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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9000479 No.9000479 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw shorted with half of my funds at 7.9k
>tfw shorted with the other half at 8.3k
>tfw sold my 20k XLM at 0.20 because "its going down again anyways"
>tfw fucked up everything in the last 7 days you can fuck up
>first short already got liquidated, lost so fucking much
>second is after the last green dildo near liquidation too
>only two options: charts are going down massively or kms
>second short nearly

>> No.9000511

on one hand you're a bearfag
on the other hand there's still a good chance it will correct after such a pump
good luck

>> No.9000540

Oh anon..
Not sure about it but I think we will see a big dump this weekend. Hope you doesnt get rekt till there. Also never short again

>> No.9000568


>> No.9000575

you deserve nothing else since you need to be either 14 yo or >100iQ germanfag to build english sentences like that

>> No.9000600

>>only two options: charts are going down massively or kms
third options
it pumps just enough to liquidate you and then dumps hard

>> No.9000622

Jesus fuck dude why would you use half your stack on margin? The goal is to keep playing the game till you make it, not get rich in one trade. Don’t kys LEARN FROM THIS learn risk management and technical analysis and fundamental analysis (fucking market sentiment dude) and learn to use a fucking stop loss, trailing stops are great sometimes they will stop you out early on a great trade and you’ll miss profits if you set it too close but it’s better than being liquidated. Pick yourself up anon, you’ve got money to make.

>> No.9000860

After all that suffering I just wanted to make money of the bearmarket once and saw my chance after the random pumps. I just wanted to be the clever guy a single time, getting a little piece of this moneymaking cryptocake. Now I fucked up everything.

>> No.9000940

The secret behind crypto, historically, is those who hold get rich. Why not just hold and stop being so greedy for short term gains?

>> No.9000955

Well, I hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.9000964
File: 2.58 MB, 360x254, tfw lost everything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the bearfag blues too, anon. feelsfuckinbatman

went short on a bunch of major banks (stocks) going into record ER reports for a high risk play. it actually worked, but through a series of unfortunate events i got locked out of my account yesterday, and had to simply sit there as all of my options swung WAY the fuck OTM. now im probably fucked, i HAVE to hedge and hold for the next week likely, against a bunch of banks that have already been going down for 3 months.

so i feel ya bruh.
obviously sympathy for bears is in short supply, but its nice to see im not the only one who fucked up.

on the bright side, that last pump SCREAMS artificial to me, so you might be able to get all or most back if ya tough through it

>> No.9001001

We all just want to be that guy for once but its nearly impossible. Crypto became a giant playground for the rich and the whales. They do what they want and destroying thousands of dreams with just one order for fun. The only way to beat them is to hodl for many many years. Be patient

>> No.9001037
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>> No.9001062

I know hodling is more than I meme but also Im sick of wagecucking and have to look after every penny. God I hope this will go down now, I promise I will never margin trade again

>> No.9001076

Bitcoin is crashing to 4k soon.

>> No.9001104

What do you guys think should I close the position and cut my losses before I lose everything or wait for a maybe drop to hopefullly break even?

>> No.9001105
File: 34 KB, 658x589, 9436367223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine to make mistakes. It's normal to be wrong sometimes. It's extremely acceptable to be wrong most of the time. It's awful to make fatal decisions.

>> No.9001113

Good. Thats what shorting non-believing scum like you deserve.

Sorry not sorry

>> No.9001158

Close 50%, invest it in a coin you trust and hodl

>> No.9001162
File: 78 KB, 1439x911, I promise i'll be gentle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shhhh baby, it will all be over soon, no tears now.

>> No.9001166

Harsh lesson. Good luck anon.

>> No.9001178

>he could sell for profits at massive gains
>he wanted more and gambled
you're retarded lmao

>> No.9001215

Its happening for real. If it goes up tp 8610 I will get liquidated. I cant believe its really happening now, I cant believe how stupid I was

>> No.9001223

>never shorted before
>starts doing with bitcoin after it dumped all the way from 20k to 6k
you deserved, seriously, stop shorting

>> No.9001253

Cut the positions and save pennies.

Doesn't seem like a good idea now but good luck building any stack starting with 0$ after liq

>> No.9001283
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Come on anon, the only way to make money in this world is to hodl.

>> No.9001394

Im closing it right now. I will put the left free money and put it into a 15x long. When were around 9k I will take the profit for hodling

>> No.9001509

If you have over $5k atm then stop fucking around. Put atleast 50% into LINK with no questions asked(this way it forces you to research more about it) and put the other 50% into some other alt like REQ or VEN and just fucking hold.
>muh hold is a meme

Yea good luck trading like a degenerate and stressing about wether whales gonna whale every day when you can just come back in a year and buy a lambo.

>> No.9001559

Can you please not? Just walk away from an hour, take a nap, take a shower and then you can open the position if you want to.

>> No.9001635

easier said than done, I was awake the whole night looking at the charts. I need to find a solution NOW. I opened the long position just to make some little profits after this disaster...I wont exaggerate it and close at 9k

>> No.9001705

You aren't owed being correct NOW.

>> No.9001753

Dont trade on leverage you retard, its a sure way to lose money

>> No.9001842

leverage isn't that bad in itself. the problem comes when you use leverage to open a very large position relative to your account size.
also anything over x10 is ballsy as fuck

>> No.9001961
File: 99 KB, 821x609, 2018-04-20 15.09.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my long is now up to .30%..

>> No.9002000
File: 51 KB, 645x729, 1523731333362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr why do I keep getting rekt durr
you didn't learn your lesson yet?

>> No.9002090

short low long high is the new buy high sell low. Anyway good luck anon, will keep an eye on this post

>> No.9002329

Leveraging crypto beyond 5x is a great idea. Nothing will go wrong trust me.

>> No.9002358

Well Im more optimistic now, just look at the charts of the last days, sideway movement and afterwards hard pump. Same should happen in the next hours and after we pumped to 9k Im out. I wont end up losing everything and may not even make a loss, great feeling now

>> No.9002657

Indeed charts looking good, 8.5k is impressive stable, 9k in the next hours is very realistic. Seems like you got luck again