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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9009027 No.9009027 [Reply] [Original]

Software dev who never actually worked a normal job here (~2-3 years experience). How many hours a day do you actually work (write code or think about code/problem) and what is your coding area (Java Enterprise, WebDev etc), also please mention the country? Please only devs answer.

I developed software in university and beyond and live passively off it but i don't know how much longer will that last and also the years off work will hurt me in the future if i don't make it until i no longer have to work at all..

So how many hours out of those 8 do you actually work?

>> No.9009042
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>I work in IT

>> No.9009096

Webdev, front-end. No one works more than 50% capacity per day, at a maximum. I work maybe 30% in terms of coding / problem solving, but in terms of task productivity that's 100% according to deadlines / task expectation.

>> No.9009235

Depends, Usually 6 hours of "daydreaming coding" with 2 hours of "serious" coding.

>> No.9009251

work about 10 hours a week. 300k per year.

>> No.9009272

Seems like what I read everywhere.

>> No.9009282

This. If your job situation isn't this good, youre getting taken advantage of.

>> No.9009294

I am the co-founder of a finance/crypto startup and I both manage people and code (Python, numpy scipy pandas celery rabbitmq django). Most days I work more than 10 hours, some days even 12-14.

It looks like it will start paying off since we are close to getting a few mils from the first round of investors.

>> No.9009309
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>> No.9009384


I do webdev

i probably code 45 minutes to every 15 minutes of redditing in a day, of that 15 is serious hardcore and the rest is busywork around the hard stuff

>> No.9009476

the virgin "coder"
>works 10 hour days including the weekend
>sets strict deadlines that he can't meet
>over promises and under delivers
>boss thinks he's bad at his job
the chad "software engineer"
>works 30 minutes a day max
>sets very generous deadlines for himself
>under promises over delivers
>boss thinks he's a genius and worth every penny

>> No.9009548

html/css/javascript front end. work about 2 hours a day maybe 4-5 if busy. i work at a startup with only 3 other devs so the work load is considered "large"

>> No.9009644

OP made this thread yesterday and didn't reply to anyone