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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9038340 No.9038340 [Reply] [Original]

Where do my fellow /biz/raelis go to find escorts now that most of the US sites have been taken down?

>> No.9038351
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soon, PinkDate

>> No.9038364

How about be not ugly and use tinder to get free underage puss instead you giga faggot ugly loser?

>> No.9038384

About you fuck off out of this thread?

>> No.9038393

>greetings fellow citizens who don't work for the feds

>> No.9038404
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>> No.9038410

escorts....HAHAHAHA LMFAO. The state of /biz/. Sad lonely mf's on this board. How about attempting to talk to a female without asking her if she wants to fuck being the second thing out of your mouth?

>> No.9038420

Ugly roastie detected.

>> No.9038428
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Did I hit a nerve you ugly ass nigger?

>> No.9038469

Why do all of the "pussy Slayer JUST GO GET LAID BRO" posters always sound so angry? The FBI recently shut ALL "adult classified" websites in the US. They'll rebuild, they always do. Until then either go out and date rape girls with alcohol or go to Bangkok or some shit, or just ask around. Tinder is trash. Filled with hambeasts who think that they deserve some demigod Chad.

>> No.9038491

i cant wait to have sexual intercourse with peach once im a 10millionaire

>> No.9038519

thanks but thats not possible for everyone
>in b4 you tell me to get a haircut and brush my teeth
yes thankyou chad
you are always right
anyone can get laid if they just brush their teeth

>> No.9038539

if thats true then the kind of men she prefers are the ones who try to fuck her first thing they say.

anytime you hear a woman complaining about a man or a type of man, thats the man she wants to fuck and probably will if she hasnt already

>> No.9038547


My local site is still working OP. No idea for how long but for now I am good

>> No.9038559
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>hookers aren't legal
>pay tax on crypto on trade by trade basis
Nice freedoms burger

>> No.9038570

Not sure where you live, but I use :


>> No.9038572

She has the best phone to take pictures with.

>> No.9038573

i mean. it doesnt hurt you to brush your teeth. other then that dont be a total creep.
I'll tell you some advice that i got when i was a kid from a kid a few years older then me at the time
Lower your expectations; you'll never be disappointed
moral of the story is if you look like a cave troll there is another cave troll out there for you.

>> No.9038582

>living in the US

That's your problem right there.

>> No.9038628

>needs money to get laid
>a thread about it might help bc he cant even
>anyone can help you at this point


>> No.9038660

all apart of the plan by that slimey devil roger ver

>> No.9038666
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>> No.9038673


>> No.9038719

Use your cryptocurrency to move to a country where prostitution is legal. Licensed brothels are way better because you know what you're getting up front and they handle all of the annoying shit. My worst experiences with call girls were all independent ones. I have a story or two I could tell you about them, especially with old Chinese hags.

>> No.9038720

Just saying. Why pay when its fucking free? That makes you an obvious faggot of a man. I could have fucked several 14 year olds if I wanted. What I mean is, its that easy.

>> No.9038725

she looks so happy. he's probably a pretty decent dude. i wonder if he subscribes to a laughable alpha/beta ideology, goes around calling everything that threatens him a "cuck", or immerses himself in a hipsteresque, pretentious online culture of "i'm super fucked up but i'm not the problem; normal people are the problem!!!!"

good luck, boys.

>> No.9038815

One way or another, you always pay for the pussy. I can tell you're underaged just from your posts.

>> No.9038914

great, more normie tier advice weve all heard before predicated on the assumption that my standards must be too high.

5 out of 10 women dont date 5 out of 10 men usually. they go for 7 and above. im a 4 out of 10 man and i would be happy with a 4 out of 10 woman but guess what, theyre not interested. so if i want to lower my expectations to something realistic then im going to need to find a girl with down syndrome or some shit. can you understand that chad.

>> No.9038957

>but wolves dont even work like that, this is old science based on flawed studies of wolf behaviour blah blah blah
>but alpha beta isnt technically accurate
>but humans are so complicated you cant just...
its a loose analogy dude, and its somewhat valid. fuck off

>> No.9038999
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super convincing, thanks.

