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9035520 No.9035520 [Reply] [Original]

All my research and the past 3 years of reading up and following development has led me to pic related conclusion. I believe this is what the general consensus of /biz/ is as well. The ? represents coins I haven't researched enough to form an opinion.

Caveat: Good in this case doesn't actually mean 'a good investment' it more means that the fundamentals of the product are MINIMALLY existent. I.e. there is SOME sort of USP/purpose at the core, and SOME product being made. Scam means the product is ENTIRELY vapourware or has no purpose (e.g. litecoin is just bitcoin at 4x block speed).

Inb4 the pre written FUD starts coming out: I have seen it all and they are all pointless for what we're discussing. E.g. EOS tokens entitle you to nothing pasta.

Inb4 >litecoin scam and bch is good: BCH has a 'USP' since it is bitcoin with bigger blocks. Whether or not bigger blocks themselves are good it is a unique value proposition, litecoin in my opinion is pointless because its jack of all trades master of none, every function litecoin has someone else does better.

>> No.9035561

If it took you three years to come to such ridiculous conclusions you need gtfo this market

>> No.9035569

Eos is a scam though. They fundamentally misunderstand what makes a blockchain valuable. Same kind of scam as nipple

>muh chinese ethereum

Vechain definitely a scam

>> No.9035614



Amazing ID. Curious to know what makes you think this? I have made (only barely) 7 figures in crypto so I'm not a complete noob, and I have owned virtually every currency in the top 20 so it's not bias (bought Ripple back in 2016).


Doesn't matter, my metrics weren't 'is the product actually good' but more like 'will there be a product'. Things like Ripple/Stellar etc they don't, fundamentally, have products. They have services. Neo is a POORLY implemented DPoS, but it has a unique product. The NEO tokens generate gas, there are ICOs on the NEO network, and clearly some people find value in chinese ethereum.

>> No.9035630
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I definitely think somehow IOTA is a scam. I dont like Dom Schiener - he looks so scammy and fishy in his videos even his "lifestory" is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXjCqT-oK9M

But how could they pull off such an immense scam with fujitsu & co onboard?

why is stellar scam?

looking for srs discussion <3

>> No.9035757

>Stellar scam
holy shit you did zero research

>> No.9035796

I watched the video aswell. He never scammed people. He just sold his '' COD hacks'' to guys online, I dont see how this can be considered as a scam.

IOTA is a registerd Foundation under German Law. Thus its controlled and under supervision by local authorithies.
Exit Scamming or related wont happen

>> No.9035814
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>> No.9035818

On the coins that I have done research I pretty much agree with you so I do trust your opinion.
I have been too lazy to research Stellar and would like a few comments from you on the coin. I do know it has strong ties to Ripple (same codebase, overlapping team, devs hold shitton of the supply,...), but then again IBM has been interested in Stellar and that seems to be a big plus. Can you tell me what led you to think it is a scam?

>> No.9035828


Explain why internet of things necessitates tradeable 'tokens' using acyclic graphs. What is generating the value?

>> No.9035835


>> No.9035866


This is exactly why, stellar is a literal clone of ripple, so there is NOTHING stellar can do that ripple cannot implement. They are the same service targeting two different demographics. Meanwhile IBM/Fairx is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors, in the sense that the partnership is real but vastly less significant than people realise.

IBM has serious cashflow issues and is struggling to keep its head above water (look at their earnings report) so what is happening is IBM is using their 'brand capital' to try and increase the value of XLM, BUT in exchange they want to profit off XLM. There is no free lunch. The problem is the IBM brand has very little clout, so it's not going to be enough to change the fundamentals which is Ripple has a huge head start.

But Ripple is also a scam because both of these are services not products.

>> No.9035893

HAHAHAHA anyone believing cardano is a scam and EOS is 'good' HHAHAHAHAHAH


>> No.9035901

Wow spot on, i agree 100% with both the fundamentals + investmentprofit part.

>> No.9035911

Thanks, I'll keep your points in mind when doing my own digging.
Amazing that you went as far as even looking at the reports of IBM.

>> No.9036011

you sure convinced me otherwise with your laughing

>> No.9036061


i rustled your eos jimmies enough to make you post though.

the joke is that OP has definitely not done any sort of research that would conclude in such a delusional outcome after 3 years.

>> No.9036102
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>NEO good
>EOS good
>LTC scam

>> No.9036131

still no arguments

>> No.9036160


anon, do u see any potential among lower caps? (sub 50m)

And the obvious q: Thoughts on LINK?

>> No.9036201

NEO and EOS seem to be legitimate projects. To put in short, they try to emulate Ethereum, but in a slightly separate market sphere. They both provide a lot more TPS straight out of the box without needing extra scaling solutions, but at the price of deliberately sacrificing decentralization in the form of less nodes/miners. Now this is not bad, it's just a bit of a different market.

