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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9018889 No.9018889 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best ways to make passive income with either coins or tokens. Staking, masternodes, renting out extra hard drive space with SIA, etc

>> No.9019459
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I have what you are looking for. I will update when new projects come online (like skycoin nodes).


>> No.9019597

Buy an exchange coin that shares profits with its hodlers. You win no matter if it's bull or bear season. Dimensions Network will be the first mover.

>> No.9019904
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>> No.9019918

Bankera anon, soon.

>> No.9019958

IXPS will have staking announced soon.

>> No.9019964

Find undervalued dividend coins in shit that's actually going to make money.

Best I've found is PPY- gambling with bitcoins & all profit is paid out to unit holders. They'll be testing on the world cup. As more & more gamblers sign up (especially guys from countries like China where sports gambling is banned), you'll be able to sit back and enjoy your cut being paid out in BTC

>> No.9020638

buy a fuck tonne of a low marketcap dividend coin with potential and wait (i would recommend ADST right now)

>> No.9020923

sia coin you can rent cloud storage and earn sia and sell for btc..

>> No.9021049

>wants passive income
>he is still not in
Like what the fuck are you even doing?

>> No.9021090
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Which coin or token will get me $1000 a month? How much to invest for $1000 a month

>> No.9021101


The question is, how to make 1000$ a month? With or without crypto

>> No.9021112

what the fuck are you even smiling at bitch. i dont like her

>> No.9021125

Safest way is in Bitfinex, lending margin to other people. I calculated it was around 1-10% in a year, depending on the demand for the margin.

All these lending platform, and coins like dividend p3d are not really sustainable and usually a pyramid scheme.

>> No.9021145

10 dicks at hundread each or suck an old man dick for 1000

>> No.9021156


Without sucking dicks?

>> No.9021164

Probably PoKek. A proof of weak hands clone targeted at /pol/tards. And you can join befor pol finds out.


>> No.9021166

with prices like that i could be a millionaire in 10 fucking days, there is no supply of dicks with cash to support that, finding even one would be a hard task

>> No.9021180
File: 140 KB, 4739x1349, phore_logo-rebrand_full-darkbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inexpensive master node
>resistant to market crashes
>huge returns for the next year
>likely to go up significantly in value
>marketplace you can sell anything directly for crypto
Probably 999 out of 1,000 people couldn't outperform this by trading. Even if you can, the keyword is "passive".

>> No.9021195

>that image
Well played, anon.

>> No.9021234
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Anon you forgot the smart-contracts implementation.

>> No.9021253


You will get 10% a year just for voting and staking in your wallet.

>> No.9021259
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>> No.9021266

40.79% annual ROI for anyone wondering. One master node is less than $20k. You're looking at $8,000 annual per master node. Buy ten MN and you have a comfy guaranteed $80k. That doesn't even consider that the coin can easily multiply in value.

>> No.9021273

How much $ a month do they give me if i buy $250 worth of phore

>> No.9021281
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>> No.9021295
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Comfy asf

>> No.9021300

do you mean IPSX? and source?

>> No.9021301

Wow 20k for a couple pixels on the screen. I feel very secure spendink 20k on pixels

>> No.9021304

If you want a decent return from staking, you should have 2,000-3,000 PHR in your wallet. You'll get an average of one reward per day. I think it's 2.9 Phore per reward or something.

>> No.9021308

>renting out extra hard drive space with SIA
if you want passive income with Sia, you should just buy siafunds. They literally generate passive income. You just HODL them forever and they pay out a percentage of the network transaction fees.

>40.79% annual ROI
cool pyramid scheme

>> No.9021317

>Wow 20k for a couple pixels on the screen
The thread is about pics income from crypto. If you are a no coiner, why bother posting?

>> No.9021321

Also doesn't take into account that this shitcoin will dump when the hype is over in a few weeks

>> No.9021331
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I got myself a Phore Masternode and am looking forward to this coin going 10x again. It's so cheap. When it goes back to ATH of ~$9 you make $3000 PER MONTH ANON. And Phore can easily go to $30-50 this year.

That would give you a monthly income of 10k to 17k (that's 120k to 200k per year) if you sell your stake rewards at the fucking top.

All you have to do is spend 20k USD for a Masternode. Ez money.

>> No.9021350
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I'll dump Phore when it hits $1000. I might as well just cash out only my stake rewards and keep the masternode

>> No.9021366

>cool pyramid scheme
Do you know what masternodes are at least?

>> No.9021386

>pretending to not be a pyramid with 40% roi
lmao even powh doesn't say they'll give you 40% and they aknowledge 100% its a pyramid
like you're literally retarded if you think 40% is anything but a pyramid

>> No.9021403
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>as Bitcoin completes it's 4 hours Sminem cycle
PHR will retain value when other alts begin to tank. It isn't at its current price from hype. It has a working product and long term viability in the market. You're describing Link.

>> No.9021418

>lmao even powh
Hasn't got a single thing to do with PHR. What's your point?

>> No.9021427

The ROI is proportionate to the network use and size.
And don't forget that they were no presale or ICO, so everybody started equally.

>> No.9021433

My point is you're retarded if you think 40% roi is not a pyramid.

>> No.9021450

Fuck /biz/, no one was talking about Phore a week ago and now there are actual memes of this coin ???

What happened ?

>> No.9021457

>interest on a savings account is a pyramid scheme
Do you even understand how crypto works? Just about every coin these days has a system of incentive for people to run nodes to keep the network health. It's a simple matter of compensation for resources. It's also a means of managing inflation vs deflation. Absolute brainlet.

>> No.9021468
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We can talk about inflation, not pyramid

>> No.9021479

>he doesn't realise 40% roi is not sustainable at all with no new people
Do you know how pyramid schemes work?

