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9050493 No.9050493 [Reply] [Original]

Watched the Netflix documentary. Honestly felt like I was watching a documentary about crypto. I am honestly embarrassed I ever bought into cryptocurrency. I pray to god that there will be enough suckers to buy in after me so that I can break even. Please let this uptrend last so I can gtfo.

>> No.9050530

"The probability of success declines with each new person who joins. You can prove mathematically that 95% of people literally have to lose all their money"

>> No.9050539


yes i hope you get the opportunity to leave the market too so that you cease to post here, you feminine bugman

>> No.9050540

Hey man take it easy, at least this "scam" has a technology behind that can save money for business...i mean idk if that sounds like a scam lol

>> No.9050559

Personal attacks instead of addressing my points. Thanks for validating my argument.

>> No.9050564

Except Herbalife Doesnt gain value when holders die and lose their stock, pushing down the circulating supply forever. Check and mate

But funny you mention the Herbalife documentary. I watched it before I got into crypto and it was kind of a gateway

>> No.9050567
File: 210 KB, 1024x576, US-dollar-Value-3-value-of-the-dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USD is a ponzi

>> No.9050570

Blockchain =/= cryptocurrency. This is nothing more than a money transfer scheme where we were all suckered into giving a small group of people our money.

>> No.9050573

shut up cuck im not going to do your homework for you

>> No.9050577

>comparing a single company to an industry
might as well just kys now your not goint to make it

>> No.9050582

>Anon watches a professionally made documentary.
>Whines about that one of the simplest ways of earning money is a scam.
>Decides to work for big corporations that pay him as less as possible so that he can be a slave forever.

Nah just continue being a little bitch in the society. Go to wagecuck, take loans to buy a house and eventually understand that 75% of your life income is going to others pockets. OOOH NOOO did your mousebrain now explode? You know the reason big corporations, rich old faggots and banks are disallowing or FUD-ing crypto each day? Because they know that it is the way of the slaves to get out of slavery.

But nah just leave, its better, the less people in crypto, the more i can gain. This weekend i threw 1 eth into a shitcoin and already 2x-ed. Shit i spent only 2 hours of clicking and researching and i got 700$ which probably makes your monthly income. Damn think about it, 2 hours of work for the same as yours 180hours of slavery. Shit im gonna leave crypto now too.

>KYS faggot.

>> No.9050586

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever...

>> No.9050609

Irrelevant. If even a portion of these holders tried to liquidate their entire position, the thing would collapse. It is literally a pyramid. Yes, you can make money off it for now, but to claim it is anything more than a money transfer scheme is laughable. Almost none (if any) of these coins will have any sort of real-world value.

>> No.9050625

>Don't give bankers your money, give it to a small group of austists who promise everyone a lambo.
The end result is the same.

>> No.9050637

>You should be buying Herbalife NeoProtein Shakes instead of whatever crap you're selling. Their new flavor comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Herbalife now has sales reps in Thailand? Do you understand that once this flavor is out, people will all jump on it? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever...

>> No.9050671

those 'slaves' keep your society running, brainlet. If everyone became a cryptoneet such as you it would instantly collapse, so be grateful faggot

>> No.9050681

LMAO moron havent you realized yet that the human race is the biggest ponzi scheme ever? I mean people actually listen to niggers rap about snorting crack and fucking hoes and they get millions of dollars do you think thats a ponzi scheme?

>> No.9050699

Okay since you are trying to be here some artsy fartsy guy and maybe paid by Mr.WolfOfWallstreet for us to quit crypto, lets start discussing then.

>1. To gain money you need to lose money.
Holy shit anon, are you that guy who is Mr.Captain Obvious in parties? No shit man. I thought that there is an endless supply of money out there and to get it you just need to work for it. This is obvious if you have >50 IQ and doesnt need to be explained. There are literally 90% of people out in the world who are dumb as fuck. Heck i work as a manager in a shitty factory and i can see that 90% of workers are just dumb people who go to work, break the law and pay the taxes, punishment for breaking law and vodka. This is the golden rule of making money and fortunately there are more stupid people out there than smart people.

>2. The end result is the same. (small group of people accumulate money).
Mr.Captain Obvious strikes again. Hey ill throw you a bown. Go search Paretos Principle but since you are Mr.Captain Obvious i will lay it out to you. The 80/20 law. 80% of wealth is controlled by 20% of people. This applies to all logics. Now if we take this logic to account, obviously you cant become a multi-millionaire since the pool of people is only 20%. But im not aiming to become a millionaire. I just want to buy a house and live without debts. I dont chase the riches of living a luxurious life. To make that a realistic approach in crypto is doable. Im talking about 500k $. Thats not hard if you think about it. There are so many shitcoins out there that even if you had 100k$ and did 2x 3 or 4 times you would be living my dream. I started off with a very small amount and now have a good amount. I dont aim to be in the small group of autists, but again you claim something that is obvious.

