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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9013159 No.9013159 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Bitfinex
>Regulators coming from every side, Tether in serious jeopardy, $400m frozen in Poland
>No access to $
>Cut PR firm, reallocate $ to legal defense
>Still low on $ though
>Realize that BTC moving upward might just give you enough $ to survive the legal onslaught
>Devise a plan to sell remaining exchange-owned BTC
>Pump BTC with Tether, largest 30m pump in BTC history
>TAfags take notice
>Pump it again
>/biz/tards and TAfags take notice
>Pamp it again
>Normies, /biz/tards, and TAfags take notice
>Successfully print a break of the 60 RSI resistance and paint bull signals everywhere
>Convince normies crypto is healthy and get them to FOMO in, naturally continuing the momentum you kickstarted
>Crypto is saved and the Bart market is over

>> No.9013227
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Bump for tfw they thank a Russian kid instead of you

>> No.9013303

kill them and them find another

>> No.9013526


Thank you anon.
I was going crazy trying to figure out who would do that to this market and in such an obvious way too.
Lets see if they suceed, because if they Bart one too many times this market won't attract normies at all. And then what?
How far should BTC go to bail out tether?

>> No.9013598

>hurrdurrr le bitifinex is responsible for everything
fuck off brainlet with your brainlet analysis

>> No.9013709

>the bart market is over

>> No.9013960

Hurrr durrr owning a massive amount of the market and openly talking about replicating the “willy bot” was just banter

>> No.9013996
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>> No.9014001

Soros is at work
If you ride the waves you can profit
But careful
We may see the largest Bart there is
Imagine if this was the biggest bull trap ever

>> No.9014029


>> No.9014412

It is. But it isn’t intentionally so. It’s the dying throes of a fraudulent organization.

>> No.9014616

I hate them but they are undeniably good at what they do