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8983509 No.8983509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate her, the worst thing EVER is to have a fucking wife. NEVER fucking get married! There is no "if she" or "when she" case to get married. She looks like a hot bitch to you and you know her since school -fuck it! Beauty will vanish and rinkles around her face will show up. She has a nice ass now -fuck it! It will be full of crater's anyway unless she's a Heidi Klum or so. You like being around with her now? Fuck it! She will turn you off in no time! As soon as you have the feeling of missing something during the relationship fucking leave her! Don't marry her in hopes that it will get better afterwards. Fucking wife's that are useless and annoying bitches. Only good thing is that I did set up conditions before we got married which she agreed to so she won't fuck me nor my money over when my lawyer will send in the letter of divorce.

>> No.8983534

post pics of wife, i will pump link up abit for you.

>> No.8983542

For sure I won't post that bitch her. But keep link pumping

>> No.8983562

dem feels, too late for me too

>> No.8983567

You promised God you would stick together forever.

>> No.8983587

Yes that's true but I never believed in God so fuck this sentences of endless Love.

>> No.8983589

not pumping link till i see pics anon, gonna dump my 750k stack market price

>> No.8983598
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I feel bad for straight guys
Stay strong anon things will get better

>> No.8983605

Kek, this OP
You don't want to piss off the almighty do you?

>> No.8983608

post nice ass with craters

>> No.8983615

It's pure stress being upset about the fucking bitch because she will fucking never stop to complain.

>> No.8983641

I know it's not easy to answer because you sound pretty pissed right now, but do you think it's just that she was the wrong one or that you think absolutely every woman will be that way? My thought is there's a small percentage that aren't like that but they've been taken since forever and are happily married, so that you can't ever meet them.

>> No.8983664

Blabla 750k LINK. You probably sit there and type with one hand on the keyboard and the other hand inside your overstretched asshole faggot. GTFO

>> No.8983679
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lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.8983713

fucking retard enjoy seeing $0.20 links in one hour when i boot up my spaceship

>> No.8983738

That might be the case but honestly, those girls are a rarity!! Like 1 in 10mil girls is like that. I am fucking 33 heard old and visited various country's and fucking never met he right till I thought that's the one but it turned out she's a complete nightmare after all. Good luck finding that diamond but you will have a better life if you keep fucking bitches or just stay single forever.

>> No.8983793

Seeing idiots like you on this board makes me feel bad for the newfag here.
750k link will have the impact of Links price drop to $0.20?! So you plan on marketselling! Good strategy you plebbit fuck. And now GTFO this thread for once.

>> No.8983797

Nothing else to really say but that I hope you get another shot at happiness anon. Good luck.

>> No.8983832

Thx bro, thx!

>> No.8983834

You're a cuck that failed your shit tests. That's why you're depressed, weakling.

>> No.8983953

youre probably the type of guy who slid his dick in once and fell in love with a dumb broad lmfao enjoy the shitfuckfest you put yourself in dipshit

>> No.8984015
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>being so deep in your internet gambling addiction that your ability to make any significant changes in your own life is based entirely on whether or not an internet gambling token rises or declines in value

>> No.8984022

Good going ajit,your english is getting better every week.

>> No.8984029

I am far from beeing depressed -its anger over a person I once loved! Besides that, I am about to correct my mistakes by getting divorced without any further problems. It's just like I feel sorry for the time that was wasted for her and the efford of comforting her.

>> No.8984047
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Sorry brah. Have a nice life with that cunt

>> No.8984060

Ah man just leave it. Leave this thread and spread your cancer elsewhere.

>> No.8984067

Wait so the problem is that her body is aging?

>> No.8984076

shell leave him for chad with the xrp bags shoo shoo stinky linky

>> No.8984108


Why the hell did you get married in the first place?

