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File: 43 KB, 710x350, ft-roger-ver-bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8982177 No.8982177 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Bitcoin Cash is the REAL Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Coreयहथा was compromised by kike jews blockstream faggot.

Dump BTC and buy BCH NOW!

>> No.8982202
File: 52 KB, 442x500, 1523249671806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this copy right here, called copy is the original now

>> No.8982206
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Bitcoin GAS
cant wait for these blockstream kikes to burn

>> No.8982213

Totally agree!

>> No.8982224

Except that's wrong you faggot.
Both CASH and CORE aren't the original BTC.
Cash is closer to it, though.

>> No.8982238
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>i'm fucking retarded

>> No.8982763

I think the focus should be on btc being a piece of shit. Not necessarily bch being supposedly good

>> No.8982797
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> bitcoin cash is a copy

>> No.8982850

>I bought in December and I don't know what I'm talking about, but BTC is the best because that's the coin I own

>> No.8982870
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>> No.8982884
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>> No.8982906
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>bcesh is reel bicoim

>> No.8982931

*shilling intensifies* It's painful watching the growing desperation of cashies trying to dump their heavy bags.

>> No.8983067

What happens to Bcash once core increases block size? Block sizes will increase in core, wiping out Bcash's reason for existence. Roger Ver is an emotional babby who loses his mind whenever things don't go his way. Don't listen to him.

>> No.8983132

They're screwed either way. Increase block size - admitting that Lightning Network is a piece of shit, or stay a piece of shit forever. Cashies can't lose.

>> No.8983349
File: 179 KB, 575x602, 1524085602256 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockstream have a tight hold on bitcoin if you want freedom accept Cash as the real savior

>> No.8983371

shitcoin is still shitcoin, no matter how much some millionaires try to pump it up

>> No.8983422

blockstream owns bitcoin
miners own bcash
so neither is free

>> No.8983452

You have no idea what you're up against

>> No.8983453


miners are chads who get paid for securing the network. How do they "own" the network? They can't steal your money.

>> No.8983470


Core can't increase blocksize without miners running the new software. They already alienated all the miners and made them cashies, so why would the miners now help corecucks remain competitive?

Cashies can't lose.

>> No.8983486

>Increase block size - admitting that Lightning Network is a piece of shit,
If people use LN a lot, the block size will have to be increased anyway. Even if it takes 20k transactions/block to do it.
To be fair though, neither coin has problems with long confirmation times, aside from peak times.

>> No.8983551

>miners own bcash
So... exactly like bitcoin pre-segwit?
Glad we both understand that BCH is in fact BTC.

>> No.8983620

Good luck with that. Even if by some miracle they did, shitcoincore still has Segwit which is basically super AIDs.

>> No.8983645
File: 404 KB, 500x213, Trustless Network.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miners own bcash

There is a reason for that.

>> No.8983704

Nobody will ever seriously use Lightning Network. Routing still doesn't work, and the only people "using" lightning network are people who set up direct channels to somebody for testing or magic upvotes. At the same time it literally can take hundreds of LN transactions (without fees) to make up the difference from BCH, despite all the horrible technicalities.

>> No.8983759

>still thinks that bch is the real bitcoin
>doesn't know why btx is pumping
>doesn't know about BTXM

>> No.8983768

Craig Wright has already developed the technology to create paper Bitcoin cash that can be used in trade. If you don't think that gives him an incredible advantage over blockstream then you are retarded.

>> No.8983790
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>> No.8983904

> Segwit which is basically super AIDs
how do you propose to fix the malleability problem? zander's tardtastical flextrans which has no explanation anywhere except a shitcoin-tier smiley/frowny-face comparison list?

>> No.8984010

Segwit only solves malleability for Segwit transactions not Bitcoin Core.

>> No.8984043


>> No.8984045

so? thats like saying bip16 only allows scripts to be used in p2sh transactions not bitcoin core

>> No.8984103

It means the problem is fundamentally unsolved. Segwit is an unsecured workaround.

>> No.8984172

no it doesnt, in any way. the problem is solved; bitcoin transactions using the segwit tx type are no longer txid-malleable.

>> No.8984175

Look at the pinned tweet, a few weeks ago he had posted an image with 50 BCH embedded in an open transaction if you could find it. This is also discussed in publications on nchain.

>> No.8984207

craig wright is a cryptobabbling scam artist

>> No.8984300

nice, this is more credible than him claiming you know what

>> No.8984549

Spoonfeed me pls since I can't access twitter.

>> No.8984564
File: 519 KB, 600x400, bcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repeating a lie doesn't make it true, it just makes you sound more desperate

>> No.8984700

>Using conspiracy theories that could come straight from Hitler
We all know Where this is going

>> No.8984705

Other than having four times the block size (assuming changing to weight based measurement gives a 2x) how does bch process more transactions than bitcoin (core in this case)?
Right now, all it has going for it is less people using it, and filling blocks.

>> No.8984729

With larger blocks?

>> No.8984737


Unless these lines are about to touch again, I'd recommend never touching the literal cancer that is BCH.

>> No.8984856

I said other than four times the block size.
Is bitcoin cash going to have another hard fork when it has a 10x increase in users? I would expect that, but that'll be a massive kick in the dick.

>> No.8984870

As I said, even larger blocks.

>> No.8984880

I don't see why it wouldn't up block size to accommodate users. Although I think the long term plan is to have adaptive block sizes.

>> No.8984908

What do you see triggering this? Has everyone agreed on what the criteria are for changing blocksize again?
>Although I think the long term plan is to have adaptive block sizes.
Why? If the block limit is 50MB, And it's not full, it won't be that size anyway.
Some kind of attempt to stop persistent spam?

>> No.8984948

>Some kind of attempt to stop persistent spam?
Transactions aren't spam, even if for some reason that's what someone is attempting to do. Adaptive blocks just prevent needing to HF every so often, although for the next few years BCH will probably be HF quite a bit anyway.

>> No.8984979
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I'm feeling kinda Verified'.

>> No.8985002
File: 59 KB, 565x720, africa bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, no matter how hard >>8982202 >>8982238 >>8982870 >>8982884 is trying with his le funny meme images