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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9050225 No.9050225 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9050266
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>> No.9050289
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Would ya look at that

>> No.9050328

I got in at 18 SATS, took out my initial today. Who else is /comfy/ sitting on this?

>> No.9050408

How did you even know about it? I got in the first hour I learned of it's existence @ 38 sats.

>> No.9050439

What exactly is this?

>> No.9050459

U Network on bibox. Lowcap with some hype. I have 4 million to get some quick x2 - x5.

>> No.9050474

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever...

>> No.9050508
File: 108 KB, 1582x620, Screen Shot 2018-04-22 at 11.27.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, see here. >>9050287

Also see Pic In hadax, its killing it there. by this weekend ,we gonna reach 1 cent.

>> No.9050524

This shit is mooning way harder than BBN, fuck why didn't I buy more? Only sitting on 800k here

>> No.9050547

>This shit is mooning way harder than BBN, fuck why didn't I buy more? Only sitting on 800k here

still more room to grow. looks steam at 800 mill. this chinese steam at 20 mill. lets take NEO is like 1/8 of ETH. so this chinese steam had still 4-5x left in short term. long term could be 100x with normie friendly metrics

>> No.9050658
File: 88 KB, 1080x632, Screenshot_20180422-213013_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to get flagged in private buy signal groups as well now.

I got a secret token that is not know and it's not even listed on CMC worth about 1/3 of a penny now. Couple of Hedge fund managers I know are buying it really slowly so it does not disturb the price too much and goes unnoticed. Has backing of silicon valley VC's and china VC's and huobi.pro is also invested in it. Fractions of a penny will double your investment amount.. I'll share it when it lists on huobi pro.

Everyone knows it's getting listed there. Get in early before it hits a cent this weekend. Still a lot more time to get an easy X2

>> No.9050723

Are you talking about UUU or something else? It's listed on CMC

>> No.9050734

What coin is it faggot

>> No.9050809


Progress Report:
U Network Blockchain

Internal testing on test chain:

1. Blockchain data writing and reading is being tested using the interface

2. Property and stability testing is done through sending mass trading volume to the test chain

3. Consensus fault-tolerant testing: cut off 1/3 consensus nodes, blockchain operates smoothly

4. Internal team is setting coding standards

5. Internal team is formulating open source code submission format

Product Development:

1. Apr 9: testing cases were finalized; second round of functional testing, customer acceptance testing and product main flow testing

2. Apr 10: DAPP deployed on Cloud

3. We fixed bugs in product functions based on testing reports

4. Product function iteration and upgrade

5. Apr 31: completion date for testing chain deployment and docking of DAPP on test chain

>> No.9050940


Meant to read true market cap is not listed on CMC.


>> No.9050984
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just bought 300k am i to late to the party?

>> No.9050985

BBN will moon too, but not that soon

>> No.9050991
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It's gonna hit 50 sats tonight

>> No.9051001

unironically told all of you multiple times to go all in at 0.0017 and got called a pajeet. classic biz.

>> No.9051044

I waited too long and it went up from 22 to 25, at least I'm almost doubling my investment while you're about to triple yours it

>> No.9051173

Which exchange is it on at least

>> No.9051233


>> No.9051240

bibox. also, take 4 seconds to figure shit out on your own, you useless fuck.

>> No.9051248

Tried to buy but bibox didn't credit my deposit. Cucked.

>> No.9051261
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Finish setting up your security

>> No.9051294

>at least
Anon you don’t understand, the coin he’s talking about is U Network (UUU). It’s listed on bibox

>> No.9051347


It's going up daily now like most solid bibox tokens do, did you guys see how well EVE & BBN performed in the bear market?

One day very soon it'll violently moon past a cent & you'll start seeing the usual biz 'why didn't you buy this? Do you hate money anon?' posts.

Have you seen their new bi weekly report?


Way ahead of schedule

>> No.9051351

Well it was $0.00183 actually. I must have seen one of the first shills for it and saw that it had basically hit the floor and thought why not go for it. My only regret isn’t putting more in, but I rarely go high on low mcap coins. I might margin trade to increase my position.

>> No.9051379

I listened to you anon and got in at 18, albeit 100k but I will consider buying some more. we’re all gonna make it.

>> No.9051416

Congrats retard, pfr is now filtered. Anybody else with two braincells to rub together will do the same. You are spamming so much that you are driving away potential customers.

