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9037275 No.9037275 [Reply] [Original]

How would one be more like Bezos?

I've compiled the following

>Have a background in Electrical Engineering
>Be brilliant (but not smart enough to be a physicist)
>Gain insight into how wallstreet works
>Identify new fundamental technology of your lifetime
>Identify untapped market which can utilize said technology
>Identify financial and tax loopholes which will drive usage and shift burden onto others
>Found company
>Maintain absolute control, do NOT allow shareholders to control your company
>Do NOT provide dividends. Reinvest everything you can. Tell people who want muh quarterly profits to fuck off.
>Maintain a company culture which is the opposite of a country club

>> No.9037306

Sound alot like our favorite fat boy

>> No.9037331

Sergay is the next bezos. Screenshot this

>> No.9037338

>our favorite fat boy

also i forgot the most important one

>customer satisfaction above all else. word of mouth is the most valuable form of advertising and customer loyalty is the most important asset a company has

>> No.9037353

>but not smart enough
If you actually believe this....

>> No.9037356

>philosophy major is anything like an EE
brain damaged stinky linky

>> No.9037369

Physicists and Mathematicians are a different (higher) category of intelligent.

>> No.9037373

Actually a good comparison

>> No.9037412

i think you have to be grown in a tube somewhere and harvested by the deep state and trained from birth for your role. or something like that.

>> No.9037430

I dont know much a bout bezos in particular, but judging from how he speaks, what he has achieved and the way you write, I'd guess he is so far beyond your own intelligence level that you literally cant comprehend the gap. Similar to the way someone with an intellectual disability will assume that they are pretty much as smart as a normal person or maybe just a little less.

>> No.9037446

Philosophy major have the highest IQ
Also he thinks deeply about things

>> No.9037591

Kys absolute faggot