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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8976345 No.8976345 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.8976357
File: 554 KB, 967x954, SUICIDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976372

It has always been 660 million bozo

>> No.8976381

Isnt this the coin that wrecks random wallets to lower the supply?

>> No.8976397

Grants are paid in REQ, from the $30 million fund!.

+ the liquidity fund for burning.

God this stupid FUD

>> No.8976402

click the links you goddamn retard

>> No.8976434

>randomly deletes itself
>supply still increases

>> No.8976445

> the liquidity fund for burning

>> No.8976459
File: 407 KB, 943x635, reqexplained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976463

The tokens burned on kyber are part fo the initial request fund created for early stage liquidity.

>> No.8976466

holy shit
this samefag is obsessed with bashing REQ nonstop here

get a hobby bro

>> No.8976488

>people think this is bearish
this is as brainlet filter as the burn fud

>> No.8976510

Fuck...no...you were right. This can't be happening. The supply is going to continue to go up. The supply has gone up 20 million in 3 months but only a measly 250 tokens have been burnt. Why the fuck did I buy this piece of shit scam.

>> No.8976515

>thinking cmc has perfect information on circulating supply

doesn't change fudder
the total supply which is the number you should be using anyway haven't change.

>> No.8976541


>> No.8976551

Why would they burn tokens that are supposed to be used for early stage liquidity and what does that have to do with the supply still increasing? Are you just saying nonsene?

>> No.8976639


>> No.8976659

Explain to me again why we need a paypal of the future that doesn't happen to be paypal?

Explain to me again what exactly they have to show for themselves up to this point?

Explain to me again why their whitepaper isn't a simplified joke?

God you REQtards are delusional. REQ is literally doing nothing new compared to their competition they are just market it a certain way with buzz words like paypal.

SPOILER ALERT: If something is the future of something (a copy with tweaks) then its going to be nothing and it's most likely a scam to get simpletons to kind of understand what they are saying. Simpletons needs something that is familiar to them in order to start to grasp something.

>> No.8976722

being this fucking deep into the delusion of your bags

CMC pulls that data from team wallets. Clearly they've been selling off or transferring to a partner

>> No.8976745
File: 134 KB, 1000x571, 1522956700274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976798

I'm beginning to think I should have bought FUN instead.

>> No.8976908

Nobody is going to explain why you're totally wrong, douche. Lol like I always say, I await your post crying when req is 5 bucks