LTC is some amalgamation of BTC and BCH. Either BTC or BCH will win in the long run and at that point, LTC will be worse than the winner Bitcoin. If Segwit/LN/small blocks are good, then Bitcoin will win and LTC will just be unnecessary. If no-Segwit/big blocks are good, then BCH will win, LTC will again just be unnecessary and also can't ditch the Segwit. Both BCH and BTC have more dev interest than LTC and once one of them has a definite victory it will scoop up devs from the loser. LTC will always have less devs. = LTC is not a scam, but just... unnecessary

>> No.9036365


cardano: ourboros + daedalus

EOS: erc20 token


>> No.9036370

Litecoin has Segwit and potential for Lightning Network, whereas BCash ABC has none of those features. Most retarded pic I've seen on /biz/ for a long time.

>> No.9036404

looks ok, but bcash is a scam, and stellar is good

>> No.9036431
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XRP scam

Boi stay poor

>> No.9036442
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Stellar bois get broke

>> No.9036459

To those that claim EOS is the ETH killer remember EOS was born on the ETH network.

>> No.9036470
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>> No.9036477

5/7 fud, well played faggot

>> No.9036512
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>> No.9036550

agree other than:

>> No.9036556

You spent 3 years researching, and what you came up with is litecoin is a scam and bcash is good.

>> No.9036568

you're out of your mind if you think it's a scam

>> No.9036570

bitcoin cash is a scam though. EOS is on the line.

Agreed with everything else but Tether should also say "Scam" and Ethereum Classic should just say "Useless." Vechain is also good and QTUM is meh.

>> No.9036579

This is the absolute 100% correct answer and anyone who says otherwise deserves to lose everything.

>> No.9036592

>he doesnt know about the cardano ""ico""

>> No.9036609

>wost souls streamer+worst dota weapon
>not a scam
eos is a piece of shit though, i agree

>> No.9036630

Daily reminder that the cryptoasset space is a speculative commodity market. If you're """investing""" in tokenized securities and/or in companies whose coins are useless (ie, XRP) and basically represent shares (without any of the rights or protections of share), you're an absolute fucking moron and deserve to get liq'd. You should only be investing in castle-in-the-sky coins -- not niche "muh supply chain" coins or "muh DEX" coins. Bitcoin is the ultimate castle in the sky -- unbank the bank. ETH is next -- cloud networking for all. Next castle in the sky likely has to do with DAOs in a bigger way than ETH (maybe EOS?). Then after that, it's governance / decentralized nations.

>> No.9036632

So how is IOTA vaporware? I understand they still have the cordinator but they do have a legit usecase. Not a fan of the coin myself but I do wonder what made you conclude its a scam? After all its a non-profit?

>> No.9036633

Does anyone knows what ada and dao actually do?

>> No.9036655

ADA is another BaaS but with a different architecture and strategy, also a different coding language. (BaaS = Blockchain as a Service)

>> No.9036661

proceed to provide an argument why not

>> No.9036681

I get that, but what does it do really? Was anything ever done using ada?

>> No.9036701

Oh.. like that.. ehm check out their monetary policy, I think they're aiming for banking underbanked, CEO gets off in his speeches on that.

>> No.9036735


There are countless other threads discussing those and I'm not going to shill small cryptos. I just wanted a discussion on the top 15ish.

>> No.9036752


Well it helps that I've been in finance for about 5 years and just about everyone in finance/tech industry knows IBM is in deep shit. Which is exactly why they're trying to appeal to desperate semi-normies, the kind of people who know a bit about tech and have heard of shit like watson, but aren't in the tech space at all. The prime demographic for Stellar.

>> No.9036785

Vechain is a decade old with no working product. Not even a public test of its product. 100% scam.

>> No.9036791

I choose my alts based on if the logo looks cool

>> No.9036803
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then go all in $DXT

>Only ~20 million market cap right now
>-50% below ico price

>all-stars team + Tim Draper& Marc Benioff both are active investors

>holding rewards program will be announced soon
>PR marketing starting in china, block72.io is handling that

>Edelman pr office hired for marketing

>Only trading in bad exchanges. but ico sold-out in 1 day and collected 40 millions

>team said upcoming exchange listings are coming soon
>whales are accumulating, check a chart to see accumulation peaks

>sell orders are really thin

>only 33.3% of tokens sold in tokensale so they'll manipulate price to moon (for example,
CTO has education of PhD Cognitive Science)

>totally under the radar, nobody knows about this token outside of 4chan biz
>only 4700 token holders

>already working MVP on apple store and google play >one of their advisors is from ShapeShift, if integration happens there it is pretty big deal for Datawallet. >another one of their advisors is CEO of Shopkick, one of the biggest ”shopping rewards” company of U.S. If partnership happens then it’s big deal for Datawallet.


