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9037937 No.9037937 [Reply] [Original]

If CHAINLINK is a SCAM, why Sergey has made literally no effort to pump the price ? If he conducted himself in the same manners as many crypto teams, Link would probably be at 5$ right now. Luckily for us, Sergey actually has plans of bringing a product to market and having customers instead of BMW startup program "partners".

If you're aiming to be a high-corporate enterprise level product, you need to behave like one... Not tweeting and hyping with whatever you can daily.

Convince me otherwise and i will dump it below ICO price

>> No.9037965


no1 thinks its a scam. we are just wasting our time fudding and memeing because we are waiting for the mainnet, which will trigger the singularity.

were just having a good time basically

>> No.9037974


>> No.9037993

if its a scam it would be the most elaborate scam in history, its ironic that if it WAS a scam it would be at a much higher price than it is now. fuck

>> No.9038000

I actually saw Sergey a couple of days ago in the McDonald's parking lot, his shirt was all ripped off and he was running around with a cart full of big macs screaming nonsense about smart contracts and oracles.
I instantly sold my link after that incident, I would advise you to do the same

>> No.9038005

I own 50k Link. I admit that at least 50% of the VeChain fud threads were me because I have $3000 coming in soon to put in Link and the fucking price keeps rising.


>> No.9038039
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sergey sold out and auctioned his blue shirt to nasa. hes getting desperate for money the pump is imminent

>> No.9038057
File: 100 KB, 350x292, 02166B25-2849-43DA-ADC5-1A2BCA092FE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re absolutely right OP. LINK is the antithesis to these other snake oil crypto CEOs and their greasy tactics.
You see, blockchain is literally all about trust at the end of the day. And on a philosophical level, the ChainLink project has stood for trust as well. They have stated what they plan to do, and to fufill their end of the agreement it requires delivering the product that they described.
And this is how Smart Contracts will change the world: by making that process inherent and tamper proof so as to remove the need for trust completely.
This technology will fundamentally change society, and Smart Oracles will be a primary engine behind this trustless environment we are creating.

Believe in Sergey’s vision.

>> No.9038113

>on a philosophical level

Sergey is that you?

>> No.9038130

It's fucking over. Don't tell yourself otherwise. You are an actual brainlet if you don't understand the implications of VEN's announcement. Even if you ignore the fact that most businesses would just utilize VeChain's smart contract platform with its built-in oracle rendering your shittoken absolutely fucking useless, their announcement also implies the simple fact that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS BOARD WHO HAS HIGHER THAN ROOM TEMP IQ. Any smart contract platforms can just have their own oracles. Blockchain agnosticism doesn't fucking matter because everyone would just shit out their own oracle network because IT'S THAT FUCKING EASY. Your "moonshot" isn't anything special, sorry LINKies. Get absolutely fucking fucked lmao. On that note, see how it's currently pumping? That's the whales propping the price up as they finally sell their positions on this gamble of a token. I'm sorry, the dream is over. Go fuck yourselves. It's over.

>> No.9038164
File: 60 KB, 350x472, CE0A5EE4-5940-4E8F-8C56-203F9E383BD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reality is even if I told you outright that many SmartContract.com team members have posted here from time to time, I would never be able to prove it.

>> No.9038172

literally just bored waiting for mainnet and too pussy to swingtrade. no one thinks it's a scam. made two fud pasta few hours ago that are being shared by some faggots till now. or it's just one fag who has too much time, idk.

>> No.9038190

Sergey Nazarov, CEO of Smartcontract.com has always said It's fucking over. Don't tell yourself otherwise. You are an actual brainlet if you don't understand the implications of VEN's announcement. Even if you ignore the fact that most businesses would just utilize VeChain's smart contract platform with its built-in oracle rendering your shittoken absolutely fucking useless, their announcement also implies the simple fact that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS BOARD WHO HAS HIGHER THAN ROOM TEMP IQ. Any smart contract platforms can just have their own oracles. Blockchain agnosticism doesn't fucking matter because everyone would just shit out their own oracle network because IT'S THAT FUCKING EASY. Your "moonshot" isn't anything special, sorry LINKies. Get absolutely fucking fucked lmao. On that note, see how it's currently pumping? That's the whales propping the price up as they finally sell their positions on this gamble of a token. I'm sorry, the dream is over. Go fuck yourselves. It's over.

>> No.9038197

You're saying that members other than Thomas post here?

>> No.9038224

It's not a scam bro we all know this. Calm down LINK is solid.

>> No.9038275

I don't think it's an impossibility, but I'm 100% sure Thomas is an anon

>> No.9038302

Hahaha dude....this is no scam. But you must be fucking joking if you think u can affect the price with your little lunch money stack

>> No.9038303


Your not a true Link marine and I better never see you at a Link mansion or yacht party because I will fucking cut your balls off.

Stop being so fucking stupid and thinking you can affect the price by posting some stupid fucking fud on biz.

>> No.9038334

does shitposting on biz actually influence the price though? doesnt seem to be the case

>> No.9038345

Not at all. We're just having fun fucking around with all the newfags

>> No.9038371

the flannel flag! this is what i'll be flying on my motorcade when i make it

>> No.9038380

Good one sirs.
But nah sergey is oue saviour

>> No.9038405

This. I wish ChainLink was a scam for faster, explosive gains.

>> No.9038449

nobody actually thinks it's a scam, you dun goofed OP

>> No.9038479

I met sergey in person, he is thinking so far ahead into the future he has no effing clue what’s going on around him in the present. He thinks we’re a bunch of racist bigots, he has no idea why you guys picked his coin to meme but now he’s Struggling to deliver on his retardedly grandiose project of some kind of blockchain AI omniscient super being that settles all the worlds contracts autonomously.

