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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8995731 No.8995731 [Reply] [Original]

So let's say that we are certain that there is a financial crisis coming, that is going to ruin the merican market and affect the European one.
( the listing of fake Chinese companies with no actual value on wall street)
How can we bet on it and have a piece for the upcoming gain?

>> No.8995753

Buy bullets and food.

>> No.8995836


Guns and gold is the meme.
Bullets doesn't sound fucking half as good.

>> No.8995853
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>bought a lot of gold, silver, food, amo, aid kit.
>form a group of people y trust and have ability to defend against anther group or poorfrags.
>become a god.

>> No.8995877

Why would that affect the Euro market more than the US one?

>> No.8995909

Because euros have “refugees” but dont have guns like merica thats why

>> No.8995918

And gold you moron. Wtf you going to do? Put your entire net worth in MRE's? Stupid fucking idiots.

There's an easy solution to the mess. And the mess will be in the form of a currency crisis and deflationary collapse of all asset prices because of all the cheap money injected into the system because of criminally suppressed interest rates.

The simple fix to purge all the debt from the system is to do an overnight revaluation of gold between 10k-100k per ounce. Then a few ounces of gold will buy you a few houses ( converted to the new currency)

Going to be the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. China, India, and Russia have been accumulating record tonnage of gold for a decade now for a reason... with the cheap gold prices comex keeps them suppressed

>> No.8995928

I was asking OP

>> No.8995939

buy a shitload of high yield blue chip stocks. sell your gold and silver as the prices will spike during the crisis. buy up cheap property. wait a few years and youll be rich

>> No.8996016

like the real estate scam of 2008 affected the europoor market.
the firms are trading with each-others, and at some point, they have to cash out the gain by declaring "difficult financial state" or bankruptcy...+bonus that way they can seek for gov "loans"
from a superficial aspect, it's basically the same scheme.

>> No.8996017

Your nutz. The stock market is ONLY going up because of cheap money monetary heroin that's been injected into the system for a decade now.

You can't have 0% interest rates for almost a decade and not have it end in economic ruin.

All these fantasy paper profits are going to vanish.

Normal gold to dow ratio is 4-1. Right now it's close to 24 to 1.

Stocks are overvalued. Gold is highly undervalued and silver is the most undervalued asset in the world

You people need to read the consititution. Only gold and silver shall be money backing the currency. Otherwise the Jews print fake money and we end up in a disastrous economic situation like the world is in now

>> No.8996049

hey m8, pls don't feed the trolls or the goofs

>> No.8996130

I don't know about betting in it, it is invest in Singapore. When the world financial market took a dick to the face in 2008 Singapore didn't flinch

>> No.8996180

oh, i was assuming you meant an 08 type recession, not a complete serbia-esque government collapse. in that case, guns and gold.

>> No.8996239

is a good recommendation for 08 pt. 2, assuming daddy trump doesn't put us back on the gold standard. the time to sell is before the crash, however.

I think this is the more likely scenario, but I can't find any good information on silver prices being deflated. considering who holds a bunch of silver makes me want to believe it is a decent investment, but it also makes me think they will suppress the price, like always. gold is probably the better of the two.

>> No.8996243


disagree about the precious metals although i have fallen for the metal stacking meme recently. look at venezuela. they STILL trade in their shit currency. they still dont barter with gold and silver. the difference now is that food costs have absolutely exploded. the people that stockpiled food are doing well, but stockpiling food is less convenient than telling yourself a pocketful of gold is going to make you rich someday.

>> No.8996246

Oh ok you dont actually know anything.
Had me worried for a sec

>> No.8996286

Buy stuff that generates a slow but steady income, stuff that people who aim for generational wealth buy. Farmland / vineyards, artwork from world renowed artists, shares in essential utilities.

>> No.8996350

Easy, just short the crisis

>> No.8996433

If it's an ammo and canned beans kind of situation, no one is gonna want your gold.

>> No.8996520

Wat, is this /pol/? Is /biz/ actually oblivious to what is going on in China? The next financial crisis will be the hardest for China. Their production and real estate will fall sharply. USA and Europe will of course be affected as well, but it would be something similar to the '08 one or less.