>> No.9021492

>you're retarded if you think 40% roi is not a pyramid
I don't believe you know what a pyramid scheme is and you're just throwing it around because you think it sounds scary. These returns will only last for a year or so before they are reduced to mitigate unnecessary inflation. DYOR or stay poor.

>> No.9021516

Exactly. If you could get guaranteed 40% ROI, everyone would dump all their money into it. But in reality, even if 40% ROI is possible at first, once more people wise up to it and buy a master node, the ROI will go down. Claiming otherwise is delusional or dishonest.

>These returns will only last for a year
there it is lol

>> No.9021532

See >>9021492 and do some research before making unfounded claims.

>> No.9021538

They found a new shitcoin that's totally gonna make it for real this time, there's not even any downside, the only way is up

>> No.9021550

> These returns will only last for a year
So you're buying a masternode for full price, then you get your 40% return, then you gonna do what exactly? Keep in mind anyone buying it after 6 months will only have 20% return, do you not see the problem there? Are you not very smart?

>> No.9021579

>even if 40% ROI is possible at first, once more people wise up to it and buy a master node, the ROI will go down
Why would more MN owners make the ROI go down? That's not how it works.
>there it is lol
Stop pretending your clever because you JUST now realized that staking rewards are not infinite (nobody said it was). You still have no clue what an actual pyramid scheme is.
Go read something.
>What Is A Masternode And How Is It Useful For Cryptocoin Investors

>> No.9021583
File: 37 KB, 775x234, this is why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll soon see why masternodes will be great in Phore

>> No.9021588

Sauce on the 2d girl on his shirt?

>> No.9021589

>only have 20%
Anon, this thread is for investors. Please leave.

>> No.9021611

I didn't even see that. Thanks. So would I need to set up a separate MN for the sidechain or can existing MN be staked for this? If existing MN can be used, that's a steal.

>> No.9021612

Its "only" compared to 40% that original "investors" are getting, stop playing dumb, this whole whore shit will end in an exitscam or catastrophic price dump in a month like all masternode coins do.

>> No.9021615
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>> No.9021669

So what? You act like it's a secret or something. MN owners voted in how long they will get these returns. They node that keeping it at a perpetual 40% causes inflation and devakues the currency. 20% is still insanely good returns on ANY investment. If you complained about that to any real investor they would tell you to fuck off. Show me where you are getting a guaranteed 20% return passively with ni ongoing management.

>> No.9021690

Buy a studio flat and rent it. Now end it

>> No.9021697

>so what
after 9 months it will be 10%
you just refuse to see the pattern

>> No.9021701

>Buy ten MN and you have a comfy guaranteed $80k.
except you spent $200k to buy the nodes. So after 1 year you're $120k in the red -- IF the 40% returns actually last a full year. If the price of the coin doesn't drop, you can sell your node and then you're $80 in the black, great. But there's zero guarantee that either of those things will happen.

No one can promise 40% returns, even for a single year. If they could, every investor on earth would be buying master nodes. But in reality, market forces do not allow such things to exist.
Kids, if you see someone claiming 40% ROI, run away.

>> No.9021781

>1 year you're $120k in the red
What are you talking about? You don't lose $120k any more than if you had bought $120k worth of brc a year ago. FFS are you people trolling me or seriously have no clue what you're talking about?
>after 9 months it will be 10%
>you just refuse to see the pattern
So you're telling me I can get three years of killer returns from staking my crypto? It's a good thing you share that genius tier pattern recognition.

>> No.9021785

>be me
>buy xrp EARLY
>have over 5 million xrp

XRP nodes will be future

>> No.9021801

I'm telling you nobody will buy it after 3 months you fucking mongoloid

>> No.9021830

>Buy a studio flat
How much do those start at? How passive is it? How much returns are left after maintenance and managing costs?

>> No.9021843

Decred, sweet sweet 20% staking gains. You don't need to leave a machine on.

Fuck masterchodes.

>> No.9021867

Long let vs short let. Pick one

>> No.9021918

>nobody will buy it after 3 months
And that's why they'll always be a nobody. Meanwhile, your thinking in limited terms of master nodes and acting like it matters if people stop buying them. They are still staking in regular wallets and using PHR for its primary use case as a currency. In not sure where your fear of master nodes came from, but it has been clear you are just talking without doing any research first.

>> No.9021942

But PHR is twice that and you also don't need to leave a machine on. Nobody stakes a MN from home lol

>> No.9021955

Are you fucking stupid or what? You're just inflating your meme money with no real money coming in. You don't get any real return with that fucktard.

>> No.9021970

This thread has exposed how uninformed no-coiners are. Why do you guys still post? I'm going to go have a delicious breakfast at the best restaurant in town. Stay poor.

>> No.9021987

>You're just inflating your meme money
I already addressed that, Billy Nye the Reading Comprehension Guy. Bye, poor.

>> No.9022001

>’guaranteed’ ROI for one year
>massive dump
>”hurrrr it’s nkt a pyramid because...”
This place is full of fucking street shitting shitskin trash and absolute fucking retards now

>> No.9022039

>40.79% annual ROI
kek you can make 40%+ a month from trading

>> No.9022071

Most people can't. I can do 3% per day tho.

>> No.9022084

Check yobit liza. Risky but gives 10% day. Be careful with yobit investbox coins.

>> No.9022793

PayFair exchange about to go live at the end of this month and it'll pay you according to the exchange volume.
I think these exchange based coins are the best bet when thinking about a passive income source from crypto, because these things are always going to be making money, no matter what the market sentiment.

>> No.9023327

Linkpool crowdsale 1000 ETH = 6'25% of their total benefit forever.