>> No.8984129

cause hes a beta fuck who fell for the marriage meme lmfao

>> No.8984148

no one held a gun to your head, why the fuck did you choose her?

no sympathy, but link mooning would be nice

>> No.8984179

the unwillingness to post pics screams attention whore anyways. OP prove youre not some fat greaser living in his mommys basement thats trying to validate himself on an anonymous board lmao

>> No.8984185

Come on how are you faggots still falling for the marriage meme? Tolstoy literally had it figured out centuries ago.

>> No.8984245
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>didn't marry an asian.

Lol my wife is 5 years older than me, got married at 22
our hapa haole children will rule the world.
gives me 10% of her income a month for crypto
takes care of all the bills
put me through school
parents love me since im white, give me money every year
pay for my vacations to the Philippines
sounds like you just married a roastie who let 1 gorillion dicks in her before she met you

anons, marry an asian, they will treat you like a god if you're white.

>> No.8984266

What if Im Asian

>> No.8984278


>> No.8984291
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sorry anon, no hope.

might as well marry a nigger.

>> No.8984307

Every woman is the same. We believe that we will be the one who will make it right. Never. We do not learn from the past nor we dont look into the future. We only r able to think about fuckin today and the urge to fuck which makes as fall in love. Every human being ask during its life same questions that were asked before and before that yet make the same mistakes. As a humanity we proceed as a human being we suffer every single time. I cant fuckin wait for developing digital concusnes that leads to neural hive that will remeber of the past, fell the present day and.think about the future as a one. God bless musk amd bluebrainproject. Help them suceed

>> No.8984312
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>> No.8984316

try to make it work man
go to marriage counseling
don’t be one of those people who think money can solve all your problems

>> No.8984324
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unironically this

>> No.8984328

>Marrying a Filipina

Lol you’re so fucked, almost as bad as marrying a Korean woman

>> No.8984341
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This shit happens because it became illegal to beat your wives. I'm completely serious. Back in the old days, if a wife didn't obey the husband he would strike her (not enough to cause bruises but definitely something that would hurt). It was similar to disciplining a child if anything. Because guess what, WOMEN ARE OVERGROWN CHILDREN.
OP I know you can't get away with beating your wife in this day and age, so I totally get you. If you aren't born black or an immigrant these days, forget about it. They are still allowed to beat women, that's why they are taking over.

>> No.8984349

most white beta males i see get stepped on by their yellow queens, good larp tho

>> No.8984355

>marrying a white girl

And that's where you're wrong

>> No.8984447

If only you knew how wrong you were :)
Wife got me this for my birthday
Its really nice being married to someone older than me, she has got her shit together. Basically my income covers all of our overhead and the rest she makes we spend on whatever we want.

>> No.8984473


>creating more elliot rodgers

why are you doing this

>> No.8984573

my wife was the one who suggested we invest in crypto late 2016 after I taught her about the central banking system from my macro econ class. In total we have been adding around 2k a month consistently to crypto.
I actually convinced her to sell all her purses and shoes for our crypto fund after we started reading rich dad poor dad together.
we are planning on retiring in a few years in Hawaii.

Feels good man

>> No.8984736

Do u suck her dick too?

>> No.8984793

This is unironically true

>> No.8984897
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>few weeks ago gf of 4 years broke up with me
>week after break up she posts pic on instagram with some dude drooling over her ass in the gym
>apparently they are close and in a week will go on vacation which me and her were supposed to go
>that day my life fell apart, felt like i have no purpose in life and will never amount to anything, i will never find a girl like this
>i would marry her right now if only i could
>remember that she is 25 and already has signs of aging (wrinkles, cellulite) despite hitting gym 5 times a week and eating like mr olympia pros
>read this thread

Thanks for the fucking motivation bro. I guess single life isnt that bad after all. Its crazy how break up can fuck up your mind.

How much of life have you wasted with her?

>> No.8984961

theres 3 books here

which one should I read?
Ivan the fool
a lost opportunity or “Polikushka”?