>> No.9051614

Just got paid, buying as much as I can right now.

Should I be keeping 50% for long hodl, and swing trading the rest?

What’s the price predictions on this?

>> No.9051810

everyone wants $0.01. which is a 2.5x from here.

>> No.9052119

Alright so I grabbed 32k. I'm thinking swing trade 22k and keep 10k in reserve for long term. what's your plan anon? this is my first investment on a sub $0.10 shitcoin.

>> No.9052237

dont swing trade this. i bought yday and its up 30%. not worth the risk. just hold. its so cheap everyones market buying. i have a couple million and i can screw you over as well ;) hold and youll profit. trust

>> No.9052247

astrology for nerds
muh lines on a graph

>> No.9052278
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thanks for your honesty anon, I'll hold through summer and see what happens. looks capable of going parabolic.

>> No.9052330
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As everyone else is saying, swing trading here is risky as fuck. This could hit 1cent at any point.

Marketing is increasing a lot as people are begining to realise just how profitable this token is both short & long term.

>> No.9052389

Nice. Im guessing 1 cent here we come!

>> No.9052402

wtf I love chinks now

>> No.9052431

its pumping right now. almost half a cent. 1 cent can happen as fast as next week if it pumps 10% a day

>> No.9052441

Thanks for posting the Bitbean charts OP.. Now can you post the charts of the shitcoin UUU

>> No.9052785


1 cent can easily be achieved at the current rate of growth. It could just happen randonly though even today ...

The team are issuing bi weekly medium reports which prove how far a head of schedule they are along with a whole load of other info.

There is no legitimate FUD about this project as well, let that sink in.

>> No.9052808

No proper CMC listing yet - what's the market cap etc? That's never a good sign.

>> No.9052867

if you didn't live under a fucking rock, you'd figure that shit out you fucking inbred monkey. Circ supply is 6 billion, which puts it at 18 mill mcap or something

>> No.9052916

Yeah, whats the marketcap, and ICO price. Cant find shit about this coin. Seems like they started their blockchain product as a byproduct of their social media network. They will reward content creators. Great, thats what BAT does. And they will give away tokens for free. This seems fishy as fuck

>> No.9053011

10 billion units of sugar was mentioned in their distribution phase of their token.So that gives them a 4 mill USD marketcap right now. Cant find anything about token creation though.

>> No.9053032
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>what's the market cap etc?

>> No.9053051

stay poor desu

>> No.9053083

This doesn't give me that ANT feel

>> No.9053151

They didnt do an ICO as they got initial funding through VC

>> No.9053170


ANS not ANT you fucking retard. You're clearly new here.

>> No.9053191

Also I was on a call with them. There is more news coming next week. Get in while you can.

>> No.9053255

fug, I hope this is legit. I've never gotten into something so early.

>> No.9053427


>> No.9053451

Anyone who has any doubts about this, keep in mind that Chink whales are accumulating the absolute fuck out of this and they're not doing it without a reason.
There's something going on behind the scenes with this thing that we don't know about.
This project has really weird vibe to it.
As if they already decided that this thing will become the default Chink steemit and it's destined to succeed without the slightest possibility of failure.
Now they are just going through the formalities of going through the development and throwing money at it.
Who knows, maybe the project is damn near ready, but they're just putting on a show of having it go through the development cycle. I mean 8 months ahead of the schedule is quite a leap to pull off.
I bet they're going to roll out the platform way sooner than anyone thinks.

>> No.9053454
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This guy is a main technical advisor & investor ... That alone should convince anyone who knows anything about crypto to buy at least 500k.

>> No.9053533

I know nothing about crzypto. Why is he important? I do know Qualcomm

>> No.9053545

at the current price it is 26.5m marketcap

>> No.9053555

>ICO price

>> No.9053615


Ontology & Neo co founder amoungst other merits. This is why people have been saying this project has ANS vibes.

>> No.9053676

why is there unironically no negativity about this?

>> No.9053699
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Based Lambo Li

>> No.9053709

About 40 percent went to investors. What did they pay. 1 sats per token or something.

>> No.9053719


People are still trying to think of FUD - happens every time when you see a solid as fuck project like this.

It'll take them a while to make up some complete bullshit though so I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.9053741

Thanks anon

>> No.9053758
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i want to FOMO in so badly

>> No.9053804

I just don't know anymore, I'm willing to pick this up but there's literally nothing more uncomfy that buying after a pump. Might put a few k in...

