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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9008591 No.9008591 [Reply] [Original]

What are you breeding?
Show off your setup
Have you hit roi yet?

>> No.9008625


These threads are legit gold-plated quality.

>> No.9008627

been breeding mostly giant tiger prawns at over $100 profit per prawn bred. those things breed fast as fuck. just started dipping my toes in pacific white shrimp breeding, those could be my ticket to making it. quick to breed and mature, $300+ per shrimp. looking to make about $1,000,000 this year if this keeps up.

>> No.9008639

I hope /shrimp/ isn't a meme

>> No.9008684

I got my Dad and uncle to invest 100k combined to start a shrimp farm. Calculated we will be making passive income and break even in 8 months. after that is pure profit.

>> No.9008689
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Banded corals, anon.
>only grow in tropical climates, so florida is perfect
>the japs can't get enough of this for high-end sushi
>they breed like absolute mad
>sell them to local sushi stores, and as I acquire more I plan to start exporting to europe as well

Rarer shrimp are an excellent niche market, get into it. You'll never make it selling prawns to your local publix.

>> No.9008702

Its a little overbought now, because too many anons spilled the beans on here. A pull back in the shrimping game is to be expected, but the long term is looking pretty good.

>> No.9008704
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What kind of square footage and equipment investment do I need to have a revenue-generating setup?

Do you use regular fish tanks?

>> No.9008706
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I'm considering accumulating sea sponges to potentially breed them. Anyone here experience regarding this topic?

>> No.9008726

I just breed your sister and sell the little nigglets into 3rd world slavery

>> No.9008733

>spongecucks shitting up another /shrimpin/ thread

When will you faggots learn?

>> No.9008744

how could a farm possibly be considered passive income
i hate this meme

>> No.9008749

Thought this was a scam at first but you fags have convinced me. Where should I buy? Can I just get regular shrimp from a farmers market?

>> No.9008751

Found the noshrimper

>> No.9008765
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Inherited all my father's property when he died and it turns out he had a large scale shrimp farm on one of the parcels of land. Never told any family members. It must put out a good 10,000 shrimp per month. I don't know anything about shrimp. It's a very daunting task learning to manage this much. Any tips?

>mfw my dad was an early shrimp adopter

>> No.9008775
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You are doing God's work anon. /biz if for business.

>> No.9008801
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I put the wrong chemicals in the water and turned them gay. Most degenerate die-off I've ever seen.

>> No.9008870

i use my basement, which is about 300 sq ft. regular 50 gallon size fish tanks will work fine for a starter set up as well. i use 200 gallon tanks but you probably want to get into the hang of breeding shrimp before trying to breed a lot, as theres a lot of beginner mistakes you can make (such as not adding sugar to the water, not adding electrolytes etc.)

>> No.9008931

Most of the faggots on this board cannot cook their own tendies let alone maintenance on a tank

>> No.9009317
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>> No.9009536
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How much is it to start a marine shrimp farm?