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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8982480 No.8982480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much BTC to own a white woman as a slave?

>> No.8982500

looks > everything

>> No.8982549

seeing the nigger in a suit just makes it so obvious this is some neurotic jew fantasy to see white women defiled by animals, or a role reversal where the whites are slaves and blacks are the rich oppressors. It's the closest thing to bestiality they can manage.

absolutely sickening

>t. 3days no fap

>> No.8982552

none if you are black, obviously...

>> No.8982565

t. mad white boi
Black on white porn is hot as fuck. You just mad.

>> No.8982604


I don't get why a beauty like her would defile herself by doing porn, especially with a fucking filthy nigger.

All she had to do in life was go get a job as a secretary in a financial firm and she'd find a wealthy husband within weeks. It's literally that fucking easy.

>> No.8982607

Maybe he just came back from his trial

>> No.8982621

You'll never own enough because you're an attention craving faggot who posts NSFW pics on a SFW board

>> No.8982623

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.8982630

Maybe she'd rather just suck BBC rather than wagecuck and end up with some small dicked white loser.

>> No.8982632

0.0086 btc for half an hour is the going rate here atm

>> No.8982642

because she makes 5x more doing this than working as a secretary, even if she fucks the boss.

young, hot porn stars make over $300,000 a year.

>> No.8982685


Sure but now she'll never be accepted by any real man. She'll always be treated like the whore that she is, if she has children they'll have no respect for her either.

>> No.8982720

would you trade respect for wealth?

before you act like a fucking faggot and say no, just remember this is an anonymous image board and nobody, especially me, really cares.
the obvious answer is yes, id be a fucking degenerate whore for millions, too.

>> No.8982727


>> No.8982736

Not much i have 0.3 Btc but i cheated on my GF and now she does pretty much whatever i tell her and seems to get off on me being a cunt

>> No.8982741
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That's just not true. Even the queen of BLACKED can easily find some cuck ass white boi to marry.

>> No.8982758

1. You have to be chad tier and briefly explain kekchain. She'll think you're a genius.
>panties drop

>> No.8982778

Holy soy

>> No.8982789
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>itt: mad white soybois

>> No.8982801

they have a higher than usual mental illness and suicide rate than most other (professions)

I agee with you in principle but i can see why some people would say no. The way i see it if i was a girl and had a BF i'd be getting railed by him for free every day or so anyway i don't think i'd be that upset to earn thousands for something i do with guys anyway.

Though this is through a mans mind i'm sure many women will think differently.

>> No.8982828

Is that lily rader? That's a shame

>> No.8982846

kekd and true. I'd do the same

>> No.8982849

Go away r/asianmasculinity, or at least go back to pol

>reminder that they’re behind the cuckposting

Sage you cunts

>> No.8982892


No, it would take much more than money to move me to disrespect myself.

You may not believe that but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8982921

i hope this is absolutely clear to you

if you wouldn't accept large sums of money to disrespect yourself, you are a fucking pussy
it doesn't make you more of a man, or better than anyone else, its the exact opposite

grow up and realize that everything is temporary, if sucking a dick or getting fucked for an hour means that im set for the next decade, im doing it.
you are afraid of what? emotions? other peoples opinion? gods opinion?
lol fuck outta here with that bull shit , cash is king and emotions are for fucking babies. including "respect" or "dignity"

>> No.8982986


(((white boi)))

>> No.8983012

All the BTC in the world won't make you white

>> No.8983018

18 year old? 36btc
36 year old? 1.8btc

>> No.8983108

The most jewish post ive seen all day. Congrats (((you)))

>> No.8983159

No shit, the owner is an actual Jew

>> No.8983171

You need to ask yourself the question; can you live with the fact that someone fucked you in the ass and paid you literally paper and trust for it?

Get the fuck out of here faggot. Absolute fucking lack of self respect. It is exactly because everything is temporary the only true thing you have is yourself and the respect you have for yourself.