>3. Money is transferred.
Well okay im tired of Mr.Captain Obvious, but this again is quite obvious. The USD is also an illusion. Dont know if your mousebrain again exploded.

>> No.9050722

This documentary is probably made by Bill Ackman in an attempt to regain his money. He's probably losing a lot by shorting Herbalife, so he openly needs to attack the company.

He's not wrong, Herbalife is a POS, but he's not doing this because of ethical reasons. He just smelled money.

He's trying to portray himself as the good guy, but he was partly responsible for the whole shit show of medicine prices rising by ridiculous numbers.

>> No.9050725

Where can I watch this for free.

>> No.9050739


Go research the nuclear disaster effect. If WW3 happens then the USD will lose its value like all currencies lost its value when WW1 and WW2 happened. Heck i have relative and when the Chernobyl disaster happened, he told me that nobody was trading currencies. The most valuable asset was food, vodka and water. So taking this as an example, even the hard-earned cash what you do slavery pajeet is an illusion like crypto currency.

>4. So why are you dealing with crypto?
As i said, i just want to lets say then "Take" money from stupid people so i can buy a house and not pay a loan. I dont care about becoming a millionaire and i think 75% of people here think the same. We just want to take money from the stupid and normies so we can buy a house. This is literally happening everywhere. The company where i work send out exports at 200k $ a week, but they still pay 1000-1500$ wage for a month for a worker. Why cant they pay 5000-10000$? Because they dont want you to earn so much and they want to buy something without a loan as well. This is the main thing about capitalism. Someone always wants something more than others. How you gain it is your question and alone for you.

>5. Crypto is a ponzi.
Yes it is! Again Mr.Captain Obvious we know it. It is ponzi and always has been. To make it you need to invest in something that hasnt boomed. The early adopters just gain money from others LIKE THE SAME HAPPENING IN THE REAL WORLD. You go and work in a position that some other dude built up and you just get a small % of the turnover so that he gains massive %.

Okay im tired, so go fuck off now, im happy with the gains and when i have a house and i dont have to pay a loan for my life i will be happy. And you will continue pajeeting like you pajeet ay.

>> No.9050793


Crypto is literally the solution to “fake news” tho

>> No.9050805

You sound upset, and the name calling is juvenile. The fact is this: Anyone paying $630+ for something that was worth less than $10 a little over a year ago is being suckered. All you are doing is giving the earliest buyers an opportunity to cash out and never return. This is not "investing". The vast majority of people buying in know nothing about cryptocurrency. It has become the world's largest get rich quick scheme. Once people realize what is happening, the game will be over.

And yes, blockchain will impact many industries, but that is the tech and not cyrptocurrencies currently on the market. Most (if not all) coins will never see a real world use-case. If an enterprise wants to utilize blockchain, they can make their own application. It makes zero sense to use a decentralized, immutable smart contract that is always one hack away from collapse. Businesses want control.

The ONLY reason to buy any crypto is so that you can turn around and sell it to the next sucker for more. Mathematically, that cannot last forever.

>> No.9050927

I don't know if you really mean this or if you're just a retarded faggot but I completely agree with you when you say that most coins will crash and burn in a few years, however I strongly disagree with your suggestion that if an enterprise wants to utilize blockchain they can make their own app. That is simply not true, it is more of a hassle for an enterprise to build their own blockchain or even code their own dapp on an existing blockchain than to adopt an existing one. Institutions will adopt existing protocols and they will utilize user-friendly software to create their own dapps, probably with a drag-and-drop GUI. You are retarded and you should feel retarded.

>> No.9050933

And you can go on literally any crypto subreddit, and it is nothing more than a cult of people telling others to "hodl" in a desperate attempt to to prevent it from collapsing. Meanwhile you have creators like Charlie Lee jumping ship and unloading this garbage on the new generation of perma-bagholders. Nobody getting in now is an "early adopter". This is the late stage of the game.

>> No.9050938


>You sound upset, and the name calling is juvenile.
Is this your first time on 4chan? Name-calling is not attacking you personally here SJW, its how we talk here, bluntly. But okay wont namecall you here before you go to the news and start whining about people "Cyber Raping" you on 4chan. Im not upset, what you claim is just stupid and obvious. We know already everything what you are saying. You are beating a dead horse.

>Mathematically, that cannot last forever.
Like the USD will last forever? In about 1000years there will be no currency. When molecular transformation technology kicks in (which means that you can basically make a stone into a wood and YES it is possible theoretically in chemistry - i have PhD in chemistry) then there will be no need for currencies. Nowadays currency is a method to enslave people. Think about it how easy its to control people with currencies, someone works for your to get money. If there would be no money, human civilization would advance in a rapid way. People could do something they desire. For an example a poor pajeet who could invent the next cure for cancer cant research it because he needs to pay bills, get a loan to buy a house etc. Literally the example of slavery.

