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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8997498 No.8997498 [Reply] [Original]

Never again, I'm not made for this, lost so much money. Don't make my mistake, if you make profits good for you, but if you lose - stop early. I wanted to back up my losses and lost even more. Lesson learned

>> No.8997643
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>> No.8997650

what indicators you used?

>> No.8997673
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And then you gotta pay taxes on your trades

>> No.8997680
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>selling at a loss instead of holding

Has Buffet taught you nothing?

>> No.8997714

You're too emotional for day trading. That's why there is so few women in trading business it's all about emotions and psychology.

>> No.8998264
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Nah, it's about knowing the future.

>> No.8998838

The irony

>> No.8998849

How in the world did you lose any money today, or in the last few days for that matter?

>> No.8999240

Here's the thing with day trading (I know lots of /biz/tards are going to disagree with me): It is gambling. Crypto "investors" too are degenerate gamblers. There are no indicators that work 100%. Technical analysis is about looking at the past to predict the future. Just because a coin is on a bullish/bearish trend, doesn't mean it will continue to go up/down. However betting against the charts doesn't always work either. Look at the dramatic drop bitcoin had from 19k to 6k. "BUY THE DIP!" BTFO. "BUY THE DIP!" BTFO! Sometimes TA is actually right bitch. All these idiots persistently hodling their bags just got pwnd by ignoring the charts.

(((Whales))) determine the direction of the market. That's whats up. No amount of TA is going to prepare you for a bull trap or a bear trap. You WILL get fucked by bull and bear traps. That is part of the game. If you hodl like a fucking retard instead of taking a small L, you are risking a lot.

All a whale has to do is put up a large sell order on Bitfinex and the market goes to shit. Because the trade volume and order book thickness in crypto is shit. The bear-whale just shits all over your TA. And the normies follow the whale and push down the price even more. Stop-losses get triggered. Then the whale buys the coins back at a discount for a profit.

All a bull-whale has to do is put up a large buy order on Bitfinex, drives the price up a bunch and you will be kicking yourself for missing out. And then you're tempted to buy in higher than you sold. The bull-whale shits all over your TA. The normies FOMO in. Pushing the price up higher. Whale sells. Profit.

The (((whales))) can do whatever the fuck they want. They own the war. All these /biz/raeli retards who tell you that you can out-smart the whales have (((Mr. Shekelsteins's mutilated Jewish cock))) buried so deep into their wife. Instead of being cucks for black men, they are cucks for Jewish whales. (((Whales))) have the deck stacked in their favor tremendously.

>> No.8999255

>sell when you see a red candle on the 5m chart thinking you're selling the zenith
>price continues to go up and you FOMO back in
We've all been there, let's be honest.

>> No.8999493

>sell when you see a red candle on the 5m chart thinking you're selling the zenith
>price continues to go up and you FOMO back in
Shit like this makes me want to quit day trading. lol. I don't wanna go back to wage cucking tho so I have little choice. heh.

We are the whale's bitch. The whales dictate the market. All we do is provide liquidity for whales. If you are rich, a large buy order on Bitfinex or Binance is just play money for you. Rich people are not going to be butthurt about losing some play money on bitcoin. If a large order can change the colour of a 5 min candle, a whale can single-handedly change the direction of the market. Normies play follow the whale.

All these people who think they can beat the whales are fucking deluding themselves. If you're an early adopter who got rich, good for you. You won the lotto. Maybe the early adopters deserve some credit too if they recognized that millennials sick of wagecucking for Jews would FOMO into this crypto thing one day. But all the idiots who say that crypto would have all this mass adoption are fucking deluded. I never in my wildest dreams thought that crypto would have the market cap it has today. Because I underestimated just how much millennials were gonna FOMO.

The crypto bubble is powered by millennial hopes and dreams to escape the shitty lives that the boomers left for us.

>> No.8999516
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Tried this last night, never again

>> No.8999591

Just jumped into the shady waters of trading. whats a good platform for all the coins. Checking on them, and trading.
Canada BTW

>> No.8999634

If you're not a whale or don't have insider knowledge, day trading crypto is like playing slots, baccarat or even satoshi dice. It is gambling. Everyone knows that these games are all games of chance, not skill.

Poker or betting on sports is a skill-based game. Day trading crypto is very much luck. Maybe TA gives you a slightly better than evens chance. MAYBE. I can't count how many times I got fucked trading according to the charts.

>> No.8999819

As a whole tho you if you get into the market and for example play long with an industry clearly going up and not yet utilized to fullest, its worth investing money into, right?

Still gambling of course, but with some calculated risk. instead of just slots.

>> No.8999955

what indicators you used and what your strategy?

>> No.8999958

been daytrading based mostly on /biz/ hype and I'm almost breaking even as a december buyer who held dbc through ath

when the market recovers to its former glory (which will probably take another crash or 2) I'll be needing an accountant

>> No.8999961

90% of people lose by day trading.
So you just need to do the opposite of everyone else.

