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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9036546 No.9036546 [Reply] [Original]

Where are my fellow future millionaires?

>> No.9036559
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Poorfag here. I've been swing trading between REQ and LINK. Now I got 5k LINK and 3.3k REQ. Dunno what to feel.

>> No.9036563

Waiting. Worried.

>> No.9036575
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Kinda tired of this market. Whales, let us moon FUCK why is there literal trash going over $0.3 while we're not even there?

>> No.9036594

where are the yc partnerships?

>> No.9036595
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Apparently some whales own millions and millions of REQ so casually dumping them at this rate is great for them. Volume is also pretty small so they can't really even pump it because big dump would make the volume go down even further I bet.

>> No.9036625
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>Apparently some whales own millions and millions of REQ
Could you please not FUD on me? That you think I'll believe that it's insulting. Relax man no need to try to suppress the price. /biz/ has 0 influence in the market.

>> No.9036637

We're nearly 100% up from the last dip, yet Request has barely made 30%. Is this fucking dead or what? It was one of the best performers of dec-jan's bullrun.

>> No.9036679

Is this a joke? Do you seriously believe that there are no whales with millions of REQ?

Most of them got in at ICO or below ICO prices.

>> No.9036711
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Bought some more REQ few days ago. We gonna be rich. Good things come to those who wait

>> No.9036725


>> No.9036757

>Do you seriously believe that there are no whales
Yes, there are whales. But millions? Will need proofs.

>> No.9036786

How new are you, friendo?


>> No.9036800


Unironically this. Even if REQ wouldn't moon, I still have diversified portfolio which I think will do great in the future. Waiting is the key here and not selling at a loss like a fucking brainlet.

>> No.9036807

I don't know how much I need to be a millionaire. I fell for the 100 dollar meme and got 10k

>> No.9036813
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>> No.9036828

10k REQ here, not worried at all. Accumulating other coins in the mean time.

>> No.9036836

Hanging out in a BTC thread wondering when you're turning up

>> No.9036879
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Damn son.

>> No.9036932

On cmc rank position 105 and falling.

>> No.9036970

i am only $999,998.72 off, will i make it?

>> No.9036988

I have 27k REQ. How long do I have to wait for retirement?

>> No.9037007

Eh, the millionaire wallets have stayed almost the exact same since ICO. I've been tracking them. Whales are generally holding onto REQ because they know what's going to happen longer term

Good. Spring is coiling up. Most of the top 100 is absolute trash that won't survive the year. Wait and see.

With one? Nah brah you need at least 69 REQ to make it

>> No.9037009

Come back in 2020 and hang out with the fellow millionaires.

>> No.9037013

Rupee millionaires?

>> No.9037020

Samw boat marine. 4400links , 3800req

>> No.9037242

Am I that predictable?

>> No.9037255

:) i’m on that list. yes there are whales holding req with barely any worry. remember- you get rich by buying undervalued things, not things that have mooned/pumped already. go against human instinct

>> No.9037477

Exactly. Very hard to do in general, but REQ is a great example.

What aprox amount do you have? Over a mil? When did you buy them all? Did you sell high buy low when REQ was over $1 (if so well done, I wish I would have done the same...but long term it shouldn't matter).

Can't wait for fiat implementation. I bet we'll have some good news about ERC-20s and BTC in 5 days too.

Cheers for not being a typical racist idiot from this board (why do I even come here? It's 1% funny and 99% trashy idiots)

>> No.9037503

140k REQ, all in, super comfy.

The fact that there's such a huge discrepancy between the fud and the quality of the project and team, is a great buy signal.

I kept buying BTC around the 6.6k range, and I will continue to keep buying REQ under 25 cents for as long as it stays down there.

I figure we have until Consensus.

>> No.9037535

You guys are retarded if you want higher priced REQ. Don't you faggots realize that we need to keep the price per REQ as low as possible for when the Dapps release so that they get burned quicker?

If we get higher priced REQ now we'll be getting short term gains but lower payout in the long-term.