>> No.8996531

read your damn question dude...
Look back in history, I'm not going to lecture you on some basic shit
that's exactly what I'm asking for, I don't know how to short sell in this specific situation, is there any specific appropriate field in your mind? I'm just an amateur.

>> No.8996542

where to buy crisis shorts?

>> No.8996548

Gold has held value for more than four thousand years.
During fucking massive invasions, when armies were pillaging and destroying everything in their path, people still trusted gold.
the shinny thing in the ground is priceless.

>> No.8996606

>During fucking massive invasions, when armies were pillaging and destroying everything in their path, people still trusted gold.
No they didn't you tard. They may have before and after but in that kind of situation rich people would trade all the gold they owned for transport out of the area or a loaf of bread.

>> No.8996641

Buy BCH. Duh!

>> No.8996644

Short the housing market.

>> No.8996660

Open a discount brokerage account, transfer money from your bank over, and buy the ETF proshares ultra short SQQQ

>> No.8996681


>> No.8996742



or just SH if you don't want any leverage and want to do a long term 'hodl' short

>> No.8996765

Precious metals/mining stocks, property. But if you're willing to go high risk, buy junk bank shares and hope the government bails them out.

>> No.8996779 [DELETED] 

no, I was just referring to the economic field.
I don't care about trumptard politics, right now 80% of the Chinese companies listed on the American market don't have the money that they "supposed" to have ( they faked their numbers to get listed, it's a huge scam on high scale), even Alibaba can't be trusted with their numbers because they got audited by Chinese companies.
Basically, the transactions don't worth the actual value in China.
the SEC already banned some of them and a bunch of the accounting firms, but the scam is still going on on a huge scale...

>> No.8996813

no, I was just referring to the economic field.
I don't care about trumptard politics, right now 80% of the Chinese companies listed on the American market don't have the money that they "supposed" to own ( they faked their numbers to get listed, it's a huge scam on high scale), even Alibaba can't be trusted with their numbers because they got audited by Chinese companies.
Basically, the transactions don't worth the actual value in China and production is not following the numbers.
the SEC already banned some of them and a bunch of the accounting firms, but the scam is still going ...

>> No.8996829

Buying gold today is like buying bitcoin in 2013

>> No.8997103

what is that?

>> No.8997309

In every crisis there is one, consistent trend: the luxury goods prices don't go down.
I think that if we are talking a collapse of the government, then if you are not already rich or weren't preparing for long then there is little to do but to figure out how to survive.
For that scenario: land, guns, reloading press and knowledge how to use it, group of friends/likeminded individuals, cows and pigs. Maybe gold and silver for when it gets easier and you can barter.
Self sufficiency in other words, but not alone.
For 2008 -> open a loan business, get some cash but not in the bank ( read up on what happened in Greece) and use it.
Gold and silver are so suppressed that they won't help in just a crisis. I can bet their prices will go even lower as media scream of " recovery and flowers and rainbows"
The economy, contrary to what they say is already doing shitty. Sure the stocks are doing ok...but the stocks are not the economy.

>> No.8997662

Ok, I'm going to respond to just one of you.
Amerimuts survivalists please maintain the autism to yourself, it's an economic crisis, not the fuckin armageddon you retards!
Also for the same ones: the interest rate of metal is slow and hugely responsive to govs treasuries unless you 're already a billionaire and you are planning to buy a huge amount.
So I'm not interested.
Normally intellectually constituted guys like this, Pls Shine!

>> No.8998127

I gave you 2 scenarios. One crazy the end of government crisis.
One the 2008 type of crisis.
I'm no survivalist dude. Not even close.
You asked how to survive or rather profit from a financial crisis.
The answer is: depends on how severe.
Very severe: you won't profit from it, you can just protect yourself from it.
The crisis of 2008-> invest in luxury goods company or a loan company(or vecome one).
Was the post too long and all you gathered was the first part?

>> No.8998144

Btw. I dont believe a financial crisis, even on the level of 2008 is coming any time soon.
Maybe 15 years. Maybe even not that.

>> No.8998160

Go after the fast food, it will be where the money is. AMA

>> No.8998210

jesus christ this fucking autist is here 24-7 seemingly
going to have to filter the word revaluation at this point
kill yourself

>> No.8998241


If the situation is that shitty that gold gets you out it did its job.