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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9036308 No.9036308 [Reply] [Original]

>“My son, today you are with me in Lamboland.”
>Sergey touched Wagie Wojak’s shoulder and Wojak transformed into a brilliant green Wojak.
>His mortal McDonalds uniform coil fell away.
>Sergey walked through the crowd. He had the key to the spaceship.
>The cheering from the marines intensified, the wailing of those left outside grew louder.
>“The few. The proud. The LINK marines.”
>“1000 EOY!”
>“We’re not selling!”
>Someone began to say, “Tonight. Tonight. Tonight.” And they stomped in unison.
>Sergey opened the spaceship doors and turned around to face the crowd.
>“Strap in, boys.”

>> No.9036383

One thing bugs me the most:
Why big companies that find CL useful shouldn't just make their own ecosistems?

>> No.9036387
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strapped in boys! $1000 EOY

>> No.9036407

You're missing the whole point of decentralised systems

>> No.9036466

I am not a smart one, I admit that.
Will dyor more, I guess.
Also bought 15 k Link.

>> No.9036467

I dunno, When you want to for a drive, do you buy a car or build one from scratch?

>> No.9036706


Not really a good comparison at all. A person doesn't build a car because they don't have the resources. Companies that would want data from link have developers that could do it themselves. It's a time sink but it's just a cost comparison in the end, and also depends if they want to go decentralized with it.

>> No.9036758

Its a good comparison

Its always the same answer
Why would you use resources to develop something yourself in which you probably dont have the right expertise and is likely to fail when there is already a working product available?
Why use ethereum? Why use windows or linux or any other product if you could just develop it yourself?

>> No.9036784

How would they cryptographically secure their own ecosystem of oracle nodes with only a few?

>> No.9037130

what is temper-proofness? if each company makes their own solution, then u'd have to trust the company for running the contract, they could for example exit scam and u'd be fucked.

if you make a decentralized oracle network, then once a contract is created, it cannot be tempered with, by the contractee or the contractor.

>> No.9037217
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you should dyor but im the mood of spoon feeding.

also you really think a compay that specializing in shpment would bother creating a whole system to handle different blockchains?

you think they have the money and the developers?

chainlink will be a new thing, seperate from the blockchain, chainlink would be what we call a decentralized oracle solution.

so basically chailinks oracles wont have to handle the blockchain only. it will be possible to also makes 100% fiat related contracts, without the need of the blockchain;

you invested in a completely new tech. chainlink doesnt give a fuck about the blockchain, for it it's only to handle payments, but payments can be made IN ANYTHING! even pepe plusshies...

that's why we say 1000$ is FUD, chainlink will ope up a completely new market.

the market of smart contracts, NOT SPECIALLY RELATED TO BLOCKCHAIN. this is something completely new.

bitcin is a coin, chainlinks value are the contracts.

and in order for those contracts to live, you need the chainlink token. basically the tokens are will male smart contracts run dont be a brainlet, DYOR before you invest i hate cucks who put loads of cash into something without even understanding it