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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 696x487, funfair2-696x487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9045246 No.9045246 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have some FUN?

>> No.9045310

I have 10,000 FUN on my ledger.

I know that is not much now, but it used to be over 2,000 U.S. dollars.

This stack of FUN is the ONLY coin I ABSOLUTELY refuse to sell for a few years as I want to see this project materialize and the token will have many benefits between staking and the coin burn, unlike some coins which are legit solid projects but the coins have no benefits to holding.

So I will hold FUN to the end.

>> No.9045371


I'm also HODLing this coin for some years. I've got over 100k FUN and I think they could be worth 1$ in a couple years

>> No.9045674
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>in a couple years

Oh anon if only you knew

>> No.9045684

I am. By investing in decent projects

>> No.9045688

I plan on holding this coin for at least 2 years. I will then use it to gamble on the network.

>> No.9045756

EBET is better than this piece of shit

>> No.9045923
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>> No.9046199

i've had 500k FUN since last august FML

>> No.9046227

Because I don't want a piece of shit that no casino would use?

>> No.9046256

lucky bastard, I only have half that. Tried bumping up to the same in this last dip but missed my buy order by like 17 sats.

>> No.9046432

poor fag here, managed to up my stack to 25k on the dip. plz let this moon.

>> No.9046508

>Why don't you have some FUN?

I did. I had 3,000,000 FUN, back when that actually meant something.

As the price kept dropping, I kept buying more and cost averaging down.

The worst decision I ever made in my crypto journey was buying that shitcoin, the best decision I made was selling it.

Never ever ever buy anything that /biz/ is shilling on here.

>> No.9046596

liar and faggot

>> No.9046621


If you are planning on holding something for 2 years, then buy a coin that gives you something for holding and staking

Put it all into NEO or ARK instead, solid coins that give you something for holding and puts you in a better position long term.

FunFair is quite literally, a gamble. From what I see, they are moving backwards instead of forward and I just don't see casino adoption ever happening, and everything depends on that.

I sold my 3,000,000 FUN and never looked back. Best decision I ever made.

>> No.9046678

>liar and faggot

I would show you screenshots of my sell orders on Bittrex, but they de-listed FUN 2 months ago so I no longer have access to my trade history.

believe me or not, I don't care. I gain or lose nothing either way. I'm simply telling of my personal experience holding FunFair.

>> No.9046701

They delisted FUN while it was still almost 1k sats & before market crash, this is obvious FUD

>> No.9046764


I sold everything after they announced they were de-listing FUN. I didn't like that Jez and the team just downplayed it by saying it "didn't matter".

Even though i'm holding 0 FUN now, I still check up on it every now and then to see if I made the right decision. I can say with 100% certainty that I did.

>> No.9046904

Bittrex delisting it was a joke. At the time it was one of maybe five decent coins worth having on that exchange. When they delisted it it was because the product looked like it was about to launch and they clearly were shitting themselves over legal implications.

Either way a Bittrex listing is about as relevant as getting listed on Yobit nowadays.

FUN is down massively and yeah selling it a few months ago was the right call but pretty much selling any crypto three months ago was the right call. If this whole sector blows up I think Fun is one of the few coins that can stick around long term up there with the likes of ETH and BTC.

>> No.9046970

>I decided to sell after worthless exchange delists it due to gambling and before Beta launch in may.

You do realize there are already casinos who are on board for launch?

>> No.9047057
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>You do realize there are already casinos who are on board for launch?

OK, at this point i've since moved on so I don't care. Best of luck to those still holding. I'm convinced I made the right decision and that's all that matters to me.

Btw, me and another member in the TG group made what we believe is the first ever bet ever made using FUN when we bet on the outcome of the Superbowl. I lost and kept my end of the deal.

I really believed in this project at one point, but i'm not the type to just mindlessly hold on to something hoping for the best.

>> No.9047179

were you the dude that kept posting your portfolio and it was like 99% fun and 1% ETH worth like 300k around new years when we hit like 25 cents?

you went out to party taht night and i never seen you post again

>> No.9047218
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70k FUN here, still holding, will hold for all of this year well into next

>> No.9047359

should have used a decentralized oracle you mong

>> No.9047398
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>> No.9047505

1500 fun. Should I buy more on this dip?