>All you are doing is giving the earliest buyers an opportunity to cash out and never return.
I already explained this point, yes im trying to get money off of you so i dont have to pay loans and currently it is so worth it. Sorry but in life there are winners and losers and it will always be in a democratic capitalism government style world. Check how Communism panned out, didnt go so well ay? People are the problem. Someone always wants something more.

The more and more i read what you write i conclude the following:
>You are a nihilistic person.
If you feel that there is no reason to do such things then just leave. We will continue on with our day to day things.

>> No.9050952

In a 2015 book, venture capitalist Fred Wilson, who funded dot-com companies and lost 90% of his net worth when the bubble burst, said about the dot-com bubble:

"A friend of mine has a great line. He says 'Nothing important has ever been built without irrational exuberance'. Meaning that you need some of this mania to cause investors to open up their pocketbooks and finance the building of the railroads or the automobile or aerospace industry or whatever. And in this case, much of the capital invested was lost, but also much of it was invested in a very high throughput backbone for the Internet, and lots of software that works, and databases and server structure. All that stuff has allowed what we have today, which has changed all our lives... that's what all this speculative mania built".

>> No.9050963

Do you honestly believe that a business will risk a massive hack by utilizing an uneditable smart contract simply so that they can avoid the "hassle" of making their own? I will guarantee you this: if there is a decentralized blockchain platform that businesses will use, it certainly hasn't been invented yet. Form a business perspective, it is suicide to use immutable smart contracts on a 3rd party platform.

>> No.9050977

>wahhhhh i wanna call names wahhhhh fiat is a scam

>> No.9050980

Fuck off, everything about you oozes femininity. Pull out that bloody tampon and kys.

>> No.9050989


>> No.9051042

So now when you get beaten in argumenting you just choose the easy way out of just making a funny joke? Damn you must be a female because this is how females work. They argument you but when they see they lose they just pour out something random GPFOGKSDKFDSOKblarblar.

Well good but why are you still here then? Bored at work pajeeting and servicing people coffee? Shouldnt your break be over already? People need burgers and coffee dear!

>> No.9051077

Your fedora is on too tight.

>> No.9051154

>this is the late stage of the game.
Funny, I heard the same thing in 2014. I will choose to invest in a deflationary asset instead of listening to someone like you who is spouting regurgitated opinions.

>> No.9051161

Please believe me that, once again, your ignorance of this technological revolution is evident. I may agree that businesses may be hesitant to adopt a blockchain because of the many exploits and vulnerabilities that have been exploited recently, but businesses will undoubtedly benefit from immutable smart contracts for those exact same reasons: they are unchangeable and they are self-executing. Institutions will benefit because they will be able to automate things in unprecedented ways and the immutability will allow them to eliminate discrepancies within their businesses. Also I want to say that I believe you may be using to the Parity multi-signature wallet "hack" that froze millions of dollars worth of Ethereum as supporting evidence, but I promise you that this cannot be further from the truth. That was an error on part of Parity not the blockchain; it is an example of how not to build a smart contract. Every exploit brings us closer to perfection.

>> No.9051208

lol, I probably sold you some of my bags on the way up when I was telling suckers to wait for a serious correction.

Anyways, if you only bought in for the paper chase, without giving a shit about the cause, I'm happy to see the weak hands fold.

>> No.9051225

"The cause" is bullshit, and I will hold to 0. This was my gambling money, but realize in hindsight what a godawful bet it was.

>> No.9051229

It would help the nocoiner position if the best of them didn't come across as 110 iq dunning-kruger types.
Why is it so hard for them to stay away from binary thinking? You don't need to pretend cryptocurrency is worthless in order to argue current valuations are highly speculative. I don't think any of us seriously believe Ripple, Tron or Link are worth what they're valued at, we're just memeing to dump our bags.

>> No.9051258

What a cuck, I feel pity for the people that brought you into this world

>> No.9051259

>two 7 dubs in a row
>being this buttblasted in a row
what did kek mean by this

>> No.9051276

>we're just memeing to dump our bags.
You are overestimating people's intelligence. Have you seen reddit? Those idiots have absolutely drank the kool aid.

>> No.9051299
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This is you, literally. Still dont understand the crypto FUD. Its Monday tho and wagecucks are sad because they have to work off their ass to get their 700$ a month which some guys here make in 5 minutes.

>> No.9051368

Ackman is a faggot and a fraud though

>> No.9051434

So you ignore my eloquently worded response? And here I thought you were looking for an intelligent conversation. The fact you refuse to answer is a testament to your admittance of defeat.

>> No.9052334

This documentary is literally Jewish propaganda.

>> No.9052438

This, he was pushing propaganda cause h bet against Herbalife in wall street. I think he gave up recently.

>> No.9052542

This documentary is really great;
I disagree that crypto is a Ponzi. Adoption =\= buying in. Our money will be made by people using the product. By this logic, all companies are aPonzi” because they make money off of getting more customers while they get to buy the product in cheap.