.9058490

HAHA corecucks on suicide watch !

>> No.9058706

isn't he 5ft 4" ?

>> No.9058722


Can someone please post the image of ver on the boat with the comment 'it ain't gonna suck itself'

>> No.9058751


>> No.9058795

someone post the african mother jpeg

>> No.9059051

What makes BCore Bitcoin though? It also forkred, soft or hard doesn't matter at all because they're forcing people into SW and LN anyway.

>> No.9059203
File: 870 KB, 2066x1223, totallyNotFake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking absolute whining faggot.
he gets trolled because he's a massive faggot, and somehow that's bitcoin core supporters.
then he says people are getting paid to troll him hahaha
of course he never pays anyone either right!!!
the funny thing is I agree with most of what this cunt says, but holy fuck I can't stand him.

>> No.9059221

The fact that they got away with keeping the name Bitcoin globally.

That is Bcore's upper hand in this situation. If we dropped all the names and bullshit Bcash would be the flagship crypto.

>> No.9059492

At least it's empirically correct, unlike the utter raw shit coming out if your mouth, which would be closer to the truth if directly inverted.

>> No.9059580

Coinbase favored Corecucks so Bitcoin Segwit "won" the name battle before it ever started. Other exchanges followed suit.