Sure this is good for daytraders and people only willing to hold for a month or two but for people that want to hold 1-5 years a lower price for REQ means a higher payoff in the long run.

Please don't be retarded and realize that we need to keep REQ under $0.20 for the highest profit margin in 2023.

>> No.9037571

I probably won't live that long. So I need higher prices now.

>> No.9037634

>spending his last month to live waiting for riches instead of cashing everything out now, getting on a plane to thailand to fuck some ladyboys, and go party in singapore and hong kong

What type of increase are you actually expecting, and when?

>> No.9037636

Yea, good luck "keeping REQ under $0.20" by posting on here. Lol the hubris...

Assuming it does get adoption on a large scale...it doesn't matter that much. Yes, it will burn more if the price is low. But to actually try and keep it low is retarded. Gains are gains, and if adoption happens gainz will be sick regardless.

>> No.9037688

REQ will be unable to even stay under $1 by EoY thanks to all of the updates that'll be released by then.

I fully expect by EoY we'll have the following implemented:

- Bitcoin oracle & erc20 support
- Plugins for online stores, not limited to just WooCommerce and Shopify
- Crowdfunding dapp launch along with the names of the companies that they said would start using it right away
- Release of the accounting dapp along with PwC giving it trial runs
- Working fiat gateway. They originally expected this to be done by Q2, and they've generally been good with estimating how long things would take. I can see this being delayed, but I cannot see it being delayed for more than 6 months past their target.
- Marketing ramp-up, along with the release of some 3rd party dapps like Chango

Anyone that doesn't see how much is happening for REQ this year and isn't accumulating is a brainlet.

>> No.9037778
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Losing fucking patience, is where.

>> No.9037830


Isn't that Binance's stack?

>> No.9037839

10 dollars eoy
50 by next summer hopefully

>> No.9037853

if you hodl this coin you are fucking retarded

request doesnt work without a decentralized oracle. they need Chainlink before they can release their product

no point to hodl request until chainlink mainnet is live

>> No.9037867

But you said you most likely won't live till Consensus? Consensus is next month dude, they said they're attending it. They're going to make connections and show their project off.

Get the fuck out dumbass Linkie. Chainlink is just one solution for them. Sergey was lazy and caused them to be delayed. There's a ton more projects out there now working on oracle solutions.

Link is never going to get over $1. Fucking screencap this you dumbass

>> No.9037871

750k+ reporting in
Let's have this thread at the end of the year just to make fun of all the retards that didn't buy req despite being constantly shilled on biz

>> No.9037891

I quoted the wrong post I was talking to him>>9037535

>> No.9037899

They can have multiple different solutions.

>Tokenized fiat
>In-house developed specific oracles
>Third party oracle developer
>Fund a Dapp built upon Request Network to focus on oracle development upon REQ
>Use any of the 20 oracle projects besides Chainlink
>Use chainlink.

Out of all these options you are assuming they'll choose Chainlink, why?

>> No.9037900
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What gives you that confidence, out of curiosity?

>> No.9037917


>Sergey was lazy and caused them to be delayed

haha fucking deluded retard

Sergey is not going to cater to some low ass startup. he is working with fortune 500 companies and is going to make sure he is going to release a working product

>> No.9037982


Exactly. I like Req, but it's a fucking turd compared to who they are working with behind the scenes.

>> No.9037985

I'm not the person that's putting all my confidence in a random chucklefuck philosophy major that sat on a website for 10+ years, does no work, and has no past accomplishments to give any reason to put faith in him.

Anyone backing chainlink for the idea would be like backing anyone that thought it up sitting in their basement. Sergey is not some genius prophet like you deluded retards like to meme about, and I genuinely can't wait until more and more blockchain companies start to come out with their own oracles or use other solutions.

But you'll continue to insist that the singularity is near, all the while you squander your money and your biggest chance to make it on some shitcoin.

I'll see you in a year.