>> No.8983180

>This is what people actually believe

Pornstars don't make shit. Female performers average something like 50,000 per year. Pay per scene is based on popularity, so new pornstars make even less. The porn industry is based on pulling in naive 18 year olds on promises, then exploiting the shit out of them until they realize what a huge mistake they have made.

>> No.8983181


Some people have self-respect and dignity and place that of higher value than any amount of money in the world.

You're obviously to pathetic to understand.

>> No.8983186


>> No.8983206

woah there
i'm a beast on female enthusiast and i find nigger porn in any form disgusting
no need to lump us in with kikes

>> No.8983229

until they're filled with STDs and they have high mileage and no longer wanted to be in the same room with because of how stinky thier pussies are. You are absolutly right, they look for naive 18 year olds to take advantage of, its pretty sick if you take a step back but you know all the agents are part of the (((tribe))) so they dont give a fuck about these young girls

>> No.8983234

>white feminist are racist Nazi's that piggyback on POC struggles

Well damn the twitters were right

>> No.8983244

kek, that's a jew too
Ding-ding-ding. The odds of being a porn whore and being happy and mentally stable are extremely low. The "industry" takes advantage of the weakest and most vulnerable, no matter how much the media tries to prop it up as the best thing ever and brainwash the plebeians.

>> No.8983279

1) they don't make millions
2) all it says about you is that you're a sheep unable to make millions without degrading yourself
friendly reminder you're on a board where (some) asocial neets have turned millionaires solely thanks to internet meme money and above average technical savviness

>> No.8983340


I can not even fathom how some of you truly believe that
>muh feels
is more important than ACTUAL MONEY.

You fucking babies holy shit is this 4chan or fucking tumblr jesus christ.
Think about it, emotions/feelings are FUCKING FAKE.
Money is real. Dignity? Respect? These are fucking chemicals in your brain that you *think* are real.
Arbitrary words to describe something that you think makes you better than other people

You know what makes you better than other people?

>> No.8983354

If the faggot was a girl he'd be in the same situation as the naive idiots that get suckered in to the "muh millions a year to fuck" scam. He would be mentally and physically abused for pennies a year. In comparison, any attractive woman would be smarter to latch onto a man with ambition instead, then there's less work involved and they'll have a sane livelihood and a bond with someone.

>> No.8983379

Again, you're a simple-minded pea brain, most rational human beings prize sanity and peace over wealth. Plenty of working-rich commit suicide.

>> No.8983394
File: 32 KB, 372x405, 1515714976782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White women needing help from her white man but the black man is going to have his way with her

>> No.8983399


>> No.8983430

>you're a simple-minded pea brain

it actually fucking kills me that you can't see that it is YOU who is simple minded
You genuinely can't detach yourself from "emotions" or societies ideologies.

Take a step back from it all. The media, society in general.
At the end of the day it comes down to one thing and one thing only.
Do you have the means to survive?
If yes, Do you have the means to survive in a better way?

Nothing else matters. Quit being a fucking sheep, a single cog in a machine. You are nothing as long as you behave the way you do.
You are the one who doesn't understand the bigger picture. You are still too caught up on intangible things.

>> No.8983463

Nigger go back to Africa.

>> No.8983473

You don't need millions to survive you retard, you do need to have the mental stability to reproduce before you die though. You're hunger for cocks is only bested by your hunger for cotton fiat notes.

>> No.8983622
File: 10 KB, 258x195, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yesss goy.. dignity honor and respect are just chemicals.... now go back to jacking off to BLACKED porn 5 times a day and numbing yourself and sell your children to the porn industry!

Fuck off Jew, day of the rope soon

>> No.8983767

0.007, I live in Rio de Janeiro! yesterday I spend 0.007 to enslave a white woman!

>> No.8983795

You really are dense, aren't you? Wouldn't be surprised if you were incel and rage post on reddit whenever some normie flips your top.
Unless you're a roastie herself who fell for the kneepad meme.

>> No.8983802

but she is a wagecuck. someone still writes her checks.

>> No.8983831

>has white baby
god speed you cuck who married an interracial porn star, god speed