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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 1280x672, dxtfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9000995 No.9000995 [Reply] [Original]


>pump started, still only 15mill$$ marketcap (-80% below ico)

>all-stars team + Tim Draper& Marc Benioff as active investors

>holding rewards program will be announced really soon

>PR marketing starting in china, block72.io is handling that
>Edelman pr office hired for marketing

>Only trading in bad exchanges. but ico sold-out in 1 day and collected 40 millions
>team said upcoming exchange listings are coming soon

>whales are accumulating, check a chart to see accumulation peaks
>sell orders are really thin

>> No.9001013

also accumulating here as long as it is cheap

good pick anon!

>> No.9001049

Yea crypto lark just made video of it , not cheap long time now ;)

>> No.9001053

Omg, I had almost forgotten this gem. Now really is the time to fill your pockets with datawallet. Easy 10x now!

>> No.9001081


>> No.9001114

it got wreked by the Korean FUD group found on telegram, now thats over and exposed and its gaining VOL. and price! buybuybuy DXT

>> No.9001122

I hope you guys are atleast getting paid for this or does tge CAPTCHA not work anymore?

>> No.9001127

Yes its gaining attention now ;)

>> No.9001186

I just watched the video and I don't really get it. Seems like they're saying large companies using your data to sell you stuff is bad and so the solution to that is actively gathering all of your data in data wallet and then giving it to companies to sell you shit?

I get that I'm a retard but this just doesn't make sense to me. Why would someone use it and how does it stop Facebook from just continuing to gather my shit? ie, why would Facebook buy data they already have?

>> No.9001221

I just bought this and i cannot be happier of the timing

>> No.9001241

You are clearly 80iq , get out of my thread please

we dont need you to buy this

>> No.9001264

so what is the name of your shill discord group?

>> No.9001387

OP just bought few more ;)

>> No.9001395

Where do I buy??

>> No.9001409

Ok, but can you actually explain to me the value? Basically you get to opt in to your data being used and collected which will lead straight to everyone opting in for everything and giving away shit they don't even understand so how is it fixing things?

>> No.9001446

sitting on comfy 100k I've bought today

>> No.9001452

what you mean by "fixing things"


A Data-Ownership Assuring Blockchain Wallet For
Privacy-Protected Data Exchange

if you use Datawallet you can monetize your own data. nobody said anything about blocking Facebook from selling data they already have.

but you can sell it too by using this app.

>> No.9001465

trading in bibox only

>> No.9001507

Right, and if Facebook and all other large corps already have it, then who the fuck are you selling it to?

>> No.9001521

man please come to t.me/datawallet and ask your questions , these are too retarded for me

there AmaJizz team will help you out

>> No.9001583

I don't really see how that's a retarded question but alright.

>> No.9001648

Also, please don't post a fucking DXT post every fucking day here like your telegram is suggesting

>> No.9001650

yes it is , there are fucking many companies that buy data. its not only big players, there are hundreds ,

>> No.9001712

Yea, exactly. So what are you storing in the wallet? The same shit anyone can buy anywhere else? I'm just honestly confused what the actual purpose is.

The whole video is like "aren't you tired of large corporations profiting off of your data" but also "would you like to continue to help them do so".

>> No.9001716

also...this is product ready and not a pipe dream. its going to fly in time no matter what because its all ready out
ive been buying in the 400's

>> No.9001740

you will be able to privatize or capitalize your own data in the near future. datawallet is future proof

>> No.9001751

what the fuck?

for now, people are giving their data away for free . with datawallet you can actually sell and monetize your Data

what part you dont understand??

>> No.9001782

your concerns are genuine but the fact that people WILL want to make money or DXT off the data, and WILL want more control . so if someone is making money off You you know it and can stop it or make that money for yourself

>> No.9002044

Totally agree with you Costapete.

>> No.9002174

its setting up in korea and japan and will get big 2018 datawallet with app out and functioning!

>> No.9002576

Yes it will ;)

>> No.9002605

And this, /biz/ newfags, is what a Discord shill thread looks like

>> No.9002606

dem profits all day

>> No.9002618
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1000, final10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Data ownership assuring blockchain wallet privacy-protected data exchange, with multibillion dollar investors onboard.

The project initially collected 40 million $USD in a single day during ICO. The marketcap has since drastically dropped because overall crypto market conditions. Also one reason that the price has dropped so significantly is the teams bad connections to exchanges. $DXT didn't get listed to any big or reputable exchanges and most investors sold because the combined effects mentioned above. But there has been alot of improvment regarding exchanges and listings. They have now hired 4 new advisors only for exchanges and I firmly believe that we will se listings left and right during Q2.

After the overall cryptomarket has done its job shaking the weak out of the game we will see massive gains on $DXT. They have been concealing alot of progress during the bear market so they can get the full effect "releasing" them during better market conditions.

I believe that Datawallet is a true hidden gem!

Edit; The pump has started. +28% theres not much time to hop on this moon mission so buy quick!

>> No.9002633

tuhat looks goood, thanks!

>> No.9002691

the price is flying as the FUD group was exposed !

>> No.9002707

all fucking in ;)

>> No.9002880

just grabbed a few more..it headed back to ICO .18$

>> No.9002983

making DXT from your data with that app is sweet its like airdrops and free coins! got to!

>> No.9003064

0.18$ isn't big target. its just a ico price

lets target 1$ at end of Q2

>> No.9003147
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>> No.9003160


>> No.9003174

getting more and more attention , moon is really soon guys :D

>> No.9003184

the Price is moving and will pump to 1-2$ by 2018 edleman is the largest PR firm in the world

>> No.9003190
File: 358 KB, 1080x1659, SmartSelect_20180331-151407_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal pajeet shill scam.

>> No.9003192


>> No.9003203

Why you are posting that garbage offtopic to my thread? :D

>> No.9003258
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Roll boys

>> No.9003314


>> No.9003394
File: 28 KB, 361x341, 1523971699821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>collected 40 millions


>> No.9003410

Lessa go boys

>> No.9003921

yea lets fucking go to moon