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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9026058 No.9026058 [Reply] [Original]

raised only by mom
depressed since I was 14
she died when I was 18 leaving me a flat to live in
since her death I dropped out of high school, became even more depressed, my day is currently 12h of sleep, 8h of lying in bed, often crying, the last few hours usually surfing internet, mostly 4chan
the money I saved up from birthday gifts and from mom's life insurance is almost at 0 now, I have massive trouble to even leave my home, let alone search for a job, completely asocial, almost an autist, no friends whatsoever
how do I get out of this circle of death? I don't want to be homeless

>> No.9026148

Buy chainlink

>> No.9026198

charge up the last bit of anger you got inside of you and rise against the despair. There is no magical solution to your problems, and i know its hard to create our own meaning in a meaningless world, but its still better than slowly degenerating into a worthless NEET that feels sorry for himself.

>> No.9026217

Awww :(
How your mom die?

>> No.9026231

she killed herself

>> No.9026235

get a job in the service industry
they will teach you to bullshit and make money
when they offer you drugs, do them
you need it
perhaps find your way in life

>> No.9026239

baby steps. say hi to the cash register employee and ask how her day is going. goal for the day is done. next day, do 5 push ups. day is done. next day, sit in a park for 15 minutes, smile to a stranger. day is done. repeat until you feel better

>> No.9026252

Assuming you're not LARPing, it might be a good idea to try an antidepressant for a while, until you feel more stable and get your life in order. I know this board hates psych meds, but I had good luck with Effexor. You can try Phenibut as well, helps with anxiety and is non-prescription, but make sure to DYOR on dosage. It'll make it easier to stick to a healthy diet, go outside and climb back out of the hole you're in. Good luck anon, you can do it.

>> No.9026264

See a psychologist. If you don't get along with them, let them know, they won't be offended. Once you find someone you can talk to, it will turn your life around

>> No.9026283

Well you won't end up homeless if you own a flat. Maybe try and do some freelance photoshop work for cash.

>> No.9026284

You will make it anon

>> No.9026288
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hi anon.

I'm going to be serious, unlike these other faggots. You need to understand that you're going to die eventually. You have two options, stay depressed and kill yourself early, or begin the pursuit of happiness. figure out something that you think will make you happy and work towards achieving it everyday. what do you want? do you want to have a family? do you want to live somewhere warm and go to the beach everyday? do you want to be able to play vidya everyday?

go finish highs chool or get the equivalent. do a trade because that's an easy way to make good money without being a genius. use your money to build the life you're happy living.

the most important thing I want you to remember, is to believe in yourself. you can do it anon, don't give up.

good luck

>> No.9026295

>she died when I was 18
you are lucky

find some shitty job and put every $ you can in to btc, eth and link

few years of sucking dick at mcdonalds or something but after that you'll be fine

>> No.9026318

Fucking hell, sort yourself out. Go do something outside your comfort zone.
Go to college, get a job. Watch Dr Peterson lectures and talks on YouTube, his content is aimed at people like you.
Get some sunlight and vitamin d3, sitting in the dark 24/7 will make you a depressed and miserable faggot, nationwide depression skyrockets during winter.
Life is about overcoming challenges, get the fuck outside.
Start working out too, will give you confidence, even if it's body weight stuff at home.
Make daily routine to eat, wash etc at set times.
And stop crying.
T. I was just like you minus the crying cause men don't cry unless family die.

>> No.9026343

Shit, your outlook not of good
It sounds like you not have daddy either :(

You should try make family so you not be so utterly alone
You won't be able to hold any real job until you have stability loving family.

>> No.9026348

Honestly, don't you think the bubble will burst and he will lose all his money? I know the predictions of 250k and more for one BTC but stil...

>> No.9026396
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anon get yourself fit and concentrate on fitness and well being. Eat well doesnt mean expensive and find a way to channel hard physical exercise to release anger, despair and frustration. Give it a go for a month and see how you feel. gl anon.

>> No.9026397

the bubble will burst
and then grow even bnigger
this market is microscopic

>> No.9026451

the bubble has already burst, ma nigga. Comone, man...

>> No.9026477

Watch Jordan Peterson on youtube. He helps people exactly like you. He helped me a shit ton when I was just considering suicide because I had no direction or work ethic in life. Check him out mate.

>> No.9026489


Real shit

>> No.9027022
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Luckily - for you - it seems you are from the U.S.

Go online, order this from Ceretropic (they accept crypto):


You will need approximately 20 mg Tianeptine Sulphate per day, maybe 40 mg spaced out between a 8h window. This will be a fix for your depression.

Go do NoFap, build up your testosterone. After 1 week you should be able to leave the house, perhaps start at night time to avoid people the first few times. Then progress to daytime walk through a park or something like that.

Fix your appearance, clean clothes and look. Go do some voluntary work at church, Americans love this sort of thing I assume.

Research concepts in pic related, a map of guidance for your next 10 years.

>> No.9027095


Oh and buy SGR now and DBIX in May after that.

>> No.9027168

Nigger if there was no magical solution I would've already killed myself, the only reason 70% of /biz haven't an hero yet is because we expect Link to be that magical solution.