>> No.9000078

I daytraded my ICX stack from 100 to 350

>> No.9000195

to put that in perspective, I was down 80% from stubbornly holding dbc and I'm now almost breaking even from daytrading

Basically you gotta make smart moves and not get butthurt when you don't sell every top. I take a 3% gain and then it turns out if I could see the future it could have been a 20%. Gotta numb yourself to that and take your 3%. Don't even need 1% to beat the fines and a 1% gain every day is pretty good. And don't feel compelled to trade every day, sometimes I'm just not feeling like the market is cooperating. Trading up 3% just 2-3 times per week, plus the market prospectively returning to ATHs in let's say 1 year, could make me a multi millionaire with just $3000 invested since late december

>> No.9000241
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> It is gambling. Crypto "investors" too are degenerate gamblers.
> You WILL get fucked by bull and bear traps.
If they were easy to notice they would be shitty traps.
> (((Whales))) have the deck stacked in their favor tremendously.
Sure. Anyone stupìd enough to keep playing needs all the help they can get, maybe even astrology. The whale doesn't matter because he's another degenerate, what matters is the game. The whale needs to give everybody some winning hands or everybody stops playing really soon. The whale is going to make a killing with our money or without it. So we fold and fold and fold and we play very few hands ready to lose most of them until we run out of aces. The whale isn't greedy enough to want all the money, it would be too tiring, the whale just wants a shitload of it. In the end the game isn't about taking all the money from the whale, the whale will be fine, the game is about leaving the casino with enough to not need to keep playing shitty games. Then we hire bodyguards and assassins and make our own game.

>> No.9000269
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>90% of people lose by day trading.
So you just need to do the opposite of everyone else.
No that advice doesn't always work either. heh. I have been a bear in a bull market and I have been a bull in a bear market. I have got caught many a dagger and got cuckolded by many a bull.
When shit is going up, it can go up further. When shit is going down, that motherfucker can go DOWN, DOWN, DOWN.

>> No.9000277
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>> No.9000290


>> No.9000524


>> No.9000554
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Holy shit HAHA
Damn this is good

>> No.9000562

took a tip from /biz/ yesterday on AMB, sold 75% of it at a 2% gain

this morning it had went nuts while I was sleeping, watched it and several other coins for an hour in bed

saw a dip on the 5m charts with a very fast recovery, bought in at the top of it (much higher than when I sold just yesterday but you learn to stop giving a fuck about that), made 3%

could have made 6% if I was a prophet, but fuck it

I made one bad trade yesterday putting like a third of my stack into fucking ncash because someone random /biz/ post said to buy it and I didn't know about the partnership fud... shit happens and you learn from it

>> No.9000567

let's have a good laugh

>> No.9000605

Eh you'll never guess it perfectly, as long as you make a gain it should be treated with optimism

>> No.9000641

I did alright without any. Wait for it to come down and buy in. Set a sell order a little higher and check every 30 minutes if it had cleared. The rinse and repeat. Just make sure it's not an absolute shitcoin that can dramatically drop and never recover for whatever reason.

>> No.9000660

If you want to get your CAD into crypto, these are the options
www.coinbase.com (lots of Canadian credit/debit cards are blocking coinbase now though)

lots of other options as well

Getting your CAD into crypto is expensive these days compared to in say 2016 or early 2017. The fees they charge are so high compared to what they used to be.

Once you buy your BTC with CAD, withdraw your BTC to Binance for day trading. Canadian exchanges suck for day trading. Trade fees are too high. Most people only use the Canadian exchanges for cashing in and out.

You have to do the math yourself to find out which exchange is best for you. It depends on how much you want to deposit. And how much hassle you are willing to go through.

>> No.9000692

yup that's what I'm saying

a lot of stuff I watch and after I sell it, I go fucking off IRL for a couple hours, come back and I could have made more, but I'm numb to that now. Just making an occasional winning trade is all you need, as well as don't be too stubborn about selling at a loss when your gut tells you something is gonna keep dropping... gotta let the pride go

>> No.9001206

>shorting during we bull market now
>of all coins short XMR

Anon, you done Goof'd

>> No.9001248

I have uncles who made millions investing. From what I have heard from them, the market can't be beaten. Only whales know what the price is going to be because they put it there. You just can't beat the market and I unironically believe anyone who claims to have done so is either simply lucky or larping.

>> No.9001268

95% of people trading will lose money

>> No.9001301

Plenty of people that made millions too claim that TA improves your chances and can make you a profit over time. Who's right?

Maybe your uncles just don't know how to trade.

>> No.9001317

You can make a good guess as to the short-term projection of a coin. Being right 9/10 times is enough to make money. That other 1/10 time a whale will fuck the market or Bitcoin will shit the bed.

People who make mid-term projections (week to a month in advance) are rarely correct.

>> No.9001356

You don't even have to be right half the time. Two of the last three trades I made were losers, but I stopped them pretty fast after it was clear that they don't move like I anticipated. The third trade currently made back the losses of the other two and will probably continue. Cut the losers the winners run.

>> No.9001369
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>You have to do the math yourself to find out which exchange is best for you. It depends on how much you want to deposit. And how much hassle you are willing to go through.

Canadianbro, if we ever make it. How do we cash out.

I am hearing horror stories that RBC and big banks are not taking huge amounts (500,000$+) through wire because muh money laundering. Someone on reddit almost had the police called at the counter.

Cash out oversea?

>> No.9001373

... let the winners run.

>> No.9001447

Nice meme.

>> No.9001485

Yeah guess who I trust?
All that day trader shit, those businessmen you see on TV shows from time to time or whatever... it's bullshit imo. Exchanges, etc, want you to think it's possible so you'll try it and they'll get transaction fees. You can't compete with bots and whales. If it was ever possible you certainly can't in the modern day where computers are analysing the trends and shit 24/7. Muh lines on a graph is all it is. Someone can tell you on 4chan they did it but I've never been convinced.

>> No.9001494

You can predict the market movement in large. But when you go down in scale, minutes, hours, even few days, everything is more or less random.

TA idiots are gamblers. Never forget that.