I love you /biz/ you guys are my friends. Which is why I have to tell you that if you are unironically holding chainlink you deserve the pain you’re about to feel.

>> No.9038493

Fucking knew it.

>> No.9038508

Are you me because same situation all day yesterday I made VeChain FUD threads because I have 3k coming in the next 5 days going all into link it needs to stay at or below .50

>> No.9038533

I like Sergey's approach. Real killers move in silence

>> No.9038685
File: 16 KB, 225x250, 12253B5D-07D2-4561-944F-323BDD0E7486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decentralized oracles are honestly a good idea but not always is the good idea the best one.
Sergeys solution to the reputation problem is not solved AT ALL. What that means, lets say some big company actually adopts chainlink and runs nodes which deliver API data to contracts.
The node has LINK staked in it, lets say its 50k LINK.
>run node with 50k LINK until enough reputation was farmed
>market dump all LINK but 100 or another miniscule amount
>node still trusted, still delivering good data
>every company does this
>LINK tokens keep dumping and dumping both in fiat and in crypto value

>> No.9038763

So you're saying this is going to 0?

>> No.9038798

Nothing on this site moves the price in any way.

>> No.9038817

It might keep newfags from buying in

>> No.9038829


>> No.9038847

>every "job" you take has to have LINK staked in the contract
>dump all your LINK, leave 100
>now can only take on one job at a time because not enough LINK, cutting your profit in half
>everybody does this
>LINK price drops 90%
>suddenly every job requires more LINK to be staked due to its decreased value
>buy LINK back cheap
>everybody does this
>LINK goe sback to its price
>repeat ad infinitum

is this how you imagine this to work?

>> No.9038884

Kek top tier fud. We should use this more often.

>> No.9038940

I imagine you can't dump the LINK staked without a penalty incurred.

Let's say you stake 20000LINK and you are in a 1 year contract to supply data from API to smart contract. 2 months in you see LINK tanking so you want to withdraw your LINK...too bad, it's held in escrow, you can take it out but you will incur a penalty of......5000LINK (I made this number up). You are left with 20000-5000=15000LINK.

>> No.9038945


>> No.9038949

>everybody cites their profit in half hoping a trend works out
Holy shit lol I haven't seen this many brainlets since I watched CNN

>> No.9039020
File: 14 KB, 435x435, tesseract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow linkies...you have been summoned by the brotherhood.


>> No.9039032

>LINK becomes shorting paradise

>> No.9039034

im literally buying link right now and theres NOTHING

that you can say to stop me.

>> No.9039099

Speak for yourself anon, I myself have serious concerns that chain can compete with oraclize which is already the industry standard

>> No.9039105

Unironically true, TRX/XVG are examples of pure shilling

>> No.9039106

not sellin!

>> No.9039114

You do not understand how link works

>> No.9039157

Fuck sake anon how am I supposed to fud properly when youre in here being flamboyantly retarded

>> No.9039184
File: 72 KB, 563x542, F58D9CAB-CF3F-4781-AAF7-267AF346BCC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9039238

oh yeah, why the FUCK would he raise $30 mil for the project then?

>> No.9039360

Are you me because same situation all day yesterday I made VeChain FUD threads because I have 3k coming in the next 5 days going all into link it needs to stay at or below .50

>> No.9039363
File: 1.08 MB, 2048x1365, 1522624682510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have to stay entertained somehow

>> No.9039720

frigg off, Pajeet

>> No.9040565

If you have LINK locked as a penalty deposit, the only way to get it unlocked will be to deliver the required data.

>> No.9040839

But in the end, that node would be at the same level/reputation as hundreds/thousands of other nodes that have miniscule amount of LINK staked.
Nothing was accomplished in this entire process.

>> No.9041050

He doesn't have to be dishonest to be making a failure. Not saying that's the case, just putting it there.

>> No.9041094
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>> No.9041241

>blockchain is literally all about trust
No it isn't you fucking retard. Investing in it is.

>> No.9041261

Chainlink is a scam. Don't buy it.

>> No.9041424

I'll found another secret Link order

>> No.9042466

Like lasagna

>> No.9042799
File: 134 KB, 1008x864, 1516494179615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9043596

is link an actual good project? i mean if im looking to invest in smart contracts....the person who owns smartcontract.com has to be a decent place to start no?

>> No.9043619

wish you guys could be serious for a second i was not here for assblasters bullshit and since he was a larp idk how credible he was anyways.

>> No.9043758
File: 16 KB, 644x688, 1524040207653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the whitepaper you fucking brainlet

>> No.9043965


>> No.9043999

chainlink is a good project but not a good investment till End of 2018. By then most of the alts will 10x. Your chances of buying more LINK is greater to invest in other alts right now and when they moon put your money back to LINK before it takes off. Timing is the key. Mainnet is not going to be released any time soon. So you have plenty of time to get 10x from other coins. Just in case if it moons prematurely due to reddit normies find out, have some 5k to 10k in your wallet as a FOMO insurance.

>> No.9044162

i did and thx for the worst statement of all time.

>> No.9044165

we all know its not a scam ffs, only chink coins are scams

>> No.9044206
File: 441 KB, 750x1008, 1522330781109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not pumping price.
3/10 made me reply.

>> No.9044277

I'd be willing to bet all of /biz/ holds a sizeable portion of LINK supply.

I literally don't see LINK shit anywhere but here, and if some of these folios are to be believed then we certainly have some influence