>> No.9047584

Yes, always buy more
t. 10k funlet

>> No.9047642

I'm holding some fun just for the memes. I have yet to see better memes than fun.

>> No.9047697

>>9047642What the fuck did you just fucking say about ChainLink, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my crypto economics class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps on BitBean, and I have over 300% confirmed gains. I am trained in gorilla fudding and I’m the top Link bagholder on etherscan. You are nothing to ChainLink but just another shitcoin. I will wipe your tokens the fuck out with losses the likes of which has never been seen before in these markets, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Linkies over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Pajeets and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, no-linker. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your wallet. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack your private keys in over seven hundred ways. Not only am I extensively trained in memetics, but I have access to the entire hashpower of the blockchain and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little street shitter. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn brainlet. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9047748
File: 48 KB, 561x346, 24B5373C-BA39-4B4F-912C-9A59A3AC87DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah senpai. It’s so unironically not.

>> No.9047781


>> No.9047848
File: 197 KB, 677x507, 291450D6-6EFD-4BFD-BE72-2D4305FC6BCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, at least EBET has room to grow. Fun is still coming down from unreasonable hype and fake news plus the CEO and his so called “company” are a bunch of retarded assholes. Good luck in your life holding this dopey piece of crap

>> No.9047998

But i have 100k

>> No.9048016

I'm also getting a FUN coin tattoo when it hits $1

>> No.9048254
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reporting in. i love that people shit on our coin.
the price is so low, the use case so obvious....
the loss if it fails is nothing to me while the upside is massive. I'm OK losing $5k if with a years' patience it could become >$125k, and it seems so heavily undervalued that even a price of $0.08--more than doubling my money--seems so likely that I'd actually feel amused at ridiculous luck of not actually gaining something off of this.

i just keep thinking back to those all-nighters in the computer lab...at early hours of morning... when the evening-shift cashier (say, 55yo. short, fat, white hair and glasses) would come sit at a computer after her shift, login to facebook, and proceed to play Bejeweled or whatever for hours on end, just staring mindlessly at the screen, clicking away, just dull, staring, clicking. just like people at the casino slots. the millions of people just like her... casino in the palm of their hands... they will be our fair... fun, fair maidens

>> No.9048332

225k FUN here, just fuck my shit up

>> No.9048771

>fake news plus the CEO and his so called “company” are a bunch of retarded assholes.
Tell us what FunFair's "fake news" is, as well as how the developers are "retarded" and "assholes". I'd love to hear you try to bs your way through an explanation.

>> No.9048943

waiting for this baby to hit 1 dollar so i can buy me my first ever sports car

>> No.9048958

how long then?

>> No.9048994

Can't get enough of this coin. Actual working product that solves a use case. This is THE project to be in right now.
I keep buying more every pay cheque, need more... can't get enough.

>> No.9049056

i would be doing this, but i need liquidity for in case I have an emergency

>> No.9050052

They removed the burn and keep delaying beta.
Now we found out operators don't even have a license yet.
Lost first movers advantage.
5 year Dilution overhang.
190million still in bittrex.
Pajeets making videos lying about casinos.

>> No.9050220
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>> No.9050965
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6 mill fun here :)

>> No.9051010

They didn’t even have first mover advantage. They were supposedly “more well funded” well, those funds were wasted. IGNORE THESE PAID SHILLS AND DUMP THIS DOGSHIT

>> No.9051121

I'm really curious if this coin will take off. It has a great team behind it and an active discord. I'm holding 500k atm but don't blame the dude above me for selling his 3mil because lets be honest, getting delisted from multiple exchanges makes people lose faith, alongside the progress on the product is painstakingly slow.

>> No.9051150

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever....

>> No.9051291

What is the absolute highest FUN could go?

>> No.9051664

Travel back in time to Jan 18 to find out. I had 70k of these and I believed in the team and the use case but bailing out (at a loss) months ago was one of the best decisions I've made. No fud, just sharing my opinion. I've shilled friends and colleagues with FUN when I was into it so I hope it works out for you holders.

>> No.9052516
File: 50 KB, 561x346, 3B6414B6-BDB8-415E-909D-10225E0B948C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally false.