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9015886 No.9015886 [Reply] [Original]

If your not holding this coin you deserve to be poor.

>> No.9015902


>> No.9015919

Don’t deserve to be rich.

I’m buying the dip. Screen cap this EOS will be $15-$17 by Tuesday

>> No.9015925

Worthless erc20 token, even they said on EOS official website.

>> No.9015935

Nah... lol

Must be smoking crack with bcash loyalists

>> No.9015952

This is what it feels like to have a high schooler pressuring you to make financial decisions.
>ur retarded if u dont buy this
>r u smoking crack lol

>> No.9015979

Year of the dApps... I see only one leader. EOS

Don’t listen to me buy my bags at $175 in November

>> No.9016015



>> No.9016032


It’s already been $18 at one point you ignorant fag

#2 market cap EOY

>> No.9016056

tell me more

>> No.9016062


Price in.. wtf are you talking about shoemaker. It’s only getting started. 35-45 by June bud and it’s only getting started.

>> No.9016076

But the dip and thank me tomorrow and Sunday

>> No.9016085

Whatever. NEO will top this vaporware shitcoin by EOM.

>> No.9016090

Pedo supporter detected

>> No.9016101

Lmao no chance

>> No.9016111

r*dditor detected

>> No.9016113


We aren’t looking backwards at chinkscams and shitcoins we already passed we are looking up at the top 4

>> No.9016136

What dip, brainlet? It's at ATH in sats.

>> No.9016177

so that easily and you shut up about priced in..which means you were a lying faggot fudding on purpose which means nothing you say is credible which means no one loves you for you to behave like that which means kys

>> No.9016189

Today’s dip fag cause it’s only going up

>> No.9016235

Ever consider registering them, like you're supposed to?

>> No.9016341

I've been thinking this for a long time but does anyone else see the satanic theme of EOS? Just look at the design and tell me you don't see the devil.

>> No.9016404

Did you really just insult him by calling him a shoemaker? Now I’ve seen it all

>> No.9016436

Yes, because market cap is static and never grows???

>> No.9016666

Something smells fishy. I can tell the hype is artificial which is easy to do after pimping your audience for a Billion dollars. It's all vaporware still, really take that in for a moment people. With the funds they raised Marvel could have made 3 Avengers movies. I won't invest money in EOS out of principle, if original and groundbreaking things start rolling out Ill take a second look, but right now all I see is a bunch of overzealous fanboys trying to get me to drink the koolaid.

>> No.9016714

nice quads!

But what you are describing is also called 'risk'. Do you think you can get rich without taking some chances?

>> No.9016724

I sold my NEO at a profit for EOS and am up 30%. Consider kys

>> No.9016725

No thanks, I'm holding Cardano instead =)

>> No.9016735
File: 189 KB, 1023x1023, 211F2F98-0E56-463A-9932-CAC82E98FAA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holding tardano

That shit is funny

>> No.9016752
File: 192 KB, 768x1024, E1204A43-D0A2-4D13-9B92-07BA26E176CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That faggoty smiley face

Onions coiner detected

>> No.9016764

Onions coiner detected*

>> No.9016768

>no real argument for not buying cardano
your loss fellas

>> No.9016788
File: 90 KB, 960x960, DA2D52C0-BA5A-429D-8F14-4433A8C35A87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called Tardano. No argument needed

>> No.9016821

alright, I'm just going to assume you're poor.

>> No.9016835

How much to make it?

>> No.9016856

Insider here. Cardano IELE testnet delayed to late May instead of late April. You heard it from me.

>> No.9016859

you get rich by buying EOS at 50 cents, not $11.50.
this is a buy the rumor sell the news pump 100%.

When ETH mooned from $80 to $250, it had already had 24+ months of a working main net.
EOS? what's a main net?

>> No.9016866


>> No.9016925

Garbanzo fag calling me poor. That’s rich

>> No.9017034

Just one, EOS is that powerful, One EOS to rule them all, one EOS to find them, One EOS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

When yoi read ^ it kinda sounds like 3 EOS might be needed, one to rule, one to find & one to bind, but EOS is that powerful its the holy trinity. In crypto form. Can't you see the black magic that this coin possesses

>> No.9017307
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>be june 2
>erc20 token is frozen and block.one reminds everyone it will be 30 days before the cart-, before the delegates are ready
>token holds furious because no one ever told them the launch would take a month
>all exchanges disable EOS markets, deposits, and withdrawals due to uncertainty with mainnet being launched.
>responding to the demand, HitBTC opens a "EOS (Pre-Launch)" market
>western buyers fomo the pre-launch token to $50 the first day
>clever chinks dump the pre-launch market down to $0 since they knew the stupid americans would fomo
>all the normies that were brought in by the red pill EOS shills on biz think the pre-launch market is the real EOS price, so they destroy their private keys in a coordinated twitter protest.
>EOS is now dead because the normies think the token price is $0
>having just paid $100mm for 2/3 of the EOS delegate seats, OkEx sues dan lamer, who couldn't be reached but was seen having an intense conversation with a little girl.

>> No.9017585

well I'm probably right you larper.

>> No.9017756

>If your not holding this coin you deserve to be poor.

Sign someone is a brainlet: They don't know the difference between "your" and "you're".

>> No.9017771


if your not holding (insert ERC20 shitcoin here), u deserve to be poor

>> No.9017813

Yep, June is gonna be intense. But imagine if it happens in the other direction: 90% of EOS frozen. 10% in stocks, only tradable within that stock. Scarcity may increase the price, while news keep the hype up (remember, block.one war chest will be used). Also, there could be several chains, and airdrops during the bootup. I dont know, i will risk.

>> No.9017849

Nothing triggers EOS shills more than Cardano. Buying more ADA now sockpuppets, enjoy your worthless ERC 20 bags for your perpetual ICO “ethereum killer”

>> No.9017928

No one does anywork on EOS wtf are you talking about? It is going to 0.

ETH is truly the only thing working to make dapps, xlm and neo could work too. EOS is pure dog shit. It has already been exposed on a popular HBO show in the USA.

Scam coin.

>> No.9017955

cia nigger coin

>> No.9018197

Nothing brings out the eos shills like ada threads

Buying more ada sock puppets myself lad, good call.

>> No.9018245
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 2469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no, EOS 's selling point, "DAPPS" was the buzzword meme of 2017. The new buzzword is "SHARDING", and it's a growing consensus on the solution to the BTC problem.
The first FULLY IMPLEMENTED sharding will be Ziliqa.
Look if you want to be poor that's fine with me, but I already MORE THEN DOUBLED my investment. IN A BEAR MARKET. And the main net is gonna happen by August.

Get in or stay poor.

>> No.9018419

Why? What’s happening between now and Tuesday?

>> No.9018432

>the main net is gonna happen by August.
September, afaik.