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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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903966 No.903966 [Reply] [Original]

Martin Shkreli has been tweeting about how he predicts that all biotec companys will crash and burn and is short selling the shit out of hes own company.
>Bought up a drug patent
>Raised its prices buy 5000%
>Clinton tweets about more regulation
>Biotech stocks crash and burn
>Short selling

After the little flash crash they change the pricing back.

This guy just made millions by triggering all the reddit neckbeards.

>> No.903969

evidence of him short selling?

>> No.903973
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Mr. Shkreli has also continued to bet against, or short, biotechnology stocks, even as he has run Retrophin and Turing. He is said to have made millions shorting the stocks of Celladon and Vital Therapies after correctly predicting their products would fail in clinical trials.


>> No.903974
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Hes a well kown Biotec short seller.

U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, to investigate the short-selling activities of hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli


>> No.903978

what an absolutely based man

>> No.903980

Genius....if you ask me

Incredibly unethical and I couldn't go through with it, however, he is very schemy which I admire

>> No.903990

Dude is just playing the system and using it to his advantage. Definitely not ethical, but alas.

>> No.904075


Best part is all he did was buy the marketing rights to the drug in the US. There is no patent on the drug.

>> No.904178

The best part is seeing liberals foaming at the mouth while all their rage is only helping him short sell more. Like seriously do they not realize the game he's playing?

>> No.904185

That's called "hedging your bets", son.

>> No.904219


Actually I believe the term you're looking for is insider trading.

>> No.904226

Hey, if you're going to be 90% in one industry, putting all your eggs into one basket, doesn't it make sense to put the last 10% in a bet against the industry? That way, if the industry does good, you do great. If it tanks its value drops 50%, there's a good chance that the growth on your hedge will help to at least close the gap a little. It makes sense to do this regardless of what other seedy shit you're up to if you're going to put yourself so deeply into one segment of one investment.

>> No.904228

What are these firms' handles?

>> No.904232

How can u know its insider trading? Are u saying he knew those companies would fail trials beforehand? What makes u think that?

>> No.904235

Yup that's the stuff the whales of the market do! Good insight i must say

>> No.904237

Yep just gonna short sell then sink the stock :^)

>> No.904245

This guy is playing capitalism by gaining exclusive rights to market pharmaceuticals that have 'life and death' implications.

I view this as a form of extortion. If you are an affected individual (using a previously available medication), pay this guy all the money you have or die.

More importantly, he is taking this money from the US public via our (now required) participation in the US Healthcare system.

I don't need that drug, but I have to have healthcare insurance. The patients who do need this medication to live are getting it, and the healthcare system is paying for it. Thus my heath insurance payments keep going up and up.

>> No.904258
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America the land of freedom

>> No.904295


he shorted his own company

how blind fucking are you

also, hedging is retarded. if anything you want to diversify.

>> No.904296
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a /biz god, a fucking prophet.

>> No.904317

>is short selling the shit out of hes own company.
He's literally gonna get v&

>> No.904318

>completely missing the point

>> No.904335

>short a stock
>become its manager
>tank the company
>collect winnings
>resign position
>collect gold parachute
triggering blue pills for fun and profit. we salute you.

>> No.904339


You know you can't buy or sell stock in your own company without it being disclosed to the SEC right? So this would be very public information, and while he has the spotlight on him he's not gonna go and sell his stock illegally

I just don't know what is wrong with you people

>> No.904343

He is still inside trading if he sinks all biotec stocks and shorts them. The effect was seen on all biotec stocks which he is shorting.

>> No.904362


>> No.904370

missing what point? This guy is extorting the system.

>> No.904406

But is it legal what he did ?
Whats the SEC's stance on it ?

>> No.904418

>Guy extorts money out of AIDS patients.

DAMN YOU OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.904480


He's not shorting his own company. He's shorting all the other biotechs that sink in reaction to the prospect of tighter regulation, which he has triggered.

>> No.904484

/biz/ doesn't really care about the moral implications of his actions. They're concerned exclusively with the profitability of it. In that context, he's doing very well and it's admirable.

>> No.904527


Yes, that is what is wrong with our (now global) society. People are applauding this guy for his profit$, and don't even care about or consider the carnage he is causing, the lives impacted and the burden placed on the rest of us. He isn't earning money, he is extorting it from people who need medication to live (but that is really coming out of the pockets of the whole US population.)

Nothing in life is only financial. In the real world, everything is tied together somehow.

We value $$$, sexiness and how far someone can throw/kick a ball. None of which really matter. We have lost all consideration of the important things like accountability, responsibility, reputation and community.

>> No.904529

Nigga this is just how monopoly works. The only reason this particular situation is salient is because it's a drug a small number of people need to survive. There's nothing wrong with applauding people for their business savvy. If the system is exploitable, it will be exploited. We will always try to maximize profits. It's silly, in my opinion, to blame the person who exploits the system rather than the people who let the system be exploitable.

>> No.904530
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got some shit to say to our lord and savior? give him a ring

>> No.904535


but is that not insider trading? he banked on secret knowledge that only he had, a media event which he created.

is that legal?

