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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 1000x600, xtrabytes-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9012270 No.9012270 [Reply] [Original]

Many of you will see this picture and already know what is coming. I'm a pretty successful crypto trader with about 1.80 BTC in total value. I have made great plays including Vechain at 50 cents and Substratum at 10 cents.

I overextended my position into XBY big league. I pumped 0.44 btc into it and own 15000 coins, now worth about 0.14. I know you should never sell at a loss, especially in crypto, but this is a fat L and I know many projects I could probably make my money back on.

My question for you /biz/, is should I sell at a massive loss like this, or do you think there is any chance XBY gets big volume back and pumps again? I don't need your shitcoin shills, I just want your opinion on Xtrabytes.

>> No.9012284

Sell it

>> No.9012299

XBY is literally the litmus test for detecting scams in crypto. If you haven't sold yet, you are a brainlet.

>> No.9012302

As soon as you sell they will release the patent

>> No.9012317
File: 48 KB, 365x467, Steve-Buscemi’s-Eyes-Meme-in-One-Page-steve-buscemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know I fucked up. A friend who called antshares over a year ago said to go big on XBY. I fucking listened to the nigger.

>> No.9012327
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Literally what i'm worried about. The question is, does a patent actually exist?

>> No.9012365

they arent legit, sell it

>> No.9012424
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>> No.9012580

Take the advice of the other anon; sell when they get patent, maybe a few days after (once normies fomo in)

Code review will fuck this coin up. There is no way they have good code. It's done by 2 cucks who haven't showed it to anyone yet; there will be major security issues, I guarantee it

>> No.9012619

oh man, this makes me sooooo happy. i really really hope you faggots lose it all. cannot wait to read the upset comments in the discord!

you fuckers literally were warned by dozens of founding members and original holders to run away but you niggers thought you were smarter...oh sweet justice...you're dumber than any of the original xby cult members. lol, all that money you wasted holding that shit and now you wont get it back. kys.

>> No.9012646

And on top of that, there are a million other platform coins. Them thinking that a patent will make this coin go to $10 is beyond delusion. The space is already saturated. Only way the devs make money from this is to sell the patent (if it's good) to another company. No way this shit gets adoption. Stellar, ETH, NEO are too far ahead

>> No.9012674


Except i'm not one of those dumb niggers. I trusted a friend. My calls have always been good.

>> No.9012678

I was the anon that warned people that the devs were dumping their coins. I hope someone listened, but I doubt it.

>> No.9012697

>Hey guys brand new update here from the Xtrabytes team
>so much progress has been made
>amazing, great, fantastic, you're gonna love it
>our community has updated the graphical interface of the wallet again!~
>btw we're thinking about starting those patent drawings we told you about 3 months ago
>k bye!~~~

>> No.9012715


>> No.9012718

lol with your huge 1.8 bitcoin? kidding me? you trusted someone without doing your due diligence? you're a dumb nigger for sure, and a dumb nigger for thinking you're 1.8btc makes you 'pretty successful' lel. new kids.

>> No.9012736

OG holder here. Had 3 million of these fuckers last year. Sold them for a cool 3k. I knew it was shit when the youtube video of the dev talking about his dead mom blessing the project or some shit surfaced. Ya'll got pajeeted, sorry.

>> No.9012764
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Better than 90% of bitcoin address, but alright lol

>> No.9012790

>tfw bought 200k xby in june for like 200 bucks
>tfw sold for 1000
fuck me

>> No.9012801

Success is different for each person. For all you know he started with .2 bitcoin in which case turning it into 1.8btc would have been a successful trader. I started with only 2 btc and now I have 20 he could have perhaps done the same if he didn't fall for this shitcoin.

>> No.9012815

I sold it. Maybe I will be wrong and the holders will be rewarded, but for me there is too many red flags. I saw the offshore document for the company they made, I spoke with team members, I lurked over slack, telegram and discord for the longest time. My gut feeling tells you this is the shadiest fucking project. The static nodes all keep getting sold off regularly my the "early members" (who are part of the team). They will keep on stalling this project and release irrelevant shit like UI designs and websites that don't do anything.
Anyway it's still fun to follow it, but for me there's way too many red flags.

>> No.9013062
File: 94 KB, 465x349, death by xby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CCR here!~~
>Hoping to bring/lure more people into the Xtrabytes space
>All of next month we will be having giveaways of massive amounts of XBY!~
>*checks wallets and sees $7 million USD worth of XBY*
>We would like to ask our community to help out in this endeavor and donate their own XBY to the giveaway
Sure you don't wanna come back bro? We're having a giveaway!!!