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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8988261 No.8988261 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that we are at Return to "Normal".

Get out while you still can.

>> No.8988274

when will u finally kys?

>> No.8988276
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>> No.8988292

This is the gayest shit I have seen on here. BEARS BTFO

>> No.8988311


bro we're at take off

>> No.8988312

Return to normal happened in January you fucking idiot. Do you ever even look at the chart before posting this nonsense?

>> No.8988316
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mfw OP hasn't killed themselves yet

>> No.8988345

P-Please sell Anon, so i can buy back in.
I s-sold the bottom.

>> No.8988375

>btc goes to 1k
>rises 20%
>reminder that we are at "return to normal"

>> No.8988386

No we're at return to the mean brainlet.

>> No.8988496

He isn't wrong.
If you zoom out and start looking at the charts since bitfinex started printing tethers btc shoot to 1k to 20k in less than a year. If your chart is 2 years or longer the despair phase should be Around $800 Btc.
Then again this market is all about Hype. Normies are talking about Btc again. The majority Still not buying. When we break 10k some new money will come in. Once we break past 20k some people will actually buy back even those burned in January.
Then we will have another alt/btc bullrun until 50k-80k and will have another mayor crash with the bottom being around 10k-15 k again

>source my ass

>> No.8988660

Nope. Still at Fear.

>> No.8988688


This is the most obvious bull trap I've ever seen.

>This is a sucker's rally.

>> No.8988900

market lost almost 70% of its value already, what do you expect ? to drop more 70% ?

we reached the bottom already

>> No.8988915

we just surpassed the first sell off
wonder how many bears are going to commit suicide in december

>> No.8988968

anyone have that logarithmic/exponential growth perspective webm?

>> No.8989009

We're unironically at or a little past the first sell off, this chart is never going to be valid until crypto has had its run with real technology and real use cases, until then there's no fucking way we're even close to the top.

Crypto is a GLOBAL market and if you even for a fucking second consider that we've hit the top with a sub 1t market cap, you're dense as a brick

>> No.8989011

that was at 17k you dumb nigger

>> No.8989258


>> No.8989463


that is pretty optimistic lol.

Seems to me like no net money is really entering the market right now. Sure market cap is increasing but that is just from people trading their BTC for various alts affecting those trading pairs but having no influence on the BTC/USD pair (no arbitrage opportunity here for most alts since they don't have alt/USD pairs for most coins). If people were buying these alts via fiat they would have to buy BTC first in which case we would see BTC rising with the alts back and forth but instead BTC has been completely flat.

This indicates to me that once alts have pumped high enough that people decide to take profits en masse; we will see a huge dump. People will trade their alts back to BTC then out into fiat through the USD/BTC pair. The USD/BTC pair will take a beating since fiat never really moved into BTC during this run but on the backside BTC will certainly be flowing back out into fiat. Therefore this rally is just an elaborate means to suck value out of BTC without directly dumping it for fiat.

>> No.8989733
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>Seems to me like no net money is really entering the market right now. Sure market cap is increasing but

>> No.8989754


That's pretty much my sense of it. Volume was shit and no one was buying at 7k, so instead of letting the BTC go for less they waited for the exchanges to do their short massacre and then make it look like alt season is starting to get people to fomo in to expensive BTC that way. Once fomo money dwindles they'll pull the rug out from alts and the cycle begins anew. We'll probably do this 3 or 4 more times before people still in the market are battered enough to stop thinking every green candle means a moon mission is imminent.

>> No.8989773

>Market drops 80%
Bull trap

>> No.8989791

what is your time frame on this imaginary scenario, friend?

>> No.8989976
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Its too late. While you've been shitposting, whales have been mass accumulating. Have fun being left behind, wishing you could have todays prices even.

>> No.8990027


Who knows, could be months. Most of the institutional money people are waiting for seem to have the btc value pegged at mining cost, so I doubt any real accumulation would start until then. I'd also consider it likely there's going to be some sort of scandal/highly visible WE NEED REGULATION sort of event beforehand also, now that far more eyes are on the market than when Gox happened. Pretty good possibility that most of what we're seeing now is an effort to milk people on the way down instead of crashing it all at once.

>> No.8990047

On what do you base this speculation?

>> No.8990164


Research on what the institutions are saying about crypto and betting on market manipulation. Could be wrong but I seriously doubt it's the little fish driving these price movements.

>> No.8990256

>Research on what the institutions are saying about crypto and betting on market manipulation
Can you provide any sources?

>> No.8990344

No he can't. He's a bitch who sold at the bottom and is praying it tanks to 2k like all these other retarded bears.

