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8999053 No.8999053 [Reply] [Original]

Okay fellow AMBros after several days of continuous price growth I think some of us become uneasy whether we should hold or sell through this friday.

Personally I'll wait until the meetup and look at the price action until then.

If the price action is good I'll sell my AMB to buy back lower.

Why? Because I'm positive 99% that we won't get any partnership announcement tonight.

Whenever ambrosus have announcement, Kimchi always make his call. He called coinrail listing and swiss coffee alliance partnership perfectly. He also called the masternode announcement in late march.

His call is characterized by hint. When he called coinrail listing his whisper is something about korea. When he called SCA partnership his whisper is something about coffee. And the whisper got more intense 1 day before the announcement.

Now, from what I observed, he made no such hunt or call that can be translated into partnership announcement tonight. Instead his call is new CMO will be announced this friday (as we already expected).

However he made call that ambrosus will go to GSK next week and will announce something before brussel talk. All of his call about GSK has that next week something big about it. So I think we can safely assume GSK will be announced next week.

So, my advice is sell when the price spike during the meetup, and then wait for it to dump. It'll 100% dump hard (maybe get back to 5500 SAT) if no partnerships are announced. Buy immediately after it dumps and just hold until next week. Next week we'll get the real pump when partnerships are announced.

>> No.8999088

He did whisper though


Figure it out yourself.

>> No.8999125


He did whisper GSK, his hint is 71911 which translate to 7(G) 19(S) 11(K).

However you've to notice that all his GSK whisper has him saying next week will be big. And actually before that he slipped saying team will go to GSK headquarter in london next week.

So my assumption is partnership announcement will be made next week. Today we'll get the new CMO announced. This pump is because people expect partnership to be announced, if it's not, it'll dump hard.

>> No.8999291

So sell the news then, faggot.
My hands are adamantium.

>> No.8999312

I'm not saying you'll get rekt by having adamantium hands fellow AMBros. I just want to tell that there's big chance you'll get much more profit selling the news today (which is CMO announcement) and buying the dump, then simply hold waiting for next week announcement.

>> No.8999486

Are you bearwolf in disguise?

>> No.8999510

No I'm just your fellow AMBros

>> No.8999533

So you're in the TG?
Kimchi will not be pleased with your disobedience

>> No.8999547


>> No.8999575

I'm a firm believer in Kimchi our patron that's why when there's no hint or call about any partnership announcement today from kimchi, that make me concerned. I want to obey Kimchi anon but the potential of more profit tempt me more.

>> No.8999631

Kimchi will have your head when I post this in the TG, heathen

>> No.9000547

If they announce masternodes wouldn't the price shoot up?

>> No.9000625


Realistically, you have to expect it to dump.

The current trend is that coins pump when news is released out of the blue or in the run-up to an advertised event (i.e. now) but then tank once news at the event is officially released (i.e. in a few hours time). If you *don't* sell now, then you are betting against the current trend. Don't do that.

Don't be delusional.

Don't be greedy.

Lock profits nao.

>> No.9000651

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING [...]. Do NOT use it to promote [...] anything you may have an interest in.

>> No.9000659

reminder no price pump for you amblets EVER

>> No.9000724
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 1521149466244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw biz fell for the swissfaggot, pharmpajeet, and kimchiwhore LARPs
>mfw Mcafee brought on board for bigger P&Ds
>mfw Aneesh Zutshit AMB content manager was imported to Europe in a rice bag (KEK?)
>mfw years, no DECADES will go by before R&D produces a working prototype
>mfw uptrend inevitable for VEN, WTC, and WABI that are months, no YEARS ahead in terms of development
>mfw brainlets don't realize AMB TGadmins are PROJECTING onto kazuya and accusing him of P&D

>> No.9000792

Masternode is already known (will be explained further in May anyway), and what people waiting from ambrosus is not masternode. It's proof that ambrosus really will be adopted, aka legit partnership with big companies.

It have potential to reach 100% if big partnership is released. But if not and only CMO announcement yes it'll dump hard.

>> No.9000804

Yes yes MrBearWolf why don't you reveal yourself now? We know you're a big ambrosus supporter.

>> No.9000813

Sold my entire stack just now (18k). What do buy into now?

>> No.9000830

I think you sold too fast but I might be wrong. Buy again at around 5500 sat. Then wait until next week, true gain will be made next week.