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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 696x446, welder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9044096 No.9044096 [Reply] [Original]

>generally low IQ
>Over inflated sense of self importance
>Doesn't understand that his low intellect dirtmonkey job will be automated by the intelligent people actually changing society forward
I can't wait to see them obsolete in 10 years

>> No.9044138

Kebab Chef here
>650k a year.
>Massive workplace benefits such as access to unlimited fries
>Highly respected by local community
List goes on.

>> No.9044145

>Low IQ and gets paid a lot

It's the next best thing to being a NEET


>> No.9044172

Trucker here

>tfw smoking weed on off ramps then enjoying the beautiful scenery in the Midwest

Max comfy even more comfy when I will be able to sit back and kick my feet up while the truck drives itself

>> No.9044175

>t. butthurt engineer who eats canned beans for dinner

>> No.9044204

I regret opting out of trades for computer science. The education costs fuck all, your skills can be applied in small towns, and you can study whatever the fuck you want instead of doing continuous education. All that and you can study finance on the side, gain access to other dirt monkies who have ins. God tier.

>> No.9044215

Have you ever considered getting into a real field like medicine or astrophysics?

>> No.9044231


>> No.9044261

Enjoy that for the next 5 years max. Self driving trucks are right around the corner kek

>> No.9044503
File: 82 KB, 570x783, welding-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9044613

Low IQ is right. My dad runs a manufacturing company and has told some good rekt stories.

>Dump trailer operator used the hydraulics to try and shake the load out, somehow the mechanism broke and like a trebuchet it snapped forward and crushed the cab obliterating the driver

>Forklift driver was high while moving a big beam and ran into the corner of a building somehow breaking his pelvis in the process

>> No.9044708

Hope your dad got sued for having shit equipment

>> No.9045309


>> No.9045598
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1515995595831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kebab chef

>> No.9045613

Looks like some chink country

>> No.9046224


>> No.9046246

I'm in trades.

More specifically I'm a mobile technician.

I repair satellite controlled, diesel powered mobile refrigerators.

I get a service call and have to drive to a customer. Their unit is broken and usually loaded with 100k+ worth of food which is spoiling by the second.

I have to diagnose what's wrong. Pull apart and rebuild diesel engines. Compressors. Deal with 460v systems, find wiring faults, programming faults all on the fly, in any weather, at any time.

Yes. Maybe you can make a robot what can change a tire. But can this same robot diagnose problems and rebuild an entire car on the fly without any human interaction?

Get REKT school boy

>> No.9046458

How do I start this trade?

>> No.9046696

Engineer here, 10 years out of school.

Could’ve been an electrician straight out of high school. If I did that is no doubt be comfy as shit right now, running my own business and managing a crew. I’d be making as much of not more than I do now, and I wouldn’t have to take on $60k of debt to do it.

Worst mistake of my life

>> No.9046699


Check this out. Not sure where you live but it'll give you an idea of what to expect:




>> No.9046708

Yes, AI will do all this and much more very soon.

>> No.9046728

I am a late-20’s NEET with crypto money and time to kill. I don’t have “fuck you” money but I can afford a bachelors degree or similar education. I don’t mind working with my hands. So far I’ve been planning to self-teach software development.

What do? Is that a good idea? I think trades seem interesting but I know literally nothing about them.

>> No.9046761

Machine learning and computer science are likely the only two fields worth pursuing due to exponential increase in compute power.

>> No.9046921

I work in the trades. I went to a private high school and a few years of college for CS before deciding I hated that shit. I can say from experience that the kind of people you meet in the trades are generally better people than the people you come across in the professional world. People in the professional world tend to be way too concerned with their image and one upping their peers. Very fake people. People in the trades just seem more genuine in my opinion. Not all concerned about having the biggest house or the newest car. This is just my experience obviously.

>> No.9047202

At your age, I don't recommend getting into software development unless you can learn things really fast. Otherwise you'll just end up being a low-level code monkey.

>> No.9047247

>6.50k a year
Fixed it.

>> No.9047253

>6.50k a year
Fixed it.

>> No.9047450

Good job getting rekt thus far OP.
T. High IQ comfy Tradesman

>> No.9047488

Haha your fucking rich fag dad skimping on maintenance then boasting about some poor worker being killed because of his low IQ.
The fucking state of /biz

>> No.9047514

My experience with tradesmen has been felons with facial tatoos who speak chicano spainglish and steal from you to support their meth habit. Professionals are just as bad but in their own special psychopathic sorts of ways.

>> No.9047557

I'd rather be the guy who designs that shit than the schmuck who fixes it. You tell me which one is more important.

>> No.9047564

This 100%

>> No.9047679

Until your work gets outsourced to india in 2 years and you can no longer support your lavish lifestyle, your 2 million dollar mortgage, range rovers and private school education for Chad Jr.
Your wife leaves you for José the yoga teacher and the only work you can find is labouring on a construction site surrounded by real men who constantly belittle you.
It all becomes too much and you decide to go out in a blaze of glory by having a custom made paracetamol buttplug moulded to the exact dimensions of José the yoga teachers Argentinian thundercock.

>> No.9047771


Loaded truck broken down carrying 80,000lbs of pharmaceuticals. Approx value of the load, 1 million.

Who's more important, the guy who designed It, or the guy who fixes it?

It's all a matter of perspective my friend.

Trust me when I say this, it happens daily. I can name whatever price I want.

>> No.9047878
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 8D63FDD0-F6C3-4BB2-9FD2-161885523237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your profession has already been replaced by robots OP. Pic related

>> No.9047886

Made 1100 today to change a pool liner took me 3 hours feels good

>> No.9048003

Anon, what the fuck are you gonna do in 5 years when they make a pool liner replacement robot?

>> No.9048158

>your lavish lifestyle, your 2 million dollar mortgage, range rovers and private school education for Chad Jr.
Lol. The average engineer salary is like 80-120k. I think you might be imagining they make a bit more

>> No.9048246


Pretty much this.

I really wish I had done a trade. I'm 30 and would be so far ahead.

Trades can be a lot of money if you play the game right

>> No.9048247

Oh shit, I just assumed since i make 100k as a retarded tradesman that such a god like profession with an expensive university degree would demand a higher salary.

>> No.9048347

I know, I just like to rustle jimbones

>> No.9048381

same except no one hired me out of school. now i'm a roofer and it's all right. nice becoming more handy around the house as a result, too