>> No.8984995

>Thanks for the fucking motivation bro. I guess single life isnt that bad after all. Its crazy how break up can fuck up your mind.
>How much of life have you wasted with her?

You are now the invisible man to her
never go back
and legit bro who fucking cares, dumb thots

>> No.8985009

Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.8985042


The wrinkles and cellulite thing are purely genetic. Some women can be in their 30s or 40s and still look 20. Most women age like shit though, particularly white women due to poor diets. Even eating well in the west isn't that great as our foods have low nutritional value and "exercise" is nothing to a woman who does manual labor in the fields all her life in some poor asian country. Those women tend to look 20 even when they are 40.

>> No.8985048

Are all 3 stories in the same book?

>> No.8985063

>manual labor in the fields all her life in some poor asian country. Those women tend to look 20 even when they are 40.

Dude manual labor does not make women age better.

>> No.8985077

nvm nvm I get it

>> No.8985088

I have a gf but I secretly hate her guts because shes a non-virgin. My goal is to get rich and fuck as many girls as I can. She's free to stay or leave, I have a feeling shell stay tho we'll see

>> No.8985092


>> No.8985135

You faggots are just low-quality males. My wife is an asset and has improved my life tenfold.

>> No.8985144

Well in her defence she isnt a dumb thot. She is 25 and is managing a 6 people team in a financial firm. Pretty good for a girl if you ask me.
And about me being invisible now i am not sure. She started texting me first, and asked if i will be going to some convention on weekend i said yea why she said she wants to go but doesnt have whom to go with so i am not sure why her dude isnt taking her.

>> No.8985189

I’d also like to know this

>> No.8985190


It does, but it depends on what type of work it is. Too much sun exposure creates a lot of wrinkles. But some other jobs create amazing bodies on women.

I have to say my favorite are women divers. Best bods without being fake.


>> No.8985216

You make poor decisions. You made one in picking your mate, and you made one by believing in link. It's not too late to exit both. Good luck anon.

>> No.8985256

guys, women aren’t evil. just provide and women are fine. once they know they’re safe they don’t need to push hard. you’re treating them as though they’re a foreign species. they just want to make sure they’ve made good decisions. if anything, the friends are evil.

>> No.8985314

>Well in her defence she isnt a dumb thot. She is 25 and is managing a 6 people team in a financial firm. Pretty good for a girl if you ask me.
>And about me being invisible now i am not sure. She started texting me first, and asked if i will be going to some convention on weekend i said yea why she said she wants to go but doesnt have whom to go with so i am not sure why her dude isnt taking her.

Shes fucking another guy 1 week after dumping you after a 4 year realationship and you are still defending her

M8 just accept that she is a T H O T
quicker you do the quicker you can say "FUCK U THOT" and get a another hot and a milkshake

'Piss off gunt' is the only appropriate way to respond to her bullshit fishing texts.

>> No.8985328

lol how would you know

>> No.8985339

you sound like a faggot

The purpose of a wife isn’t to have a personal fuck toy.
It’s to have as many white kids as you can and raise them with someone who will be a good mother

You sound like a selfish faggot, OP

>> No.8985415

Sounds like she’s trying to tell you something

>> No.8985429

32 and unmarried straight anon here. we're not all retarded cucks that fall for the marriage meme

>> No.8985448

get rich enough to get a surrogate and become a single father and your 10/10 m8

>> No.8985484

Don't listen to any of these virgin faggots on here, OP.

Trust your gut. If you aren't happy, leave her.

Assuming you don't have kids, you have ZERO obligation to stay with that bitch.

No one is gonna put your happiness as a high priority other than you. It's up to you to live the life you want. That includes either staying miserable like you are, or taking action and changing your situation.

These hoes aint loyal...I'm speaking for 90% of ALL women in 2018. Leave on your terms and live your life.

Doesn't mean you go full monk mode, go fuck all the girls you want and enjoy the wealth of your success. Marriage isn't necessary for a happy life...it's just been pounded into our brains since birth that it was absolutely necessary and part of growing up.

