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9039199 No.9039199 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best /biz/ approved car? I will be getting a first car soon. I have 154k in crypto (ETH, NEO, BTC, OMG) and my mother is giving me 20k to buy a car with, what should I get?

>> No.9039221
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>my mother is giving me 20k to buy a car with

>> No.9039242

more links
post singularity
that's like 200 lambos or something

>> No.9039248

This is clear bait/larp, anons. No shithead has so low moral standards that he'd accept 20k from parents, when he has 154k from crypto gains.

>> No.9039250

Take that 20k - all in LINK.

>> No.9039252

a used civic, don't ball out on a car until you have 2mil min in crypto

>> No.9039263

Ty mommy :)

You spoiled fucks need to die

>> No.9039275

Please don't get a Tesla. Wait two years of you want an electric car

>> No.9039292

OP you're a faggot. And I don't mean that in an endearing 4chan kind of way. An actual fucking faggot.
Use your own money you pussy.

>> No.9039296

If you are getting a new car, get a honda or toyota. Don't be a fool.

>> No.9039301

give the the smallest down payment you can, take enough for a few months payments, and put the rest in LINK

>> No.9039307

Well I don't want to cash out any of my crypto to buy a car, plus my mother is pretty wealthy, 20k is less than 1% of her networth. Why wouldn't you take it?

>> No.9039315

I was thinking about getting the 2016-2018 Honda civic coupe.

>> No.9039325


Can't go wrong with that.

>> No.9039342

Not a bad choice. Honda cars are very reliable and the newer year models look great.

>> No.9039387

Why should I waste my money on a car? I don't want to cash out any of my crypto. If you have that "hurr durr just spend your money" mindset you will never make it. I still steal toilet paper from school/stores, still use scams/tricks to get free food from restaurants even though I'm literally in the top profitably in the top 2% of networth for my age.

>> No.9039398

Lexus Rx450

>> No.9039402

I probably couldn't but a tesla for 20k, maybe an older one with 100k+ miles driven on it. Electric cars are a meme anyway. Gas is extremely cheap in the US.

>> No.9039501

You're about even bigger piece of shit than I thought.
Id say seriously reevaluate your life, I mean really take a step back and look at yourself, but you won't.
You're a cheap ass faggot that will probably be alone forever.
Good thing you have mommy.

>> No.9039504

If u are from Europe, Golf.

If from America, Honda civic

>> No.9039550

Anything American made, anon.

Hondas will run forever, but the curse is that your car is nice looking plastic shit that will run forever.

If you have to get an Asian car, get an Acura at least, less plastic and more quality.

Otherwise, Lincoln, Ford, Cadillac, Chevy/GMC all have solid choices.

>> No.9040574
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cars are shit

I'd rather go for a Fiat Ducato / RAM ProMaster

>> No.9040668

You can get a Mitsubishi lancer 2010 for 5k used that will never break and looks okay.

If you want something more modern (post 2016) choose one of Mazda3/Civic/Camry under 20k