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File: 251 KB, 600x450, dreamcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8990276 No.8990276 [Reply] [Original]

I own a Dreamcast and shit to run code on it.

What kind of game should I make? I want to sell it to cucks.

>> No.8990473

windows ce

>> No.8990541
File: 10 KB, 400x250, bog_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was thinking of a bog simulator

>> No.8990630
File: 26 KB, 640x480, WinCE_3.0_for_Handheld_PC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought Dreamcast ran some custom version of CE

>> No.8990676

shit, this was ahead of its time

>> No.8990698

It did but the hardware was completely reverse-engineered so you can run Linux and OpenGL. Even if you would make a game using the official SDK the copyright expired.

>> No.8990709

Really was, but niggers only cared about MUH DVDS so they all bought ps2s

>> No.8990717

make a bog game on the VMU

>> No.8990718


>> No.8990736

The cuck-dreamcast market is too small...don't do it you will not make money.

>> No.8990770

this. shrimp, moss, and fungus farming is where it's at for sick gainz.

>> No.8990789


already have the dev hardware and compiled the Linux SDK

Only investment is blank CDs in my case. (yes you can use CDs what matters is how the data is structured on the disk. If it's on the outer edge it's same/better then GD rom.

>> No.8990846

>Only investment is blank CDs in my case. (yes you can use CDs what matters is how the data is structured on the disk. If it's on the outer edge it's same/better then GD rom.

Your biggest investment is time...software dev is highly paid...don't waste time unless u find pleasure in doing this (my opinion) because making money is a pretty big gambit with this

>> No.8990859

growing Mezcal worms for Tequila is the new hot market right now

>> No.8990904

The enlightened bought CDRs since all early models read copies.

>> No.8990971

I like this:
Looks like a good basis for a game

>> No.8991122

It's less of a gamble then any app nonsense or saas. The market is not curated. There are faggots like Elysium that collected cash but never even delivered a DC game.

>> No.8991161

I got a new-in-box dreamcast but they're selling cheap as fuck.
Will this stupid bitch ever be worth anything?

>> No.8991261

You don't want the console to be expensive when you're a developer. They say in Japan ppl had more Dreamcasts then Xbox 360 consoles.

Maybe in 10 years when the parts become scarce. It's pretty much an off the shelf PC so it's easy to maintain.

>> No.8991295


Can I build unity games and deploy it on dream cast?

>> No.8991316

I still have my dreamcast but something is fucked up with it. It turns on but it won't read games .

>> No.8991343

No, you need to understand OpenGL and Linux based systems.

If you're a Linux person it's straightforward stuff.

>> No.8991376
File: 20 KB, 594x641, dmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


loved the Dreamcast ... but don't waste your time faggot, not even upcoming Shenmue III will make people interested in a almost 2 decade old console

nobody will buy

>> No.8991380

Wait, so he would be targeting dreamcast owners in 2018 who are aware of crypto memes? a niche within a niche within niche

>> No.8991386

Typically the CD drive dies first. You can buy a refurbished replacement module for like 20$ off Ebay. There are guys in Russia/Japan that refurb them.

Do you see the menu with the icons?

Does it play audio CDs?

>> No.8991474

Yes, it's the perfect platform for obscure fringe shit

>> No.8991500

Dang I just want to sell it to a good home

>> No.8991600

Then put it in your attic and sell it after 10 years. There are some old cars now that rocketed in value as they became scarce, imho same thing will happen eventually with consoles.

>> No.8991665
File: 5 KB, 308x275, ringslost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine on them-


>> No.8991857

>What kind of game should I make?
port indies like Papers Please, Hotline Miami, etc and pirate them.

>> No.8991902

not a black hat, can't do piracy
can do clones however as that's not illegal

>> No.8991938
File: 148 KB, 330x375, 4b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamcast was my first console
Sonic Adventure was awesome

>> No.8992061

>Will this stupid bitch ever be worth anything?
this defeats the purpose of the console. Read the white paper.

>> No.8992113

dude, i was a hardcore fan of the dreamcast, fkin shenmue, sonic, crazy taxy soul calibur, power stone so many fkin games and even online rpgs. too bad i had only auto boot games and participated in the downfall of sega, i fkin regret it. sorry sega srsly. it was far better than PS2

>> No.8992174
File: 145 KB, 320x240, Jet_Set_Radio_(Dreamcast)-title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just Jet Grind/Set Radio is worth owning the console.

>> No.8992215

Make a fork of an algo that only runs on that platform.

DreamCoin is born nigga.

Screen cap this and get to work. I will use my 6 units and build a rig.

Sell all of them with a raspberry pie modem connector things and take out those skycoin niggers.

>> No.8992273
File: 98 KB, 422x768, ayy_lels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