>> No.9039029

not an argument

also, you are a woman, i can tell cause you cant into logic

>> No.9039102
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you're gonna make some lucky lady very happy one day, anon. i can tell.

>> No.9039161

Ur moms house

>> No.9039176

no, im not abusive enough. im just a dick, but not in the confident chadish way of being a dick. i will die alone. but at least i wont have to deal with your bullshit. chad will hit you and you will complain but youll secretly like it and you will never leave him as long as he chokes you during sex.

>> No.9039604

Why the fuck would I waste time talking to a ho? I'd probably even end up spending more. Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.9039806
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This isn't how it works nowadays, here you have to go to a fancy pub or cafe or club and there will always be ladies in "smoking area" which is really a place for bimbos looking for a wealthy guy

>> No.9039893

Posting wojack in the current year + 4

>> No.9040091

shes got a sextape where shes riding one dude and another guys about to put it in her ass

>> No.9040144


>> No.9040145

don't buy escorts in america, for fucks sake. 2-3 runs at gross bar girls from the USA and you could fly to hong kong / indonesia / malaysia and take your pick for 75% less $ and 200% hotter girls.

>> No.9040186


Tinder scene in my country is small and its not a sex app.

I got matched with like 30 girls and not a single one was for hook up.
Then I matched with american girl who came here to study and we fucked without ever going on pre drinks or smth.

I envy you guys

>> No.9040195
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why bother with ugly ass cave trolls when I can simply buy 10/10 escorts who suck my dick all fucking day long?

>> No.9040217

Isn’t that STpeach? The twitch chick with the asian bf

>> No.9040233

>prostitution is illegal
>can legally marry a 12 year old in many states

>> No.9040269

come to germany they cost 60-100$ here for 30 min

in the US people are literally getting robbed, i would never pay a roastie over 200$ to put my salmon inside her

>> No.9040276

Yea proof positive you can be a 5/10 /unfit/ beta male with a small dick and still score hot young ass.

>> No.9040315

sex while being unfit or having a small dick sucks tho no matter how hot she is

>> No.9040356
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Seriously ,why the fuck is prostitution illegal in the US ?

It's legal in Europe, Asia, even in the fucking Caribbean !

With today's women you literally have to pay for sex (e.g: dates, getting booz at bars/clubs, dinner) IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

What the fuck is your congress thinking ?

>> No.9040398
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>paying for sex
LMAO, fucking dicclets

>> No.9040400

and some people win the lottery so you better stock up on lotto 649 tickets, its a wise investment

how dare anyone say theyre still poor when you got people winning lotteries all the time

>> No.9040404

Fuckin' hell that's strikingly accurate.

>> No.9040422


>> No.9040655

Well, no. It isn't legal in all of those places. But it is frequently decriminalized.

For example, in Canada it is no longer illegal to be a prostitute or for that prostitute to offer sexual services for pay. However it is illegal for a customer to give them the payment for the sexual services.

They decriminalized the prostitutes themselves, while criminalizing the Johns.

>> No.9040749

95% of the girls on tinder are fucking busted. 99% if we're talking about the ones that are going to fuck on the first date no strings attached. hookers are absolutely necessary and you are a total faggot, bro.

>> No.9040787

wisdom of the day

but 4chan will stay 4chan, and will most probably never get this

listen to this anon dudes.

>> No.9040827

>bragging about being a chimo
it's never free. you're paying for drinks, dinner, whatever. if you do manage to find some dirty skank that is willing to fuck a random guy she just met on the internet for free that's worse than banging a hooker in my eyes and you deserve to get aids

>> No.9040851

I want to get in on this. Tell me more

>> No.9040853

enjoy your aids and penis herpes

>> No.9041025
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Yeah this shit went down like 2 days after I got my first rub and tug. Rubmaps is still up op maybe try that out. I'm going to go again when I get up the nerve.