>> No.9053810

Just fomo'd in. It's going to dump 40% minimum. Sorry guys.

>> No.9053815


You're still super early to the party! This could even reach 100 sats today.

>> No.9053861


This is different than fomoing into an established token pump, let's take BAT for example the other day - the fomo kids got burned & rightly so.

Often with new solid projects like this stready growth is the first phase (what we're in now) followed by a moon (what we'll see shortly I imagine) & then rinse & repeat.

Get in now or regret it tomorrow anon

>> No.9053894

This blatant shilling. What's your target pajeet? How are you fucking us?

>> No.9053960

Can some whale dump already? I'm not buying directly after a lump like this

>> No.9053982


Please show me any posts promoting U-network that contain any misinformation?

>> No.9054015

That is not what I asked.
>What's your target pajeet?
>How are you fucking us?

>> No.9054037

Who gives a shit?

>> No.9054044

That's believable. Where do you see this eoy?

>> No.9054297
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Getting some weird early AntShares/RaiBlocks vibes about this one. All the factors are pointing at massive growth right now. I want to hear legit fud about this, is there any of that?

>> No.9054335

This seems to easy, get in elec instead

>> No.9054365

Giving out an eoy estimate about a project that might end up as the steemit of Asia in a big crypto bull rush is impossible.
Short term this is without a doubt going to 2-5x
If the project is up and running with a lot of promotion and adoption, this thing might do something crazy and hit +1bil.
So who the hell knows. The bottom line is that it has a retarded amount of growth potential and it's too good of an opportunity to pass by at a low MC like this.

>> No.9054423


I'm promoting a project that I'm invested in to a group of potential investors. Simple as that, you know there are people on these boards with a fuck ton of fiat/BTC just waiting to invest into something with promise.

That's the best part about UUU, it's easy to promote & it's steady growth shows that.

>> No.9054565

I'll do some research but do you agree with those saying it could hit 1 cent this week? Only other concern I have is the shitty exchange

>> No.9054586

Sold my MAN to ride the BBN "pump" and it isn't doing anything, while MAN is slowly rising. Should I sell some BBN for this coin to make it up? Don't like getting in after this huge pump but my fault for not heeding your words sooner.

>> No.9054623

On that exchange note, this shit will make it to other chinese exchanges eventually, if it ever makes it to binance i think it will be fkn huge
>not your financial advisor

That saidi never had an issue with biboz yet

>> No.9054661

Exchange is what it is.
Unless we can get qualified for Hadax, well tough luck. Got to get the UUUs here.
If it keeps on growing like it has done so far, I think it's likely for it to hit 1 cent or more this week.
I'm now 50% into it myself and I think it's one of the biggest potential gainers in the near and possibly long term.
And what anon above me said, when this starts finding it's way to other exchanges, we're going to see some fireworks.

>> No.9054667

Can this hit $1? That's all I need to know.

>> No.9054676

Aight man, I was trying to trigger you anyways. You're not pointing a gun to anyone to buy.

Regarding price, the fact is... Market cap is irrelevant in crypto. Even with a zillion supply, $.004 cents is ridiculous. No way it doesn't go to $.01-.02 at least, which is usually the base price for all "shitcoin until proven otherwise" projects.

>> No.9054699

Well well, we are talking about hitting 1 cent and there is a guy asking about $1.
Absolute state

>> No.9054706

why is this not shilled on reddit yet?? they are the gateway to normies

>> No.9054707

Honestly, what are the other choices? Electrify Asia?
(Also good.)
Also good.
Fuck it. Buy in. See what happens.

>> No.9054718

Longterm matters more to me. It's already pumped a lot, so bare minimum if I put anything into it I want to know whether or not it can match the potential return of other coins. No harm in asking if you think the potential is there.

>> No.9054725

Honestly, if the alt market goes again, this is new enough, at the right time to where it might go above a cent.
Would be interesting to see for sure.

>> No.9054780

just kys or stop writing.
everything you write gives us cancer

>> No.9054854

Who knows. If they have a working platform and it really ends up getting adopted in Asia, then it's certainly a faint possibility.
Especially considering how the crypto world is soon going to start dragging in more and more money into it. Google trends are still in the shitter regarding crypto and we have already ~400 billion in it, with Bitcoin constantly losing ground to the alts.
Things can quickly go parabolic in this world as we have seen happen over and over again.