>> No.8985507

if you're not depressed just think about all the cool places you could have gone and hot women you could have fucked but instead you were at home with your ugly bitch wife and now the prime years of your life are behind you

>> No.8985527

>my marriage sucked so 100% of marriages suck
it sounds like your terrible reasoning skills are related to your poor taste in women

>> No.8985536
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did you believe that as you wrote it?

>> No.8985551

>Don't listen to any of these virgin faggots on here, OP.
>virgin faggot

>> No.8985633

the philippines is the mexico of asia how can they afford to give you money?

>> No.8985634

>it's just been pounded into our brains since birth that it was absolutely necessary and part of growing up.

Well it is necessary for stable homes for a nations youth. Marriage is a good institution in theory, and I would say essential.
Today the problem is are the laws are set up in such a way that there is little to no benefit for engaging in a license with the state. In contrast there is detriment. This dynamic needs to change.

>Assuming you don't have kids, you have ZERO obligation to stay with that bitch.
Sadly this is true. Only sadly because the game is rigged from the start.
there is a religous aspect to breaking the vow that I find personally abohorrent by I'm not gonna try to pretend to force that on anybody on a taiwanese car racing fourm.

>> No.8985654
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>> No.8985721

literally asian men with tits

>> No.8985749

about half end in divorce. of the remaining 50% that stay together you know a good percentage are probably like OP where they hate each other but don't have the balls to end it. so statistically, most marriages ARE shit

>> No.8985765

>Well it is necessary for stable homes for a nations youth. Marriage is a good institution in theory, and I would say essential.
>Today the problem is are the laws are set up in such a way that there is little to no benefit for engaging in a license with the state. In contrast there is detriment. This dynamic needs to change.

I agree completely. As you said, it's not that being a couple is bad. It is ABSOLUTELY neccesary in raising a child, considering 90% of felons are raised in single mother homes. Not to mention the phenomenon of men growing up as woman pleasing beta males also due to being raised by a single mother.

Having both parenting roles is critical, however the laws of marriage are HIGHLY favored towards the wife. The husband almost ALWAYS gets fucked in a marriage.

A man gets married. The woman cheats on him. She decides to leave him. She files for divorce through a "no fault" reasoning. He now has to PAY her alimony while she's out fucking other dudes, even though he never wanted to separate in the first place.

Woman get child custody by default, that's also bullshit.

Divorce rape is a genuine concern that needs to be addressed.

>> No.8985843

In her defence i have been neglecting her for the past year or so. So maybe she thinks its okay to bang another guy week after break up. But yea it still hurts desu i am 25 and never felt such emotional pain

>> No.8985905

Kekkin again

>> No.8985941

Have fun dying alone with 3 mildly treatable STDs in your system

>> No.8985958

she was almost certainly banging that guy before you broke up anon. don't let it get to you tho that's just what hoes do they can't help it. and remember success is the best revenge.

>> No.8985969

>In her defence i have been neglecting her for the past year or so. So maybe she thinks its okay to bang another guy week after break up.

Stop this. Right now. Stop.
bls fugging stop for you health.
I get it. Sorry this happened, it happens, you'll be fine in 3 months to a year.
If you want to rip the bandaid off stop fucking defending her and start naming her for what she is, a whore.

>> No.8985990

>about half end in divorce. of the remaining 50% that stay together you know a good percentage are probably like OP where they hate each other but don't have the balls to end it. so statistically, most marriages ARE shit
Faulty logic, 50% of marriages end in divorce but there's also a sizeable portion of the population that gets married and divorced multiple times, increasing the amount of divorces per marriage.

>> No.8986048

Being revengful is not a good thing.
I still refuse to believe she fucked him and is such a thot. I always believed she was genuinly faithul. Although she did pretty nasty stuff with me.

