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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8994264 No.8994264 [Reply] [Original]

>put in the $2000 for my car into LINK a couple days after the link 32m sale
>be me one month ago
>at the heights of despair
>no income
>fail all my classes this year because depression
>be one month ago
>tried to kms playing the counter strike drinking game (23 shots deep)
>suddenly enlightened by God and Jesus
>see repeating numbers since last year
>1111 111 777 666 444
>numbers keep on continuing until now
>pray to Jesus for forgiveness for all my sins
>suddenly life turning around and years of depression cured itself
>convinced God is taking care of me
>he gives me a sign through two randomly generate numbers
>04777, 18666
>similar people on /x/ claim april 18th
>be now
>negative bank account, debts
>have my 2000 LINK, is being hyped
>tfw if this works out will have enough to live modestly and contribute towards the army of christ against the powers of Satan (Obama) because revelation 12
>will be able to continue my degree
>tfw this is that second chance in life
We will make it brothers, HODL HODL HODL

>> No.8995361

Whoa your retarded

>> No.8995394
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he always gives you a second chance.

>> No.8995416

Nazarov literally means from Nazareth. If you dont kys and live long enough you will be rich beyond imagination

>> No.8995417

>$2000 into LINK after ICO
>only has 2000 LINK
If you're gonna larp at least make it believable

>> No.8995554

>Satan (Obama)
u wot?

>> No.8995574

>implying satan would appear as a nigger