>> No.904539


P.S. This guys knows what he is doing is wrong, morally, ethically and personally wrong.

He just surrounds himself with equally immoral people who all they tell him 'good job', so he can sleep at night.

Shame on you for thinking this is an admirable way to conduct business.

>> No.904543

Did I say it was an admirable way to conduct business? No. I said it was the rational way to conduct business, and saying "people need to stop being so greedy!!!" is a child's viewpoint that puts you on the same level as occupy wall street. Get congress to change it. Business will not stop seeking profit maximization.

>> No.904549

he paid 50 million for the patent. do you think he will earn more than 50 mill with short selling?

>> No.904553


The biotech market is absurdly risk laden. Between upfront costs, and government intervention you'd be a fucking absolute fool not to short the shit out of it.

He's putting up tons of money to make pills that might work. Millions in development and regulatory burdens.

Profit is a given. If you aren't making it you're a fucking immoral wallowing pig. Free cash flow is the only thing in the fucking universe that creates true growth and moves humanity forward.
Its not immoral to ask people to pay what they owe. Especially in a society where bankruptcy protection and social safety nets pick up the slack.
The immoral ones were the prior owners who let the price sink to 0.005% of its current risk adjusted margin.

If you're renting out a house that cost you 500$ a month to own and you're charging $0.01 rent you deserve what's coming to you. you were supporting a flawed and crooked system that perpetuated stagnation and death of the soul.

>> No.904556

It looks like textbook rent-seeking behavior to me, anon. He bought a very old patent that used to sell for less than a dollar a pill and ramped up the price. He could have just not bought the patent and prices would have remained low. It's not necessary at all that this pill cost $750 million.

He made money, and that's fine. but don't like it's some calculated cost-benefit analysis. Well, i suppose it was, but the benefit far, far, far outweighed the cost.

>> No.904560

I'd agree with you if Mr. Shekels had just raised the price of printer ink by 5000%. Unfortunately, he is not currently in the printer ink business, he is currently in the drugs-deemed-an-basic-and-essential-medicine-by-the-World-Health-Organization business.

Perhaps to you, profit motive is such an essential drive that you would be willing to directly cause the deaths of several hundred people a year in the pursuit of it, but not to me.

>> No.904561


>In that context, he's doing very well and it's admirable.

Yes, I think you did say that it was admirable ... ?

>> No.904563

In that context. As in "in the context of a business maximizing profits".

Are you incapable of understanding the difference between normative and positive claims?

>> No.904568

>Nigga this is just how monopoly works

And that is why owning a monopoly is illegal or becomes regulated.

>It's silly, in my opinion, to blame the person who exploits the system rather than the people who let the system be exploitable.

It is that mentality that leads to more and more absurd regulation. Quit trying to cheat the system and *earn* your money (not extort it or exploit it.)

Having a new or novel idea that offers some sort of new or improved product or service. That is something to be proud of. Good business!

Taking a medical necessity for some and extorting those people to be able to continue to live is despicable. Bad business. :-(

>> No.904571

>It is that mentality
It's literally human nature. If you're trying to change human nature, by all means. But it's a worthless cause as all human behavior is driven by self-interest.

>> No.904574

>We value $$$, sexiness and how far someone can throw/kick a ball. None of which really matter. We have lost all consideration of the important things like accountability, responsibility, reputation and community.
Shit, man, sign me up for your utopia...

>> No.904582


Kind of ... I will offer a correction: "as all *small minded* human behavior is driven by self-interest."

Some people can actually think of more than just themselves ...

>> No.904588

I disagree. 99%, if not 100% of human behavior is driven by self-interest. The most altruistic behavior is driven either by seeking good feelings or avoiding bad feelings. It's just the way our brains work. But I don't want to rant too much. I think it's pretty empirical, honestly.

>> No.904616


I agree with you.

Self preservation is our most basal instinct. No question about it.

I said, "kind of" (not that you were wrong), because what you wrote was true, but there is more to the story.

Some people can actually think of more than just themselves ...

When your needs are taken care of, then you can focus on more than just self preservation.

The point of which was that citing 'everyone is selfish' (human nature) doesn't justify the actions. Everyone is horny, but that doesn't justify rape.

As a society, we need to coexist without extorting and ripping each other off.

>> No.904622

I mean, I suppose that's fair from a moral standpoint, but from a practical standpoint, we just have to accept that as long as the rules are such that you can manipulate the system, it will be manipulated.

If you set up a playground with a fence that's missing in some places, you can tell the kids not to leave the fence, and sure, many kids will listen. But you can't exactly blame the children who stray out of the fence, can you? After all. You could have just built a better fence.

>> No.904655

Don't stop debating you fucking fags, I enjoyed this a lot, it's interesting seeing the differing points!!!

But, fuck, this nigger is so damn fucking smart! He did what I would have done had I had been in his position! Fuck morals!

>> No.904659

>Fuck moral
I don't think this guy is a sociopath. I think in those positions most people just don't think about the potential loss of life they're costing. It's rare for DWL to be such a big deal (to anyone but the government), so you treat it like any other commodity. Now you? Maybe you're a sociopath. Idk. But it's not an issue of being amoral. Chances are this guy , if actually presented with either saving a child in a pond he's walking by or making a thousand by going the other way, would save the child. But tha'ts all an assumption, of course.

