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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 732 KB, 1440x960, milocoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8979759 No.8979759 [Reply] [Original]

Hello new /biz/ members, and some fellow old fags. Let me tell You a story about one of the hundreds /biz/ board shilled memes which was obvious scam, but again people fell for it to some extend.

I write this to :
1- protect new people in crypto from some of the pajeets out here infiltrating this board
2- this is a good example of how i learned my first steps in crypto, and most important rule DYOR and think of yourself

Alright so in March 2017, I found some memecoin here on /biz/ about some raging fag which was basically related to 4chan in some extend, and decided to give it a go with small amount of money just for the kek.

Every thread about it had 100+ replies, original memes, everything looked legit at the time, "devs" were active in threads and on ANN of the coin. Wallet was working etc.

Couple of weeks later, I realized many of the answers in the threads were from the same group of inviduals. First group was some retards like myself to actually invest money in such a garbage and second group was some pajeets hyping each other.

Exited this scam with around 38K Milocoins, and what happened after I market-sell my coins? Coin dumped X4 in like 2days after. I was lucky to not lose the money, but I guess couple of people got burned. I even wrote about it in the next threads that this is shitcoin and people should exit, but they were calling me FUD-er etc.

Now before any of you put money in something shilled here DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
That means write down the name of the coin, go to marketcap, find the coin, open as many sources that You can possibly can about the coin and research it for at least 10 hours.

If you don't do that, and just follow the memes, you are just falling for some pajeet, that is getting paid to do so here, and in many other places on the web.

Hope this helps.

>> No.8979844
File: 9 KB, 221x250, hurrhurrrhaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr hurr ahahah my verge will replace bitcoin hurrhurr

>> No.8980108
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>> No.8980127

get this fag cucklord off our board, didn't even read your post btw

>> No.8980138

Tldr: buy link

>> No.8980140
File: 34 KB, 629x626, 1505177336574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought MiloCoin

Even worse than TrumpCoin

>> No.8980185
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T-hanks OP
Me am waiting for me turn to be exited on
Me incapable retard, dyor out of question.
Posts like yours help me watch out!!

>> No.8980313


I am not Milo. I am not a degenerate faggot monkey sucker and political parasite.

>> No.8980322

sauce ?

>> No.8980345

>buying a coin based on some /pol/ meme literal faggot
I'd like to apologize to everyone I have ever accused of hating money, it is OP who truly despises it.

>> No.8980374

holy shit who would fall for a coin called the milocoin? the fuck? op confirmed brainlet

what was the purpose of the coin? getting blow jobs from milo for each 20 milos bought? the fuck?

go buy chainlink you pajeet

>> No.8980392

I just used the popular meme from ANN thread and it was being copied here. The actual idea of this shitcoin was kinda good, I didn't lose any money on it, and it's just my reflection on what's going on on this board on daily basis.

>> No.8980427

this guy gets it

>> No.8980504
File: 1.10 MB, 200x200, 1513529712963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no no i like to shill my meme coins and i gonna spend my mom money for it fuck y bitch
>gruu buy link gruuu it gonna replace bitcoin gruu