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9047501 No.9047501 [Reply] [Original]

Look biz bros, need some advice here. Feel stuck as fuck. Work a well-paying dead end job. Have a crush on this stupid co-worker. She does nothing but talk all about herself. And for some reason, as much as I fucking hate her, I want her fucking badly. I can do so much better but, fucking hell... I'm so attracted to her. And I was planning on trying at least something tonight after work... but as luck has it tonight, she was asked out at the bar but some douchebag-- a really fucking bore who just looks good. And she's stoked about it.

I just left work without really saying anything to them after being all happy joy-joy the whole night, so her and my other co-workers probably know something is up. But now, I kind of just want to fucking leave everything behind. I'm so done with this mantra bullshit of having to fight for every girl I want-- they either want me or they don't, more often than not... they don't and I'm not all about being a second choice. Should I tell her how I feel before I leave? Or, just leave and never look back? In before all the beta, cuck, op, fag, queer, whatever, etc etc have had a lot of girlfriends and sex. Lately though, ie the last year or two... have hit a fucking monumental dry spell.

>> No.9047535


>> No.9047538

just move on. Anything you say will make you look like a beta pussy and you will regret it

>> No.9047551

Just strangle her bro

>> No.9047576

Tell her you can offer her some insider info on this new Oracle solver but she'll need to pay with her body.

>> No.9047602

why did she put lipstick on above her upper lip? Looks retarded

>> No.9047604

>>I as much as I fucking hate her, I want her fucking badly

>>Should I tell her how I feel before I leave?

These two things do not compute.

>> No.9047617

yeah no shit....i don't fucking understand it either

>> No.9047647

just move on man, her disinterest in you is just a clear sign that there is no point of you two being together. there is more to life than sex.

i want to give you some advice. as a man who has been in a relationship for over a year now, living with my girlfriend, there are times when i miss being independent

this "dry spell" you refer to is really just an opportunity to grow as a person. whether that is learning a new skill, hobby, instrument. art. or even staying fit. if you are spiritual, it's an opportunity for you to grow closer to yourself. getting into a relationship makes that a little trickier sometimes.

>> No.9047667

because she's a stupid girl, brainlet

>> No.9047670

Well ok. Since she is a co-worker, maybe she's just office hot. Go hang out with other women.

>> No.9047688

It's called lust. You want to fuck her bc she's hot and you hate her bc she's a piece of human garbage.

>> No.9047714


>> No.9047740

Are you talking about VeChain?

>> No.9047757
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>> No.9047801
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a year ago i was cold approaching women and going on dates

now im too pussy to even talk to my female co-workers

>> No.9048155

thanks man, her disinterest in me is the most bitter part. I just don't get it.........how can you get along with someone pretty fucking well, like making each other laugh hysterically? And still not think anything is there... I will never understand that and yet it continues to spoil my existence again and again. But yeah, lately, I've been trying to see this moment as such. Here's to finding myself...

this is actually pretty plausible. i just imagined if I was out at a bar and saw her there with some friends, would I even look twice?

lust, I guess. she's nice, a bitch at times but nice overall. Just wickedly self-absorbed, which was also why I just took my dinner and left... I didn't want to sit there and eat, while listening to them yap about how exciting and cute he is. But, now that I'm stoned, I really regret my shift in behavior from having a good time to practically not even responding to them...

>> No.9048558

M8 your problem is you hate on everything and everybody.

Fix that shit. for example the "she was asked out by some douchebag, a real fucking bore bla bla"

nigga, atleast he had the fucking cohones to do shit, your a fag. Who hates on others, fix that shit.

>> No.9048672

listen to this OP, i was in a similar position as you ended up with the girl then regretted it and wanted out because of how much of a bitch she was. Made me realize i had things good before, I eventually ended it and now work is a living nightmare.

>> No.9048721

First of all, don't shit where you eat. Getting into some kind of relationship with a girl at work is usually not a good idea. Things could work out but if they don't, it's a recipe for disaster.

That outta the way, what >>9048558 and >>9047647 said is good life advice. Take a moment to come to grips with the fact that you're into this chick, for whatever reason, and she's not into you or she's off the table and learn to just deal with that. It sucks but it happens. Acting bitter about it is just going to make you look like a fag.

>> No.9048768

>Or, just leave and never look back?

>> No.9049004

you're absolutely right. I do need to fix that. And he did. True. I think, truthfully, here's what really fucking sucks about tonight: had I reacted differently to him asking her out. If I had fucking said to myself, I'm happy for her. That's great. Instead of getting irritated, quiet, hurried, and probably came off a little mad-- My entire fucking night could've turned out WAY different. It almost even feels like everything that happened tonight was leading up to this great, amazing thing that I've always wanted a chance at.

My mood has been getting a lot better, I'm more happy and enjoyable to be around. I brought in cookies for everyone and they fucking loved them(work with a bunch of girls, and we all do this shit), we we're all joking the whole night. It was a genuinely, great night till I became all pissy, rude, quiet, irritated, rushed, hurried, after he asked her out. After we closed, we ordered dinner from a place across the street.I went to go pick it up but by this point, I had already become defeated and slightly mad. FUcking hate myself for this. Then, of course, when I walk into the restaurant-- the hostess is absolutely gorgeous, around my age as well. Everything I could possibly want in a woman, brunette-glasses-sexy as fuck. Had I maintained my level of enthusiasm that I had throughout the evening, maybe I could've mustered up enough courage to ask this hostess out-- maybe, just maybe a shot at what I've really wanted. Instead I let a sour mood piss the whole thing to hell... holy. fucking. fuck. how the fuck do I reboot with this hostess? I wasn't exactly rude, just quiet and I'm sure she could sense that, as I probably walked through the door more hurried, than happy. Fuck my life. How do I reboot with this chick? Could easily set up a chance to meet this hostess again, but don't want her to think I'm sure beta grumpy puss like I probably came off as tonight........

>> No.9049559

pls bros

>> No.9049613
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lol 3D
Just Monika.