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9025031 No.9025031 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Amerifriends barred from participating in ICOs, aren't they supposed to be the most free and capitalistic of all the nation states?

>> No.9025048


Our country is a socialist shithole run by corrupt bankers and kikes.

so no

>> No.9025058

fuck, is his face fucked up all the time ? everytime i see him he looks like he just hit puberty

>> No.9025091

Not even once

>> No.9025106

Actually its 50/50 crony capitalist/socialist.

>> No.9025114

>I-its not real capitalism!


>> No.9025132
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>having to register to sell securities makes you a socialist country

>> No.9025180
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>> No.9025190

pure capitalism has never been anywhere, shame though

>> No.9025233
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>pure capitalism

>> No.9025263
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(((accredited investors))) can participate

we need to protect the goy from making easy money

>> No.9025335

the bankers vote in their little banker circle

>> No.9025462

Acne is related to high test.

>> No.9025473
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It's almost as if excessively powerful banks/corporations will subvert the free market to their advantage. Really makes you think.

>> No.9025488


because pajeets ruined it for us.

>> No.9025497


This is why the right to bear arms exist

>> No.9025502
File: 21 KB, 400x400, I70vHeOg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must Render Unto Cesar you stupid fucks. That wild west show we had here in 2017 made way to many people rich without offering tribute.

>> No.9025540


>governments control money supply and tax everyone 50% of their income

Hurr durr we live in savage capitalism we need socialism hurr durr

>> No.9025621
File: 71 KB, 666x664, accredited_investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know the real reason
It's because only rich people are allowed to make high-risk investments
Seriously, look it up it's called an "accredited investor"

>> No.9025637

Yeah, if you arent rich, you are too dumb to be allowed to invest in most things so the government locks it behind accredited investor requirement. The gov said poor people are responsible for all the bad things that happen to markets.

>> No.9025644


>> No.9025714

This is retarded.

This is the truth. We have a quasi-capitalist society where only true capitalist privileges are awarded to the rich. The rest get lended capitalist privileges.

>> No.9025762

Because ICOs are 99% scam
And American not want its people give money to other countries

>> No.9025772

The US isnt a nation state you fucking retard. Stop trying to sound smart

>> No.9025791

Considering that the jews havent been able to ban guns yet its still the most free western country.

>> No.9025870

You know, recently I had an experience that literally shook me. I randomly found out that a person I used to vaguely know did a successful ICO and allegedly raised millions. Now this person was the very definition of a hustler. Would literally do anything from flipping chinese fakes to outright robbery. Makes sense that he got into crypto.

>> No.9025878


>> No.9026158
File: 52 KB, 484x604, 1279014896107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hopefully this will gain p-public attention and spark an outc-c-cry when crypto gets more mainstream and a bunch of peoples lives are being fucked r-right?

>> No.9026515

Most ICOs are scam so it doesn't really matter faggot.

>> No.9026641


>> No.9026773

knowing you fags and seeing angle and posture this must be some youtube celebrity, but still what the fuck is wrong with you OP for saving a picture like this on your hard drive?

>> No.9026806

Because ICOs were a mistake.

>> No.9027108
File: 270 KB, 500x481, 1519838846841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
