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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8985317 No.8985317 [Reply] [Original]

Devery single handedly saved my fucking life

holy shit thank you biz, ill never forget you guys

>> No.8985331

Wish I bought more than 20,000 of the cocksuckers but I'll take it.

>> No.8986201

just be glad you got some buddy

>> No.8986241

What a day to be a holder. We need bigger exchange now

>> No.8986248

24HR Volume $365,776 USD

>> No.8986266

idex was down for maintenance yesterday and today smartass

>> No.8986400

I thought these guys exit scammed

>> No.8986434

thats because youre an idiot

>> No.8986501

explain devery

>> No.8986651

Is being listed on Kucoin the most realistic option?

>> No.8986717

Damn, that's quite a pump! What is this shitcoin?

>> No.8986744


Do your own fucking research. You don't deserve these gains.

>> No.8986800
File: 783 KB, 730x677, 21458173_1096396387130466_6494303220289271489_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this this THE prototypical pajeet response?

>> No.8986806

im not explaining shit

go read about it, or don't, i dont really care

>> No.8986825

>ost realistic option
go look up the following list of antoine najarrin on twitter

>> No.8986854

You know when coin shillers react this defensively you know it's gotta be a shitcoin. Nobody talks like that about BTC, ETH or and of the other major currencies.

>> No.8986972

Eh it can pump, but in the end all depends from usage of Devery network which I'm not very optimistic about compared to other supply chain cryptos.

>> No.8987070

it has 5x since the first time i found it and im still looking for my first 5x coin FUUUUCKKKKK

>> No.8987096

t. brainlet

>> No.8987097

where the fuck do you guys find these things?

>> No.8987120

Pajeet settle down

>> No.8987170

its luck

>> No.8987192

Devery has been shilled here every day for the past 4 months. I ignored it for a while but decided to give in because my gains were fucked anyways so I just gambled essentially. Lucked out really hard because they turned out to be legit

you probably bought into the pajeet scam memes on biz and decided not to look into it, sucks for you

>> No.8987197

so hostile lol

>> No.8987213

Why you gotta lie though?

>> No.8987274

nigger im a neet and spend all day and night on /biz/. This is the first time ive seen it shilled here

>> No.8987412

Comfy 320% gains for me, and still only a tiny MC... I said weeks ago this was the easiest 100x around, but was told it was a pajeet scam by the amblets around here ... All of /biz should be in this and everyone will make it

>> No.8987474

What the fuck anon. There has been like 5000 threads shilling this.

>> No.8987513

there are 5000 threads shilling everything, desu

A few of them turn out right

>> No.8987547

sorry I was fudding because I wanted to accumulate. The team is actual pajeets though, lol. I didn't even end up buying ironically.

>> No.8987581

congrats, now you can try and turn that into some real money

>> No.8987586

there's another coin that's similar to dev that gets fudded here because "devs are full of pajeets" but i think it'll go 5x too. it's called leverj.

>> No.8987604

shoo shoo pajeet
go shit up another street

>> No.8987662

Look at the mcap and supply, we are just getting started

>> No.8988030

I don't think it would be a good idea to exit scam a partner like the United Nations.

>> No.8988108

Eth-based supply chain protocol that can interface with other supply chain cryptos like WTC / VEN etc. They currently have partnerships with the United Nations Food Program, JD.com (2nd largest online retailer in China / #20 website in the world), axpire and NULS. Still a sub 20m market cap, so tons of room to grow. Public sale sold out in 17 seconds, then it got tremendous FUD just about everywhere. It's now started to move and people are realizing what's up.

>> No.8988163

It's like a 15m market cap. Why are you still looking? 15m is dogshit in crypto.

>> No.8988169

lie about what exactly?