>> No.904683


By fuck morals I meant fuck the morals that everyone seems to think are really morals in this case.

Why should I care about the price of drugs when I've already said anyone who needs the drugs will have access to it, and we already give the drug away for free, or as little as $1?

I idolize this man, he's so thick skinned, similar to how I am, and he does not back down, and always has an ulterior motive, which I personally admire the most about him.

Me and him conversed on Twitter few nights ago and he seemed like an interesting guy, even with his hints of sarcasm here and there, he's still a wolf, and I love that.

But, again, if I was given the that choice, to choose the child or the $1000 I would choose the child obviously, but like for every day stuff like this drug, that's obvious, the money every time.

>> No.904717


>Why should *** I *** care about the price of drugs when *** I've *** already said anyone who needs the drugs will have access to it, and *** we *** already give the drug away for free, or as little as $1?

Are you sure that you are not Martin Shkreli ... ?

>> No.904721

A lack of harm to life was baked into his s cheme , him "folding" and lowering the price was probably planned from the getgo. He just needed outrage to lower prices long enough to cover his shorts

>> No.904726

While that would be brilliance, the problem with that theory is that there are all sorts of other instances of drug companies doing exactly this. Just for some reason, this one got all the attention. Perhaps he was the one who leaked the story to the media, though?

>> No.904727


> as long as the rules are such that you can manipulate the system, it will be manipulated.

true enough

>> No.904734

Diabolically genius plan ;_;7

>> No.904735


I think he was bragging about it on social media. Media picked up on it.

People would be outraged by most of the crappy things other people do to exploit the system, but you normally don't get to hear all about it.

>> No.904737

He's a wanted criminal in multiple European countries and didn't want to fuck with US regulatory agencies for fear of extradition. Read a book or something.

>> No.904744

>Read a book or something.
There are books written about this guy? Because if not, idk what you're trying to tell us.

>> No.904762
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So /biz/

Would you knowingly profit off a life line pharmaceutical or similar products?

What is your bottom line?

>> No.904764

He shorted the industry. His company is privately held. Publicly stating a common industry practice like price hikes while taking out a short position isn't insider trading, nor is it illegal.

Remember Soros breaking the GBP? All he did was go on the air and say what everyone already knew. Then everyone flipped their shit, and he made a billion in a fucking day.

>> No.904799

He didn't leak shit. He made a big stink about it, in exactly the way that most pharm companies don't, to capitalize on media attention. When one of hillary's data interns tweeted about how she was going to take on big pharm and teach this guy a lesson, within a half hour biotech dropped precipitously. Just as fucking planned.

>> No.904801
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Y'all motherfuckers need some powerpoint up in here

>> No.904803
File: 119 KB, 1409x793, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, I made a slide, which means I'm right

>> No.904811


Okay, I like the slide. What about the "but the SEC doesn't?"

It doesn't seem like they care very much, but I hope they do.

>> No.904816

Manufacturing rights, I thought

>> No.904827
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This is the answer to if the SEC should care or not

>> No.904828
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Also, just in case they will care

>> No.904837
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So if the SEC does care, all the hatemongering in the world at this guy won't do a thing. He's in the clear, most likely.

This is just my theory, and I could be wrong. I'm just looking at patterns, and I think people are generally pretty stupid. This guy was a college intern in 2000, he's just a shlub IB like everyone else. He's just in it to win it, is all. I mean, he's an asshole, but that doesn't make him 'evil.'

>> No.904843
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This goes for everyone on 4chan, too. It's either "this guy is a baller" and "based4lyfe", or he's a shitbag cunt who doesn't deserve a gravestone. Get fucking real people, grow up. Sometimes I have no idea what kind of world you guys live in. You guys = internet, like, the amorphous, anonymous mass of people online. Not you, I'm sure you're actually a pretty cool guy don't hate me bro.

>> No.904848

He's the sort of faggot who undermines intellectual property laws by applying them to do nasty things. What he's doing right now is likely some form of insider trading, and hopefully he'll be punished for that instead of getting hit with new regulations that will have the side effect of crushing the value of intellectual property and stifling innovation.

Basically he's using his leverage to engage in rent seeking behavior, and he has to realize that his life is likely in danger as a result of this.

>> No.904849

why should I care?
it costs me $0 for those pills
isn't he just cucking insurance companies?

>> No.904854


Yeah, this. IP laws are, like all of the rest of culture, just this thing we all agreed to believe in together. Guys like this jeopardize the suspension of disbelief that holds the whole system together.

His own fellow rich motherfuckers should be hiring Academy to roll up and fill his breathing holes with plumber's putty. Nobody on top of the game wants the rest of the world to flip over the table.

>> No.905852


Interestingly enough he's been doxed.

>> No.906243

Lv.80 Shkreli warlock reppin

>> No.906361

i honestly can't wait for someone to shoot this fucker, such a smug bastard.

how fucking heartless can you be.