>> No.8986077

this lifestyle isn't for beta cucks. i'm good looking and have money so there is zero benefit to getting married and a lot of downside. everyone dies alone. now get off biz and go look after your wife before someone like me fucks her while you're at the office

>> No.8986101
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>> No.8986271

i'm not telling you to light her car on fire. i'm telling you to focus on career, save, invest, become wealthy and make her regret cheating on you with gym guy (she didn't just meet that guy the day after you broke up buddy I hate to break it to you)

>> No.8986273
File: 57 KB, 750x750, 96f849d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on man...You need a SERIOUS reality check.

First off.

This man said success is the best revenge, and you replied with revenge is not a good thing.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Do you not want to be successful? Fine with staying a loser? Wtf man, that goes beyond your entire relationship situation into your own self worth. Address and fix this shit NOW, or live the rest of your life in regret for having lived for someone else. Grow a fucking pair and man up.

Second, you are in denial. It might be hard to realize while you're in the middle of this, but know that I'm not kidding when I say "THESE HOES AIN'T LOYAL".

There is not a single woman that leaves a man without having another man lined up beforehand. It has literally been addressed in multiple surveys that married women keep men on the backburner in case they get tired of their current marriage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swGbcwUyCKQ

I guarantee she was fucking him before she left you. GUARANTEED. All women are like this.

For one reason or another, you weren't enough for her. Whether you got soft and beta, or she got bored, or whatever be the retarded reason...something happened. She's gone, and it is NEVER worth it to repair a situation like this.

Learn from your mistakes and MOVE ON.

You start by getting that THOT out of your life immediately and in a composed manner. Don't be mad, it's in her nature to do this. Keep your cool and focus on what YOU can improve for the next time.

Start hitting the gym and getting your game better. Start living the life you want and fuck other women. What's the alternative? Stay with this cheating whore and be miserable knowing she's cucking you and will leave at a whim at any moment? FUCK THAT. That's no way to live. Only fucking idiots and beta losers will put up with that, in which she will drain them of ALL resources possible (Cue Divorce rape) and leave for Chad anyway.

I know it's gonna be hard to see the light, but you must do it OP.

>> No.8986327

you are probably a tiny dicked faggot. way to fuck up your life OP. Your resentment toward her is due to her lack of interest in you most likely. Who's at fault? If you can't work that kinda shit out very early on, you're gonna have a bad time. The fact u would post this here is a good indicator that you have noone to vent to and are a lonely faggot. Unless larp. If so, good quality b8.

>> No.8986377

this guy fucks

>> No.8986381


>> No.8986561

Just trying to do my part in helping a fellow /biz/nessman.

Only issue is you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. It's up to them.

>> No.8986716

Uh she was cheating on you lmao

>> No.8986763

I always feel sad when I see things like this. You didn't find a partner. You just found some bitch.

>> No.8986823

What to do if my gf loves spanking and it's barely punishment for her as its way how she is going off.

>> No.8986829

Op you do know that prenups are kinda useless. She can claim that she signed it under distress completely nullifying the whole agreement.

>> No.8986830

I'm just hoping LINK moons so that I can give my wife the quality of life that she deserves and provide a good home to raise kids in. I really just want to make her proud of me.

Maybe if you focused on that shit you wouldn't be in danger of getting divorced OP. I bet if you could look at the situation objectively you are a less than perfect husband and should try to do better in your relationship. Marriage is hard fucking work

>> No.8986877

No dude i am fine with the success but the word revenge he shouldnt have included it. Success is ok
I dont know if i will ever be not in denial i am not a delusional beta cuck but i genuinly thought she wouldnt cheat on me and i thought she was a genuine person. Yea i guess its actually over. Even if she wanted me back i couldnt go back just because of dignity
Has your heart been broken too?

>> No.8986973

this. play it safe and leave her while you're poor.

