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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8982641 No.8982641 [Reply] [Original]

Get in now

This shit going Back to 1k asap

>> No.8982853

its pumped, bout to hit rock bottom again

>> No.8982869

Hope so, I regret not buying when it was below $400. Expected it to drop more from there.

>> No.8982880

no it won't shut up.... Last year was a monster year for ETH because it was basically the only decent ICO Platform out there. Now there are at least half a dozen others and many more to come. Plus all the ERC20 tokens that are leaving for their own independent blockchains... ETHs golden days are gone

>> No.8982882

Sorry, you missed your chance

>> No.8982891
File: 429 KB, 1600x800, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum is gonna go much higher than 1k, quicker than you can anticipate. This is the only real deal in crypto with a talented reliable team and somewhat tested network.

>> No.8982917

Its about having the first mover advantage.
BTCs first mover advantage is as proof of technology.
XMRs first mover advantage as the first real anonymous money.
ETHs first mover advantage as the first programmable money.

The new things might moon if they can DELIVER revolutionary things. Nobody in this world cares if some shitcoin is XYZ% faster than bitcoin.

>> No.8982937

other platforms have nothing but absolute garbage icos, eth will have a monster year

>> No.8982968

unironically all-in'd when it reached sub 400usd

>> No.8982995

I'm already in anon. 4k eoy.

>> No.8983013

pumped the whole day

>hurr durr buy now at pump

wait for the small correction to 525, then buy in, maybe the market even "crash" again to 315 billion mcap

>> No.8983083
File: 61 KB, 435x501, 1523026917636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in already. Sold a stack of HPB to be /more in/. Let's watch her grow.

>> No.8983591
File: 170 KB, 1024x613, lifecycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't need ETH to develop dapps anymore. Big buisnesses that are getting into blockchain are going to develop their own private blockchains to control all the decision making. People have now understood the idea behing ETH and are copying it with their own twists for their own benefit. Just look at EOS, NEO, VEN, ICX and so many others i can't recall right now. They're all a version of ETH but created to supply more niche markets, but at the same time, offer services to those markets that ETH buy itslef can't.

And as blockchain gains mass adoption, these types of projects will become more widespread and eventually kill ETHs purpose

>> No.8983667

Daily reminder that a private Blockchain is a shitty, slow database.

>> No.8983706

Okay I'll bite. Let's say Facebook and Amazon want to control decision making, and they both develop their own blockchains. Would facebook use Amazon's blockchain, or Amazon facebook's? Seems like you're back when you started - siloed components that you gotta interconnect on the public blockchain anyway.

>> No.8983753

Nothing in crypto is done yet until ETH solves scaling on a PoS system.

This will happen in Q4 18/Q1 19 and it will mean all other crypto has failed.

Better buy in now because this thing is going to 4200usd at least EOY.

>> No.8983754

Daily reminder that large businesses don't give a shit whether a blockchain/dlt is centralized or decentralized. Most blockchain/dlt with actual use-cases are happening in private blockchains.

>> No.8983778

This. Don't expect big businesses to end up holding your shilled bags. That's not how they became big.