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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9029292 No.9029292 [Reply] [Original]

should i buy only BTC or should i hedge BTC with BCH in case BCH flips it? which is the real bitcoin?

>> No.9029301

XMR is the real BTC

>> No.9029323

bull fucking shit

>> No.9029328

BCH is the real BTC but I don’t believe it’ll ever actually flip. I’d be happy to be proven wrong, though.

>> No.9029335

Monero isn't even the real Monero. Monero Classic is the real Monero.

>> No.9029349

BCH is Bitcoin

>> No.9029358

hi there you fucking bitmain chinkshit

>> No.9029370

Which one are normies talking about when they say Bitcoin? That's the one I'd buy.

>> No.9029383

2 words:

>> No.9029401

is this actually going to happen? i remember it coming sort of close last year but at this point will it ever happen?

>> No.9029415
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Pls dyor and dont ask biz about this bch shill always come and tell y they are the real bitcoin with their bullshit.

>> No.9029422

Follow the jews you get to the money
Be lead by jews - with jews you lose.

>> No.9029433


>> No.9029493

From what I’m reading, that was almost six months ago

>> No.9029502
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Well, I'm kind of a noob, but let me give you some advice about this. Rather, advice about advice in general.

First, never, and I mean never, take financial advice from /biz/. I came here from /b/, /vg/ and /3/. The exact same trolling and opinion based arguments are taking place on those boards, with the same level of language mastery and all.
>/b/ fights and trolls because it's /b/ and that's what it does.
>/vg/ fights about which console or waifu or whatever else is the best with pretty much the exact same arguments you see here about cryptocurrencies.
>/3/ is composed entirely of "which 3d software is the best" arguments and trolling over people using a different option.
These are not arguments that can be won, because nobody fucking knows. If they turn out to be right on something, it is by pure happenstance.

Once I realized that /biz/ is almost exactly the same as those other boards, just substituting a crypto acronym for whatever subject, I realized what /biz/ actually is. These threads are mostly populated by nocoiners, because they're high school and college kids with no money. They spread FUD about things intentionally for a laugh, and unintentionally by just being misinformed. If they turn out to have been right, it was simple coincidence, like in most every other board.

Second, anonymity makes discussions of this type extremely dangerous here. You never know if you're listening to a random bullshitter (9 in 10 posters, generally), or someone that knows a thing or two and genuinely has skin in the game.

Third, do not base financial decisions on what /biz/ says, for fuck's sake. Learn the subject matter (try Investopedia's Academy courses), and make your own decisions. Be one of the learnedfags, and just come here for shits and giggles. Maybe you'll even get an idea of what rumors are foremost in the minds of normies from /biz/, but that is where the value of this place ends.

May your crypto wishes and lambo dreams come true.

>> No.9029518
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>> No.9029561


Okay, seriously. What the blue hell is a flippening?

>> No.9029658
File: 117 KB, 960x1280, baybeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btcp mhmm
get in b4 trip digits

>> No.9029757

Watch Craig Wright speech at token2049, I think it was called tokenizing on Bitcoin cash. Watch that and tell me that bch will not flip btc and become the true Bitcoin.

>> No.9029818

Alternatively, google "Craig Wright fraud" and "Craig Wright plagiarism"

>> No.9029867

u wot m8?

>> No.9030016


Yeah, I'm a t/3/apot. My first degree was in digital media (I know, useless as nipples on a yoyo, but I was a kid when I made that decision).