>> No.8987015

Raising a Legacy/bloodline isn’t for betas either, and you need to keep one woman happy to do that well. Keep telling yourself that you’re better off when you hit your 40s and women in their prime are no longer on the table for you without massive wealth, champ

>> No.8987230

If you think rich dad poor dad is goin to teach you anything, you are wrong! This is meant to be a childish explanation of how to get money to work for you. you will fail to understand it's real msg. Anyway I wish you luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8987871

actually it kind of is. natural selection is long gone. basically every human on earth that wants to has kids regardless of their inferior genetics. don't act like its some impressive achievement, champ.

>> No.8988053

Beat me to it.

>> No.8988118

Basically this.

>> No.8988490


Stop that m8 , I was in the exact same situation . Pure bullishit, you've dodged the bullet , go out fuck some bitches, It'll make you feel much better.

>> No.8988600


Mate, I, like yourself once taught I'm the luckiest man alive to have a beautiful, smart and especially faithful girl, till of course she left colege and started taking all the dick she could find on the perimeter of the campus (case confirmed by friends I've sent for spies). They kept insisting that that was that, but regardless of what my friends said I refused to believe that for a whole year. So basically I was staying cucked in my hometown while my lovely sweet girlfriend whas fucking the campus. After a whole year I got a message that said that she wants to break up and that she found someone better than me. The whole sky fell over my head. I was devastated, for more than an year I begged like the little cuck I was for us to be together again, but all she did was to mock me. I even left college due to the depression that was killing me. That happened when I was 20. After a year and a bit, like a dead cockroach I spasmed a small leg. One morning I woke up and I felt %.5 better. That was the moment I knew what I had to do sth with me life. I started learning web programming and now at 23 y.o. I own a small business bringing in $2500 a month ( in an E euro shithole where the average income is $500 month). Bought myself a new car and planning to get an appartment in the next 3-5 years, DEBT FREE! All this while her new boyfriend left her due to drug paranoia and she now not only works as an ewhore for a medium wage income, but she also go 3 times fatter.

Mate, listen carefully because I didn't believe this myself. All you need to get over this is the will of a single man, and that is yourself. Of course, mourn her for a few months, let the pain destroy you, but after you will find the inner strenght to fight back, nothing is going to stand in your way. Go learn a skill, don't put all your eggs in the cryptobasket. Learn that skill really well, start up small and evolve. It's a process thatwillake months or even years.the reward is totally worth it

>> No.8988755

You could have gotten an actual bike for that price. A pretty good one too.

>> No.8988932

Couldn't have said it better.

Even though this post isn't directed towards me, I still learned from it and helped solidify my beliefs.

Failure is the best teacher. Things are always gonna go down before they come up, but when they do they come up higher than ever before.

Keep doing what you're doing bro!

>> No.8988990
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>> No.8989113

Raising children and staying faithful to one woman is much, much harder than fucking around chief. But you wouldn’t know that

>> No.8989220

I feel like this can lead to an important debate of where relationships and women play a part in life for men.

This is a primarily male dominated board. I'd say 98% male. In addition, we are all at the forefront of a financial revolution, and a majority of us will without a doubt create immense wealth for ourselves in the coming months/years.

This is great and all, but to the untrained and naive men (Which are most men), they will fail to fully address and learn where women play into the situation. Hence half the people on here are working their ass off to give half or all of it away to some broad who did nothing to deserve it. Think it won't be you? Everyone does. Yet the statistics don't lie.

This HAS to be addressed to all /biz/nessmen, single or married.

>> No.8989224

Saved your story. Admiring your strength. Thanks for the motivation

>> No.8989245
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By the way OP don't cash out your LINK before you are divorced, having 50 million USD is not as cool as having 100 million USD

>> No.8989330

Just gotta marry latina. They're very committed. My wife downgraded her life to be with me, if I can upgrade it again through crypto then so be it. Sure, she's a total cunt sometimes, but who isn't? She's a pal and a confidant. I'd buy her a cadillac, whatever she needs any time of the day or night. I thank her for being a friend.