>> No.9038016

ICO REQ: 6.7 cents. Cost of one million REQ: 67k. You didn’t have to be super rich to afford this but you would definitely need to be well off, very few people on this planet have 67k stashed away to blow on a gamble, let alone in crypto. Even if 1,000 people decided to do that, that’d 1) be a very strong indicator this was a token going places and 2) still be a tiny amount of people. I have normie friends who got into crypto in the last bull run. One of them was complaining to me about bitcoin and said the words “I’ll never see my $1000 again”. I had to keep from laughing. This is a man who makes around $120k/year and has a fiancé who makes another $60k. They’re fine. They own a house, two cars, a dog. But $1,000 was all he was willing to blow on crypto. Who do you think is blowIng $67k left and right? Not many people. Maybe 10-50 per ICO, and it’ll scale down quickly from there. Most people investing are in the $100-$1000 range. If you have invested more than $1000 in a project that both is successful and was not overpriced at ICO, you will make it. Don’t need millions. Besides, those tokens will all redistribute over time as people take profits.

>> No.9038023


Since when do Fortune 500 companies seriously invest their resources into a 300-pound basement dweller who locks himself in his mother's apartment for 4 months at a time, and who has no business acumen, no proven sales revenue and no coding experience...

Can you show me any example from history where a Fortune 500 firm bet on "some guy" in a basement?

>> No.9038093

You do realize REQ is divisible down to an amount that is absolutely insignificant, right? You could have million dollar REQ and it still wouldn’t change the tokenomics for things like dapps or literally anything. What kind of weak fud is this?

>> No.9038099

well over 1 m. i am not a perfect trader, so i held on like everyone else. req will have its day.

>> No.9038116

Apple. Garage not basement but still. Sergey is the next Steve Jobs by your estimate.

>> No.9038135

Please read my post since you are misunderstanding it.

I'm saying that if the $ price of REQ stays low then MORE REQ is going to get burned. Meaning the REQ you are holding is a higher % of existing REQ. And thus as REQ $ price gets higher in the future you'll have a far bigger piece of the pie.

Ergo for REQ holders like me it's in our LONG TERM best interest to keep the prices low in the short term so that the supply of REQ diminishes quicker.

>> No.9038191

I honestly can't believe there are people that are actually comparing Sergey to Steve Jobs or Vitalik.

How fucking deluded are you? Congrats you fell for the memes.

>> No.9038273

You’re assuming req gets mass adoption in the future. It’s a gamble - nothing is guaranteed in this space. I would argue that getting Req in the top 50 cmc is every bit as important as token burning, as we need more exposure to get businesses and consumers interested in the project.

>> No.9038295

It's already being adopted by PwC which is the biggest accounting firm on the planet. The main goal of Request Network is to automate accounting and business-to-business monetary flows. They have already reached their goals. Now they just need to implement it, that's all.

All the "Payment portal" and other shit is just red herrings. Automated accounting is a trillion dollar market.

>> No.9038347

Is that not why people are here though? You invest based on the best gamble possible given the information you have about the project. If you've invested into ANYTHING in crypto, you're taking the same exact gamble, so I'm not sure what you're trying to get at.

>> No.9038678

Why is this lifting off right now?

>> No.9038795

Just under 100k reporting for duty. My biggest dilemma is how I approach the sell off once the price starts moving. I think we're several bull bear cycles before nearing any sort of peak.
I really regret not offloading a few of mine above $1 dollar, but I really don't want to jump the gun and leave money on the table. Long term the $1 a piece means nothing.
People made fun of the reddit 'moon kids' who were speculating on $100 eth just over a year ago.

>> No.9038826

just set a sell price in your head and go for it. As long as you aren't thinking of anything absurd like 10k a req sell it off 10 dollars/ 50 dollars/ 100 are all possible

with 100k i'd sell half at 20 dollars or so and just let my 50k wait to see if req ever reaches or nears 100 and sell again

>> No.9038836

Zoom out.
REQ regularly gets pumped to 2.8k sats at which point it always gets rejected heavily and dumps below 2.5k in a flash. Makes for great swing trading if you can time it right.

>> No.9039092

>zoom out
That must be the most infuriating sentence I know

>> No.9039448
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right here