>> No.8990420


Haven't bookmarked much, only thing I have on hand is JP Morgans crypto research document and I can't be fucked uploading it. Don't care if people agree with me, just my sense of it.

>> No.8990519
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>> No.8990798

But we've gotten quite a lot of media attention. How much more can we really get?

>> No.8990931

When there will be more people talking about crypto than currently talk about phones and gadgets
You don't get how big bubbles could be

>> No.8991681

you can't even imagine what the attention is going to be like when ol' grandpa gets to new ATHs.
And what percentage of the worlds population has any sort of crypto at this point <0.1%? There is still a lot of upside to this thing.

>> No.8991853


>> No.8991929

Don't be innocent. Bitcoin will fall again, this time between 4-5k. Then, we'll face some months of no changes, and then, a new bull run.

>> No.8992039

Yeah thats how i'm feeling about it aswell anon, we're floating up on no volume whilst alts pump, we gonna get dumped on hard soon

>> No.8992042
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>> No.8992139

This already happened in December. At Christmas and a couple weeks before and after EVERYONE I KNEW. Talked about crypto. This included my 78 year old grandfather and my 9 year old nephew. Just to give you an idea. My grandfather doesn't even know how a smartphone works and can't use touch screens but he seemed to grasp crypto and wanted to step in.

>> No.8992170

He wanted to jump in? Now is his chance. The same can be said of all of the brilliant December folks who said it was going to crash. They were right, and many want in now that it appears to have bottomed.

>> No.8992296

Maybe it's just your household but where I am nobody talks about it at all and my country is full of assholes who like to pretend they are first to know everything and experts of all. I'd say about one percent know of cryptos and a fraction of that own any. I've a feeling this bubble is only getting started

>> No.8992421

It was just a crazy month. I mean look around, how many people are obsessed with phones and gadgets, there are hundreds of multi-million subs channels on youtube, phone stores are everywhere, at each step there are 999,999 ads. Check the web traffic, how much queries are about new iPhone / galaxy or iOS / Android, look how much views get videos on youtube. It took 4-6 years for this topic get from awareness to full adoption (if we can refer to mobile phones as to bubble)

2021-2023 crypto bubble will burst, be prepared, we're still early. But before it will collapse prepare to see increase in taxes every year so on, just because there's 20 trillion debt with increasing rate. Crypto bubble burst will be like mortgage bubble in 2007-2008, and at the moment nobody knows what the outcomes will be

>> No.8992739

This is actually very realistic..... this is what every run was like so far. Same exact scenario every time.... why can’t /biz/ catch on?

>> No.8992818
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>> No.8993430

we dropped to like 6k or 7k ammirite? fucking went from 20k to 10k to 17k right? idk where we are but it isnt on that fucking graph anymore.

>> No.8994202

you think what we got was media attention? until they have a ticker for every crypto right along side stocks you havent seen shit

>> No.8994206

surely that's 5, 10 years off

>> No.8994258

This was first sell off bustards

>> No.8994275


>> No.8994491

not quite but all alts seem to be double-topping right now. I would suggest getting out, and buying back in for modest 10-20% gains

>> No.8994502


>> No.8994694

Bears in suicide watch

>> No.8994733

It will drop to 1-2k

>> No.8994794

>bill run to 50k
That'd take a trillion in fiat. Chances are normies will have to slowly push bitcoin up to 15k before Wall Street decides to pump n dump again.

>> No.8994840

>look mom I posted it again

>> No.8994922

Speak for yourself, faggot.

>> No.8994972

>talking about
>actual adoption

Friendly reminder adoption took a hard shot because of Blockstream and co.

>> No.8994997

Not at all. They already cover many of the large caps.

>> No.8995004

Give me the rundown—what is your actual outlook for the next year or two? Do you think this summer will be a repeat of 2016 and 2017? Because I am really doubtful.

>> No.8995009

This is exactly what happened at 15k. This is probably the most accurate description of what is happening right now. BTC has to go up pretty soon or get the fuck out.

>> No.8995015

Fuck your meme graph. Stay in tether While I take the asian money along with the other chads

>> No.8995104

I hope not. I'm hoping for healthy growth not a bunch of people dog piling on to get rich quick. Now that btc isnt the only one getting exposure and fiat on ramps are coming to more and more cryptos investors are getting more options.

I do think some will have some outstanding growth this year, but the mania we experienced probably wont be returning at least for another couple years. I dont think btc can possibly go back to previous levels with all its problems.

>> No.8995206

Shorters got wrecked by the bear trap kek. Get rekt.

>> No.8995374

That's...not how market cap works.

>> No.8995389

You bears are getting desperate with the FUD

>> No.8995443

The no coiner delusion

>> No.8995769
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anything else is wrong