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9033083 No.9033083 [Reply] [Original]

>he unironically thinks he will make it with a sub $10k portfolio

>> No.9033096

Why are you scaring newfags away? Every bit of money helps to prop up the market.

>> No.9033105

Yeah I read this in December
And recently I also read about people going from 150k to 10k
No one can predict shit, anyone can make it with any amount of money
I put $200 on XSH and got out with 38k just to lose 40% of it on ethereum
It's all random

>> No.9033113

It's entirely possible. I started with $5500 and peaked at $81000. One more 10x and I'm almost a millionare

>> No.9033114
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>be wary tomorrow guys i'll be market selling 0.1 BTC at noon
>be prepared to buy the dip

>> No.9033115

Can someone make it with a $15,100 USD portfolio if they're young and have no debts/expenses? I'm 50% OMG 25% ETH 25% NEO. Please tell me I will make it anon, wage slaving seems like true hell.

>> No.9033152

Don't worry, faggots like OP are usually newfags trying to look like oldfags when n reality they have no fucking idea how this shit works
Realistically, all you need is a low mcap coin, $500 and a bit of luck

>> No.9033167

You need at least 50k to make it

>> No.9033177

>no debts/expenses, $15100 USD
You are already pretty well off, anon. A lot of people (especially americans) are in going to go into this next financial recession with debt.
As far as the portfolio goes, I'd be extra wary of Asian coins/tokens.

>> No.9033178

All that shit already super mooned, you need some new project that didn't moon yet
Sure you will make money but to double your money on eth you would need it to almost hit ATH again
To double your money on a good low mcap coin you just need it to go from 8 cents to 16 cents

>> No.9033183
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>> No.9033193

Another newfag

>> No.9033206

What can I do with .2 bitcoins?

>> No.9033230

$10k was the magic number a couple years ago. Today it's $100k. I don't even feel secure with that much, to be honest. The days of 100x are long gone unless the specific low mcap coin you pick moons; BTC, ETH, etc. might do a 10x over the next 2 years if we're lucky.

>> No.9033268

>being this insecure

>> No.9033285

Its not about how much you put, its about how good the project you put it on is and how lucky you get
Imagine if you put 0.2 btc on xvg @ 1 sat last year...
As I said, you need to get lucky
I will throw you a bone:
Go here: https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/kucoin/
Click on the blue thing that says USD and pick BTC instead
Sort by price, from cheap to expensive
Look into all those below 1000 sats, look at the websites, see if the project looks legit, go for it and fucking HOLD
Im not gonna shill you anything but theres good projects that are going to fucking moon when the real recovery starts
Oh and try to pick something with kinda low supply... shit with billions of supply like trx are not worthy unless you got below 50 sats
Remember HST mooned to $5 mostly because low supply so focus on that

Another newfag
When I got into XSH all retards said "muh dayz of 100x are gone".. it did 1000x lol

>> No.9033313

This. You don't invest shit into already mooned projects. I mean you could, look at eth and google; some things still keep going up indefinitely due to x and y reasons. However understand that fiat keeps getting constantly created AND old invested money keeps looking for next new golden thing. If you understand that and human psych you will understand that no matter the period we live in there will always be that new trendy thing that people throw money at, no exception, just gotta find that one thing. That's where you brain and luck comes in. Already mooned projects are less risk but much less reward.

>> No.9033317

You really think BTC is going to $800,000 any time soon, if ever?

>> No.9033335

In 10 years sure but you cant make it by holding BTC only unless you hold like 100 BTC imo
Dont be lazy, try to find a low mcap coin and go all in, thats literally all you have to do

>> No.9033359


>> No.9034254

But... you can use a lower amount to get a 10k porfolio.

>> No.9034368

I have $5,700 in ETH, will I make it?

>> No.9034375

See for yourself.

>> No.9034420

I went to 44k from 2k now I have 16k lmao

>> No.9034447

You will never get to 6 figures with that

>> No.9034485

im at ATH because of dca HAHAHAHA my portfolio is only 3 low cap projects with huge partnerships and huge potential. I am definately going to make and it will take nomore than 2 years with my $5k

>> No.9034784
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>tfw only $422
I'll make it lads, I have faith in my ability
even tho I missed the last big pump when btc went from 7k to 8 and even after that I still made a bunch of dumb mistakes
my point is I'm learning the ways of the /biz/raeli

>> No.9035073

agreed, eth would have to go 18x for him to hit 6 digits, not happening anytime soon.

>> No.9035206

All I need is about $50k and I’ll have "made it". Then I can pay off my debts, quit my job and work on my art/various other projects, tutoring for extra cash when I need it. I’ve got big plans that don’t involve screwing around and contributing nothing to society for the rest of my life, so I don’t need to make $50mm like a lot of other people here. Just enough to stop wagecucking for a couple years.

>> No.9035404

>t. oniom man