>> No.9036818

>shills literally have this shit in ctrl+v
absolute state

>> No.9036829


Because its dependent on the internet of things, which is one of the biggest memes in the investment world right now right up next to 3D printing. Remember how five years ago every normie and his mum were buying 3D printing stocks? At the end of the day household items will get 'smarter' but this idea of a trillion dollar network where your fridge will send money to your toaster is a pipe dream pushed by marketing execs at Microsoft et al. No serious investment portfolio is putting money into IoT or 3D printing. We call these 'hype sectors' they just do conferences and promotionals and talk about how big and revolutionary the space is going to be so the companies can stay relevant while they do REAL RnD and unroll something truly game changing that makes tons of money.

This has been the case for decades yet people constantly forget and every five years new buzzwords come out. Iota is basically the marriage of TWO speculative markets, cryptocurrencies and IoT, combined with relatively new concept that is untested (DAG). As a result you're making basically double the risk buying Iota. It's almost like buying stock in an electric car powered by weed oil.

>> No.9036973

Thanks for the perspective, I don't necessarily agree but I can see you make a legit point. Nontheless, don't you think that with the anticipation of a fully automated future dominated by AI and Robotics is a perfect match with IOTA? A self driving car that then also pays toll or its parking lot automatically trough a ''smart payment'' sounds like IOTA's future honestly. Electric powering and paying for it automatically with the cars wallet using some MIOTA.. I can go on and on about these types of payments, thats why I think IOTA is so potent and IoT aswell.

But then again, I also read that Warren Buffet said you're often better of shorting the market/product/service being replaced by an upcoming tech instead of investing in the tech itself as that is often more lucrative.

Also this is crypto, it is speculative but IOTA will moon and give returns regardless. Thats why its more tricky than picking a stock.

>> No.9037002


opinion discarded

>> No.9037010

This guys is copy pasting this shitcoin shill in every new thread lmao

>> No.9037024



>>Die jewery

Holy shit awesome

>> No.9037038

IOTA is a scam and total bullshit

Also DIEJw

>> No.9037136

Ripple - Scam
Bcash - Good
IOTA - Scam
LMFAO gtfo of here ver bot
How do you really think you have any credibility after that you larp ?

>> No.9037342

Please anon you are very knowladgeable, just tell me if u like link

>> No.9037438

Cardano doesn't even work yet, wtf are you talking about

>> No.9037470

It also has a tranny dev that has meltdowns on Twitter and says how much they want to get cummed on

>> No.9037532

Larps aren't even trying to be credible anymore, they don't look at the details of their bullshit
Its probably because people are so stupid that they eat this shit up straight away

>> No.9037556

did the tranny dev not say it wants to orgasm on twitter or something? If we still lived in decent times this shit would be 0 but its a new era, an era of degeneracy

>> No.9037720

I knew IOTA was a scam early on because it went to the top 10 overnight with the only major market being bitfinex. all finex knows is scams.

>> No.9037807 [DELETED] 

I agree cardano is a scam but many of the things OP posted are legit projects and this larp is aiming its agenda towards noobs that come in here looking for get rich quick answers
I feel so bad for our future

>> No.9037832

I agree cardano is a scam but many of the "scams" OP posted are legit projects and this larp is aiming its agenda towards noobs that come in here looking for get rich quick answers
I feel so bad for our future

>> No.9037858

>EOS good
>Ripple Scam
U are just brainlet
Keep digging

>> No.9037997

Well written.

>> No.9038047
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So profit from that.

I never understand people who are emotional about stocks/speculation.

>> No.9038338


>> No.9038502

What the fuck is that ?

>> No.9039033

NEM/XEM: 0 mentions

Cucks will miss out and neck themselves

>> No.9039352

devs dont have what it takes to give it adoption, not enough connections/power to achieve what it strives for.

>> No.9039634

Why is Dash a scam? Someone fill me in?

>> No.9039910



Don't you see the problem? You've created a branching tree of highly speculative industries that each need to develop to support the next. AI/Machine Learning has its own set of vast problems to overcome. Parking automation doesn't need IoT, it can use facepay or Nano or some other future digital currency, or even Visa/MC. IoT is the idea that every device will form an economic ecosystem but it just doesn't add up. No one can explain how or why it will work and why a proprietary cryptocurrency is even needed. But it does allow a lot of corporations to generate watercooler conversations. There is this idea of 'social momentum' a business needs people to be anticipating something in order to stay relevant and fresh in peoples minds, consumers who feel their in the presence of a revolution tend to have higher confidence. This is why bullish markets always have a lot of 'hype sectors', the truth is truly revolutionary products are almost always unexpected. Almost no one anticipated the touch screen smartphone explosion. This is why most people don't get rich in stocks or markets because real growth doesn't happen in the sectors with all the buzzwords.

>> No.9040064


>> No.9040230

calls bcash good and litecoin scam
nice try pajeet